Research Information Paper 9


Human Rights




The preservation of archival material related to human rights violations serves a far more important purpose than the mere storage of information for scientific purposes. Education and scholarly research are, no doubt, means by which serious breaches of basic human rights, and the factors generating them, can be examined and possibly understood. But just as vital, if not more so, is the question of accountability: the need for those who commit such acts to be held responsible for what they did. The international courts, truth and reconciliation commissions and other similar organizations base their work on evidence and on well-kept and available documentation. It would be an inexcusably generous gesture towards perpetrators to let this evidence sink into oblivion.

Understanding the “archival imperative” to preserve human rights records, OSA extended its initial mission in order to enhance awareness, documentation and education about ethnic conflicts, war crimes, genocide and identity restoration. In line with its acquisition policy, OSA works in close cooperation with various human rights organizations, NGOs and individuals to identify and acquire collections whose preservation is of the utmost importance. Furthermore, OSA envisages becoming a major regional influence on the formulation of information policies with respect to freedom of expression and rights to information.

Accordingly, OSA’s holdings have more than doubled since the year of its foundation, and now embrace materials relating to human rights movements and issues, informational rights and various contemporary policy issues, to which the meticulously compiled thematic finding aid on the following pages is intended to give guidance. Nevertheless, materials dealing with related or overlapping topics such as freedom of religion, environmental rights and protection, censored and banned artists, Roma issues, forced labor, minority rights, etc. have not been included here, since they either figure in previous issues of our Reference Information Papers (RIP) series or are likely topics for forthcoming ones. [For more information on the Reference Information Papers see www.osa.ceu.hu/publications]

OSA holds further collections, which for various reasons (involving processing status and the establishment of terms of access and restriction) do not yet figure on its fonds list. Of primary importance are the records pertaining to the Bosnia Project of the Physicians for Human Rights, a Boston-based human rights organization that conducted mass grave exhumations in Bosnia between 1996 and 1999 and deposited the accumulated documentation (forensic reports, memos, correspondence and photographs totaling 13 linear meters) with us. A very recent acquisition is the collection of the journalist David Rohde, who conducted on-site investigations in the Srebrenica area and was the first to report on the massacre in a series of articles that brought him the Pulitzer Prize in 1996. The background materials he gathered include mission files, notebooks, testimonies, correspondence and also audiovisual material.

Finally, a few words about accruals and projects for the near future. The International Monitor Institute, whose mission was to identify and acquire (audio) visual “evidence of human rights violations and the circumstances that produce them”, is closing down its Archives and decided to donate its immense video-collection (more than 3,000 items) to OSA. Later on this fall, in cooperation with the Martus Project of the Benetech Initiative, OSA will set up and operate a server for hosting encrypted information prepared and sent by human rights organizations working in dangerous environment under difficult conditions.




HU OSA 103 Records of the Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute (COLPI)

1993-1998, approx. 8.00 lm (unprocessed)


Includes administrative files, publications and several issues of the East European Constitutional Review.


HU OSA 205 Records of the Open Media Research Institute

HU OSA 205-3 Records of the Research and Analysis Department

HU OSA 205-3-30 Subject Files of Dan Ionescu


·          Constitution, 1990-1994, 0.12 lm

·          Emigration, 1985-1996, 0.30 lm

·          Human Rights, 1990-1996, 0.07 lm

·          Law and Justice: Abrogation of Laws and Decrees, 1989-1990, 0.02 lm

·          Law and Justice: Political Prisoners, 1989-1994, 0.02 lm

·          State: Citizenship; Repatriation, 1989-1993, 0.02 lm


HU OSA 205-5 Records of the Information Resource Department

HU OSA 205-5-120 Bulgarian Subject Files


·          Politics: Citizenship, 1966-1996, 0.03 lm

·          Politics: Constitution, 1991-1996, 0.12 lm

·          Politics: Constitutional Court, 1991-1996, 0.06 lm

·          Politics: Strikes, 1958-1997, 0.21 lm

·          Politics: Strikes: Hunger Strikes, 1989-1994, 0.06 lm

·          Security: Prisons: [General], 1950-1996, 0.12 lm

·          Security: Prisons: Victims, 1984-1990, 0.03 lm

·          Social Issues: Exile, 1989-1996, 0.06 lm

·          Social Issues: Refugees, 1981-1996, 0.21 lm


HU OSA 205-5-131 Czech Subject Files


·          Politics: Constitution, 1993-1994, 0.03 lm

·          Politics: Human Rights, 1993-1997, 0.03 lm


205-5-133 Slovak Subject Files


·          Politics: Human Rights, 1993-1997, 0.03 lm


HU OSA 205-5-140 Hungarian Subject Files


·          Alkotmány [Constitution], 1989-1994, 0.05 lm

·          Alkotmány: SR [Constitution: Situation Report], 1969-1990, 0.02 lm

·          Alkotmánybíróság [Constitutional Court], 1989-1993, 0.05 lm

·          Alkotmánybíróság: SR [Constitutional Court: Situation Report], 1989-1992, 0.02 lm

