Reference Information Papers (RIP), compiled by staff archivists, are thematic finding aids aiming to guide researchers to all the relevant archival materials at OSA that relate to a certain topic. RIPs are cross-sectional digests of OSA’s holdings and typically cover several countries. Issues of the RIP series are published irregularly, and always reflect the status quo of the holdings. The catalogue entries indicate the exact fonds reference, date span, approximate quantity, and, occasionally, medium of the records.
Reports produced by researchers on their findings in OSA and other related documents.
- András Mink: A forradalom tanúi az ENSZ-ben. [Witnesses of the Revolution at UN hearings.] In: Tanúságtevők az ENSZ előtt - 1957. Szerk., bev. Mink András. Bp., Nagy Imre Alapítvány, 2010. pp. 9-30.
- Charles Kecskeméti - Iván Székely: Dostup do arkhiviv. Putivnyk dlia implementatsii Rekomendatsii No. R (2000) 13 shchodo Evropeis'koi polityki dostupu do arkhiviv. Rada Evropy, Departament kul'tury ta kul’turnoi spadshchyny. Kharkiv, Prava Liudyny, 2010.
- Kathryn Máthé, Branislav Kovacevic: Electronic archiving in the institutional context. SNAP – case study. In: Tehnicni in usebinski problemi klasicnega in elektronskega arhiviranja. Maribor, Pokrajinski Arhiv Maribor, 2010. pp. 421-432.
- A moszkvai levelezés 1956-58. Lapok Hegedüs András volt miniszterelnök hagyatékából. [The Moscow correspondence 1956-58 : Letters from personal papers of András Hegedüs, former Hungarian prime minister.] In Hungarian, PDF
Jegyzetek, életrajzok: Révész Béla. Vál., szerk. Tamási Miklós. Bp., Stencil, 2010. 320 p.- István Rév: The Man in the White Raincoat: Betrayal and the Historian's Task. In: Traitors: Suspicion, Intimacy, and the Ethics of State-Building. (Ed. by Sharika Thiranagama and Tobias Kelly.) Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010.
- Oksana Sarkisova - Olga Shevchenko: Between Elias and Foucault: Discipline, Photography, and the Soviet Childhood. In: Social Psychology Quarterly. Vol. 73. (2010), pp. 1-4.
- Iván Székely: Freedom of Information versus Privacy: Friends or Foes? In: Gutwirth, S. et al (eds.): Reinventing Data Protection? Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2009. pp. 293-316.
- Ivan Székely: On the political awareness of Open Access policy within the European framework. [Presentation held at the Croatian State Archive, Zagreb, on June 17, 2008. Organised on behalf of the Croatian State Archive and the Nationaal Archief in the Netherlands.] Published on CD-ROM, Croatian Archives in European perspectives, The Hague, National Archief, 2009.
- Csaba Szilágyi: Bátor tinédzserek avagy “Vadászkutyára nem kell fék”. In Hungarian, RTF / PDF
On Teenager Party, the Hungarian music on request program of Radio Free Europe. Hamu és gyémánt, 2009.- István Rév: Ethics and the Limit of History Writing. In: Memory, Humanity, and Meaning. Essays in Honor of Andrei Pleşu's Sixtieth Anniversary. (Ed. by Mihail Neamtu and Bogdan Tataru-Cazaban.) Zeta Books, Bucharest, 2009. pp. 475-494.
- István Rév (et al.): Emerging Trends in Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities in Europe. The Metris Report. A report by an expert group set up by the European Commission. PDF Brussels, The European Commission, 2009.
- István Rév: Remembering the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. In: Europe 70 Years After the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. [Conference in the European Parliament in Brussels, October 14, 2009.] Vilnius, Magri Rastai, 2009.
- Gabriella Ivacs: Open Access and the issues of electronic records. [Presentation held at the Croatian State Archive, Zagreb, on June 17, 2008. Organised on behalf of the Croatian State Archive and the Nationaal Archief in the Netherlands.] Published on CD-ROM, Croatian Archives in European perspectives, The Hague, National Archief, 2009.
- Gabriella Ivacs: Reconnecting the Past. The Role of Digitization in Archives. In: Guardians of Memory. Essays in Remembrance of Hella Jean Bartolo Winston. Edited by Charles J. Farrugia. Malta, National Archives, 2008. pp. 405-412.
- István Rév: The Man in the White Raincoat. In: Past for the Eyes. East European Representations of Communism in Cinema and Museums after 1989. Edited by Oksana Sarkisova and Péter Apor. Budapest, New York, Central European University Press, 2008. pp. 3-56.