·          Belpolitika: Emberi jogok [Internal Affairs: Human Rights], 1989-1993, 0.10 lm

·          Belpolitika: Emberi jogok: SR [Internal Affairs: Human Rights: Situation Report], 1976-1994, 0.05 lm

·          Belpolitika: Emberi jogok: Charta 77 [Internal Affairs: Human Rights: Charter 77], 1987-1994, 0.05 lm

·          Belpolitika: Emberi jogok: Charta 77: SR [Internal Affairs: Human Rights: Charter 77: Situation Report], 1979-1989, 0.02 lm

·          ENSZ [UNO]: 1987-1993, 0.12 lm

·          ENSZ: SR [UNO: Situation Report], 1984-1993, 0.02 lm

·          EBESZ [OSCE], 1989-1994, 0.10 lm

·          EBESZ: SR [OSCE: Situation Report], 1987-1993, 0.02 lm

·          Menekültügy [Refugees], 1990-1994, 0.12 lm

·          Menekültügy: SR [Refugees: Situation Report], 1988-1994, 0.02 lm


HU OSA 205-5-160 Romanian Subject Files


·          Politics: Citizenship, 1991-1995, 0.05lm

·          Politics: Human Rights: General, 1989-1994, 0.12 lm

·          Politics: Human Rights: LADO [Liga pentru Apărarea Drepturilor Omului: League for the Defense of Human Rights], 1994-1996, 0.02 lm

·          Politics: International Organizations: CSCE, 1991-1994, 0.12 lm

·          Politics: International Organizations: United Nations, 1991-1996, 0.07 lm

·          Social Issues: Refugees: General, 1986-1996, 0.30 lm

·          Social Issues: Refugees: Exiles, 1986-1996, 0.25 lm


HU OSA 205-5-200 Subject Files form RFE/RL


·          Human Rights in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union: Права человека в странах бывшего СССР, 1993-1994, 0.24 lm


HU OSA 205-5-201 The Former Soviet Union Archives (Subject Files)


·          CAA: CIS: Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Армяно-азербайджанский конфликт, 1993-1994, 0.07 lm

·          CAA: CIS: Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Вокруг Нагорного Карабаха [Around Nagornyi Karabakh], 1992-1994, 0.15 lm

·          CAA: CIS: Ukraine: Голодовки, забастовки, митинги [Hunger Strikes, Strikes, Rallies], 1990-1992, 0.06 lm

·          Law and Justice: Codification: Закон Об обжаловании в суд действий и решений, нарушающих права и свободы граждан [Law on Appeal Against Actions and Decisions Violating Human Rights and Freedoms], 1987, 0.03 lm

·          Law and Justice: Crime: Terrorism: Политические убийства (в т.ч. покушения) [Political Murders (Including Attempt)], 1994, 0.09 lm

·          Law and Justice: Emigration: Эмиграция, 1990-1994, 0.06 lm

·          Law and Justice: Human Rights: Гуманитарные вопросы (жертвы войны): [Humanitarian Problems (Victims of War)], 1993-1994, 0.02 lm

·          Law and Justice: Human Rights, 1991-1994, 0.06 lm

·          Law and Justice: Human Rights: Контроль за личностью [Control over Individuals], 1995, 0.03 lm

·          Law and Justice: Human Rights: Нарушения прав человека [Human Rights Violations], 1992-1994, 0.03 lm

·          Law and Justice: Human Rights: Политическая слежка [Political Surveillance], 1993-1994, 0.03 lm

·          Law and Justice: Human Rights: Правозащитное движение: прошлое и настоящее [Human Rights Movement: Past and Present], 1991-1995, 0.03 lm

·          Law and Justice: Human Rights: Проблемы въезда и выезда [Problems of Entry and Exit], 1991-1993, 0.03 lm

·          Law and Justice: Human Rights: Прописка [Residence Permit], 1989-1992, 0.03 lm

·          Law and Justice: Human Rights: Уполномоченный по правам человека РФ [Human Rights Commissioner of the Russian Federation], 1994, 0.03 lm

·          Law and Justice: Human Rights: Диссиденты в СССР [Dissidents in the USSR], 1989-1994, 0.12 lm