- Oksana Sarkisova: Long Farewells. The Anatomy of the Soviet past in Contemporary Russian Cinema. In: Past for the Eyes. East European Representations of Communism in Cinema and Museums after 1989. Edited by Oksana Sarkisova and Péter Apor. Budapest, New York, Central European University Press, 2008. pp. 143-180.
- Oksana Sarkisova - Olga Shevchenko: Sovetskoe proshloe v liubitel'skoi fotografii: rabota pamiati i zabveniia. [Soviet Past in Amateur Photography: the Work of Memory and Forgetting.] In: Otechestvennye Zapiski. Tom. 43. (2008), pp. 205-217.
- András Mink: The Revisions of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. In: Past in the Making. Historical Revisionism in Central Europe after 1989. Edited by Michael Kopecek. Budapest, New York, Central European University Press, 2008. pp 169-178.
- András Mink: The Right to Be Heard. The Nagy Imre Trial from a Perspective of 50 Years. In: The Hungarian Quarterly, Vol. 49. (Autumn 2008), No. 191. pp. 51-67.
- István Rév: The Terror of the House. In: (Re)visualizing National History. Museums and National Identities in Europe in the new Millennium. Edited by Robin Ostow. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2008. (German and European Studies). pp. 47-89.
- Rév István: Konkrétum. In: Élet és irodalom, Vol. 52. (2008. május 30.) No. 22.;19879- Rév István: Mivégre az archívum? In: Élet és irodalom, Vol. 52. (2008. jún. 13.) No. 24.;19988- Székely Iván – Szabó Máté Dániel (eds.): Szabad adatok, védett adatok 2. [Open data, protected data 2.] Információs Társadalomért Alapítvány [Foundation for Information Society], Budapest, August 2008. 386 p.
- Székely Iván: Az elektronikus adatállományok közép- és hosszú távú archiválása [Middle and long-term archiving of electronic data files] In: B. Dömölki et al: Égen-földön informatika – az információs társadalom technológiai távlatai. [Informatics in Heaven and Earth – Information Society Technology Perspectives]. Budapest, Typotex, 2008. pp. 461–483.
- Olga Zaslavskaya: From Dispersed to Distributed Archives : the Past and the Present of Samizdat Material. In: Poetics Today, Vol. 29. (2008), No. 4. pp. 669-712.
- Iván Székely: Central and Eastern Europe: Starting from Scratch. PDF In: A. Florini (ed.): The Right to Know. Transparency for an Open World. New York, Columbia University Press, 2007. pp. 116-142.
- Charles Kecskemeti – Iván Székely: L’accés aux archives. Manuel pour la mise en œuvre de la Recommandation n° R (2000) 13 sur une politique eur (With Charles Kecskemeti.). Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing, 2007.
- Charles Kecskemeti – Iván Székely: Accesul la Arhive. Manual de linii directoare pentru implementarea Recomandării Nr. R (2000) 13 privind o politică europeană asupra accesului la arhive. Departamentul de Cultură şi Patrimoniu, Editura Consiliului Europei. Arhivele Nationale Romăniei [National Archives of Romania] Revista Arhivelor [Archives Review] LXXXIV (2007), Suppliment.
- András Mink: Kollektsiia interviu s vengerskimi bezhentsami 1956 goda v arkhive Otkrytoe obschestvo, Budapesht. [Hungarian refugee interviews from 1956 in the Open Society Archives.] In: Klio, Vol. 38. (2007), No. 3. pp. 27-32.
- András Mink: Kádár's Shadow. In: The Hungarian Quarterly, Vol. 48. (Autumn 2007), No. 187. Székely Iván: A négy archívumi világkép. [The Four Archival Paradigms.] In: Információs Társadalom, Vol. 7. (2007), No. 3. pp. 15–46.
- Székely Iván: Elektronikus kampánylevél-archívum: a hálózatelemzés lehetőségei. [The archives of electronic campaign letters: Possibilities in network analysis.] In: J. Róka (ed.): Academia Budapestiensis Communicationis et Negotii, Annales, Tomus I. Budapest, BKF, 2007. pp. 307–316.
- Székely Iván: Elektronikus kampánylevél-archívum: a hálózatelemzés lehetőségei. [The archives of electronic campaign letters : Possibilities in network analysis.] In: J. Róka (ed.): Academia Budapestiensis Communicationis et Negotii, Annales, Tomus I. Budapest, BKF, 2007. pp. 307–316.
- Sergey Glushakov: Public Email Archive. In: Atlanti. Review for modern archival theory and practice. Trieste, Vol. 17. (2007), No. 1-2. pp. 179-187.
- Olga Zaslavskaya: Uchreditel'naia konferentsiia mezhdunarodnoi Assotsiatsii issledovatelei Samizdata. [Founding conference of International Samizdat Research Association.] In: Rossiiskie i slaviansie issledovaniia. Nauchnyi sbornik. Vyp. 2. Minsk, BGU, 2007. pp. 251-253.