·          Law and Justice Human Rights Диссиденты за рубежом [Dissidents Abroad], 1990-1994, 0.18 lm

·          Law and Justice Human Rights Диссиденты: освобождение [Dissidents: Discharge], 1987-1990, 0.03 lm

·          Law and Justice: Human Rights: Психиатрия [Psychiatry], 1991-1994, 0.03 lm

·          Law and Justice: Human Rights: Издания без властей-Самиздат [Samizdat], 1991-1994, 0.03 lm

·          Law and Justice: Penology: Prisons and Camps, 1991-1995, 0.06 lm

·          Law and Justice: Penology: Prisons and Camps: ГУЛАГ [GULAG], 1991-1994, 0.03 lm

·          Mass Media: Society, State and Mass Media: Закон о государственной поддержке средств массовой информации и книгоиздания [Law on State Support of Mass Media and Book Publishing], 1994-1995, 0.03 lm

·          Mass Media: Society, State and Mass Media: Политика, власть и пресса [Politics, Power, Press], 1994-1995, 0.06 lm

·          Mass Media: Society, State and Mass Media: Судебная палата по информационным спорам [Legal Court on Information Disputes], 1994-1995, 0.03 lm

·          Mass Media: Society, State and Mass Media: Третейский информационный суд [Arbitration Court on Information Disputes], 1993-1995, 0.03 lm

·          Mass Media: Society, State and Mass Media: Федеральная служба России по телевидению и радиовещанию [Russia's Federal Service for TV and Radio], 1993-1995, 0.03 lm

·          Mass Media: Society, State and Mass Media: Федеральный закон о телевидении и радиовещании [Federal Law on TV and Radio Broadcasting], 1994-1995, 0.03 lm

·          Mass Media: Society, State and Mass Media: Федеральный информационный центр [Federal Information Center], 1992-1994, 0.03 lm

·          Mass Media: Society, State and Mass Media: Федеральный наблюдательный совет [Federal Monitoring Council], 1993, 0.03 lm

·          Mass Media: Society, State and Mass Media: Freedom of Speech: Госинспекция по защите свободы печати и массовой информации [State Inspectorate for Protection of Press and Mass Media Freedom], 1993-1994, 0.06 lm

·          Mass Media: Society, State and Mass Media: Freedom of Speech: Фонд защиты гласности [Foundation for Glasnost' Protection], 1993-1995, 0.03 lm

·          Mass Media: Society, State and Mass Media: Freedom of Speech: Свобода слова, 1993-1995, 0.09 lm

·          Mass Media: Society, State and Mass Media: Цензура [Censorship], 1986-1994, 0.06 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Constitution: Всенародное голосование по проекту Конституции [General Voting on the Draft Constitution], 1993-1994, 0.03 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Constitution: Государственная палата Конституционного совещания [State Chamber of the Constitutional Assembly], 1993, 0.03 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Constitution: Конституционная комиссия. Румянцев, Олег [Constitutional Commission; Rumiantsev, Oleg], 1993, 0.03 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Constitution: Конституционное совещание [Constitutional Assembly], 1993, 0.03 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Constitution: Конституционное соглашение [Constitutional Agreement], 1993, 0.03 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Constitution: Конституция, 1992-1995, 0.09 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Constitution: Citizenship: Двойное гражданство [Dual Citizenship], 1994, 0.03 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Constitution: Constitutional Court: Закон О Конституционном суде: [Law on the Constitutional Court], 1994, 0.03 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Constitution: Constitutional Court: Конституционный суд, 1992-1995, 0.12 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Elections: Закон Об основных гарантиях избирательных прав граждан РФ [Law on Basic Provisions of Suffrage of Russian Federation Citizens], 1994, 0.03 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Government and Society: Demonstrations, Protests, 1992-1994, 0.09 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Government and Society: Demonstrations, Protests: Волнения, голодовки [Disturbances, Hunger Strikes], 1990-1995, 0.03 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Political Movements: Neo-Nazism and Fascism, 1992-1995, 0.09 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Political Parties and Blocks: Суд над КПСС [CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) Trial], 1990-1994, 0.06 lm

·          Politics, State, Government: Public Organizations and Movements: Некоммерческие oрганизации: [Nonprofit Organizations], 1993-1995, 0.03 lm

·          Regions: Чечня [Chechnya], 1993-1995, 0.27 lm

·          Regions: Чечня: война [Chechnya: War], 1995, 0.21 lm

·          Security: Federal Security Service: KGB, 1988-1995, 0.12 lm

·          Social: Demography (Including Living Standards and Migration) and Statistics: Беженцы [Refugees], 1994, 0.03 lm