- Olga Zaslavskaya: Geschichte und Zukunft der Samisdat-Archive: Zwischen nationaler Verantwortung und internationaler Kooperation. [The history and future of Samisdat Archives: Between responsibility and international cooperation.] In: Samisdat in Mitteleuropa: Prozess – Archiv – Erinnerung. Hrsg. von Matthias Buchholz et al. Dresden, Thelem, 2007. (Mitteleuropa aktuell, Bd. 1) pp. 111-123.
- István Rév: Giustizia retroattiva: Preistoria del postcomunismo. Milano, Feltrinelli, 2007. 346 p.
- István Rév: Instant Access to Open Archives. In: A folyóirat-kultúra az elektronikus kor szemszögéből. [The Culture of Electronic Age.] (Szerk. Gács Anna.) Budapest, L'Harmattan, 2007.
- Oksana Sarkisova: Across One Sixth of the World: Dziga Vertov, Travel Cinema, and Soviet Patriotism. In: October. Vol. 121. (Summer 2007), pp. 19-40.
- Székely Iván: Információszabadság vagy információ nélküli szabadság? Magyarország helye a közép- és kelet-európai régióban. [Freedom of information or freedom without information? The place of Hungary in the Central and Eastern European region.] In: A. Péterfalvi (ed.): Tíz éves az Adatvédelmi Biztos Irodája – Ten years of DP&FOI Commissioner's Office. [Bilingual edition] Budapest, The Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, 2006.
- István Rév: Ein Monument des Faschismus. In: Aufbau. Der jüdische Monatsmagazin. Vol. 71. (July-August 2006), No. 7-8. pp. 14-21.
- István Rév: "In Mendacio Veritas - In Lies There Lies the Truth". In: After History. (Ed. Martin Prochazka.) Praha, Litteraria Pragensia, 2006.
- István Rév: Retroactive justice : prehistory of post-communism. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2005. 340 p. (Cultural memory in the present)
- Székely Iván: Átláthatóság és információszabadság Közép- és Kelet-Európában. [Transparency and access to information in Central and Eastern Europe] In: I. Székely – M. D. Szabó (eds.): Szabad adatok, védett adatok. Budapest, BME GTK Információ- és Tudásmenedzsment Tanszék, 2005.
- Székely Iván: Tézisszerűen az adatvédelem és az információszabadság viszonyáról. [Theses on the interrelation of data protection and freedom of information.] In: L. Majtényi et al. (eds.): Az elektronikus információszabadság. Budapest, Eötvös Károly Policy Institute, 2005.
- Olga Zaslavskaya: Arkhiv Otkrytoe obshchestvo. [Open Society Archives.] In: Otechestvennye arkhivy, 2005. No. 5. pp. 80-84.
- Charles Kecskemeti – Iván Székely: Access to archives. A handbook of guidelines for implementation of Recommendation No. R (2000) 13 on a European policy on access to archives. Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing, 2005. 103 p.
- András Mink: The defendant: the state : the story of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee. (Transl. by Ervin Dunay and Péter Bognár.) Budapest, Hungarian Helsinki Committee, 2005. 280 p. [In Hungarian: Alperes: Az állam - A Magyar Helsinki Bizottság története.]
- Oksana Sarkisova: Cine-intellectuals or cine-proletariat? Ideological Allegiances and Professional Identities in early Soviet Cinema. In: Words, Deeds and Values: the Intelligentsias in Russia and Poland during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Edited by Fiona Björling and Alexander Pereswetoff-Morath. Lund: Lund University, 2005. pp. 253-268.
- Gabriella Ivacs: An Appendage to the History of Democracies in Transition: A Preliminary Appraisal of the Records of Soros Foundation Hungary. HTML / RTF In: Comma, 2004. No. 3-4. pp. 83-92.
- Rév István: Auschwitz 1945-1989 (rekonstrukció). In: Élet és irodalom, Vol. 53. (2004. május 7.) No. 19.;7506
- Istvan Rév: Just Noise. HTML | PDF
A lecture given at a conference on The Impact of Cold War Broadcasting organized in October 2004 by the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. The conference was held in conjunction with the exhibit Voices of Hope: The Story of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.- Oksana Sarkisova: International Loyalties: A/Olexander Dovzhenko’s Films in the Context of the Nationality Policy in Soviet Ukraine in the 1920s. In: Prague Perspectives (I). History of East Central Europe and Russia. Edited by Peter Roubal and Vaclav Veber. Prague, 2004. pp. 237-254.
- István Rév: The Suggestion. PDF In: Representations. Vol. 80. (November 2002), No. 1. pp. 62–98.
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