·          Social: Demography (Including Living Standards and Migration) and Statistics: Миграция [Migration], 1977-1995, 0.15 lm

·          Social: Demography (Including Living Standards and Migration) and Statistics: Нелегальная иммиграция в Россию [Illegal Immigration to Russia], 1993-1994, 0.03 lm


HU OSA 205-5-205 Subject Files Created by WPS (What the Papers Say: Moscow News Agency)


·          Нарушения прав человека в местах заключения: Human Rights Violations in the Penal Institutions, 1995-1996, 0.45 lm

·          Национальная политика и политический экстремизм: National Policy and Political Extremism, 1995-1997, 0.36 lm

·          Права человека: Human Rights, 1996, 0.12 lm


HU OSA 300 Records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute

HU OSA 300-5 Analytic Research Department

HU OSA 300-5-20 Records of Analyst Vlad Socor: Subject Files


·          ARD (Romanian Democratic Action), 1985-1990, 0.05 lm

·          Botez, Mihai, 1979-1990, 0.05 lm

·          Botez-Celac, Mariana, 1987-1989, 0.02 lm

·          Braşov ’87, 1987-1991, 0.05 lm

·          Cornea, Doina, 1987-1989, 0.12 lm

·          CSCE: General, 1989, 0.02 lm

·          CSCE: Bern, 1986, 0.02 lm

·          CSCE: London, 1989, 0.02 lm

·          CSCE: Paris, 1989, 0.02 lm

·          CSCE: Sofia, 1989, 0.02 lm

·          CSCE: Vienna, 1987-1990, 0.12 lm

·          Disappearances; Suspicious Death Cases: A-Z, 1981-1989, 0.12 lm

·          Groups: A-Z, 1987-1990, 0.12 lm

·          Human Rights, 1984-1991, 0.2 lm

·          Hungarian Solidarity: Defectors, 1988-1989, 0.02 lm

·          Hungarian Solidarity: Refugees, 1987-1990, 0.12 lm

·          Intellectual Critics: 1983-1990, 0.10 lm

·          Literary Dissent, 1983-1991, 0.12 lm

·          Prisoners of Conscience, 1981-1990, 0.12 lm

·          Street Pressure, 1989-1991, 0.06 lm

·          Unaffiliated Protesters, 1983-1989, 0.06 lm

HU OSA 300-10 Balkan Section

HU OSA 300-10-1 Albanian Subject Files


·          Amnesty, 1984-1988, 0.02 lm

·          Kadare, Ismail, 1987-1989, 0.02 lm

·          Uprisings, 1988-1990, 0.02 lm


HU OSA 300-10-2 Yugoslav Subject Files I


·          Amnesty, 1962-1979, 0.02 lm

·          Amnesty International, 1973-1984, 0.02 lm

·          Arrests, 1971-1975, 0.02 lm

·          Arrests: Croatia, 1974-1978, 0.02 lm

·          Arrests: Hungary, 1978, 0.02 lm

·          Asylum, 1975-1979, 0.02 lm

·          BH [Bosnia-Herzegovina]: Constitution, 1971-1977, 0.02 lm

·          Censorship, 1967-1986, 0.20 lm

·          Constitution, 1964-1988, 2.00 lm

·          Constitution (Serbian), 1987, 0.05 lm

·          Constitutional Court, 1963-1985, 0.07 lm

·          Criticism, 1962-1988, 0.05 lm

·          Croatia: Opposition, 1971, 0.02 lm

·          Croatian Constitution, 1971-1983, 0.02 lm

·          Dissidents, 1980-1988, 0.35 lm

·          Exiles, 1963-1986, 0.92 lm

·          Europe: Helsinki, 1975-1977, 0.02 lm

·          Human Rights, 1973-1988, 0.12 lm

·          Intellectuals, 1966-1984, 0.05 lm

·          Kosovo, 1967-1986, 1.00 lm

·          Labor: Emigration, 1963-1974, 0.27 lm

·          Macedonian Constitution, 1974, 0.02 lm

·          Montenegrin Constitution, 1974, 0.02 lm

·          Nazism, 1978, 0.02 lm

·          Opposition, 1966-1985, 0.05 lm

·          Opposition: Croatia, 1971, 0.02 lm

·          Prisoners, 1974-1984, 0.02 lm

·          Prisons, 1983-1988, 0.02 lm

·          Protests, 1988-1989, 0.20 lm

·          Protests: Montenegro, 1988, 0.02 lm

·          Protests: Vojvodina, 1988, 0.02 lm

·          Purges, 1984-1985, 0.02 lm

·          Radicals, 1974-1979, 0.02 lm

·          Radio Free Europe, 1982-1984, 0.02 lm

·          Resistance, 1969-1983, 0.02 lm

·          Serbian Constitution, 1973-1988, 0.07 lm

·          Serbian Draft Constitution, 1963, 0.02 lm

·          Slovenian Constitution, 1971-1989, 0.10 lm

·          Strikes, 1964-1989, 0.85 lm

·          Terror: CRO [Croatia], 1969-1982, 0.07 lm

·          Terror: Serb [Serbia], 1978-1984, 0.02 lm

·          Terror: Yugoslavia, 1978-1980, 0.02 lm

·          Terror: UDBA, 1968-1984, 0.02 lm

·          Terrorism, 1975-1988, 0.22 lm

·          Terrorism: Croatia, 1974-1975, 0.02 lm

·          Terrorism: The Klaric Case, 1965-1966, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political], 1972-1985, 0.12 lm

·          Trials [Political]: General, 1984, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Albania, 1981-1985, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Banja Luka, 1976, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Barisic, 1976, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Belgrade, 1984-1985, 0.07 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1977-1985, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Brkic, 1976, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Bulgarians, 1984, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Croats, 1967-1985, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Durovic, 1974-1975, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Hrkac, 1970-1976, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Janjic, 1982, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Jelic, I., 1968, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Jerak, R., 1960, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Kovacevic, 1977, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Kosovo, 1975-1985, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Lazic, 1971, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Macedonia, 1981-1982, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Miklavcic, 1976, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Montenegro, 1976-1981, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Moslems, 1983-1985, 0.02 lm

·          Trails [Political]: Nazor, 1975, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Novogradec, 1979, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Novakovic, 1977, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Rajcic, 1980, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Rijeka, 1976, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Seks, 1985, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Selic, 1980, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Serbs, 1969-1985, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: SLO [Slovenia], 1976, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Watzel, 1978, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Zadar, 1974-1975, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Zagreb, 1976-1982, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: Vidakovic, 1973, 0.02 lm

·          Trials [Political]: VO [Vojvodina], 1975-1983, 0.02 lm

·          United Nations, 1965-1980, 0.02 lm

·          Vojvodina: Constitution, 1972-1974, 0.02 lm

·          Yugoslavia: Hans Peter Pullman, 1971-1980, 0.17 lm

·          Yugoslavia: Intellectuals, 1981, 0.02 lm


HU OSA 300-10-3 Yugoslav Subject Files II


·          Censorship, 1974-1979, 0.05 lm

·          Dissidents, 1976-1979, 0.07 lm

·          Exiles, 1966-1977, 0.32 lm

·          Human Rights, 1977-1978, 0.07 lm

·          Macedonian Constitution, 1971-1974, 0.02 lm

·          Purges, 1966-1981, 0.10 lm

·          Trials: Belgrade, 1984, 0.02 lm

·          Trials: Zadar, 1975, 0.02 lm

·          Trials: Zagreb, 1981, 0.02 lm

·          United Nations, 1973-1985, 0.05 lm


HU OSA 300-20 Bulgarian Unit

HU OSA 300-20-1 Bulgarian Subject Files


·          0607 Communist Party: Deviationists, 1958-1991, 0.02 lm

·          0608 Communist Party: Misuse of Power, Penalties, 1985-1993, 0.02 lm

·          0609 Communist Party: Criminal Activities, 1956-1992, 0.12 lm

·          0805b Culture: Samizdat, 1989-1992, 0.02 lm

·          1200 Exile: [General], 1964-1992, 0.02 lm

·          1201 Exile: IRO [International Refugee Organization]: Activities, Asylum, 1985-1992, 0.02 lm

·          1203 Exile: Politicians, Authors, 1952-1990, 0.02 lm

·          1204 Exile: Refugees and Emigrants, 1951-1986, 0.07 lm

·          1205 Exile: Possibilities for Emigration, 1961-1989, 0.02 lm

·          1206 Exile: Communist Espionage, 1951-1995, 0.15 lm

·          1506 Foreign Relations: United Nations and Other International Organizations, 1954-1992, 0.30 lm

·          1508a Foreign Relations: The Antonov Case, 1982-1991, 0.65 lm

·          1806 Justice: Show Trials, 1949-1989, 0.02 lm

·          1806a Justice: The Assen Georgiev Trial, 1963-1964, 0.02 lm

·          2200 Persecution and Purges: [General], 1968-1991, 0.02 lm

·          2201 Persecution and Purges: Deportation to Foreign Countries (Expulsion), 1951-1989, 0.02 lm

·          2203 Persecution and Purges: Resettlement, 1974-1987, 0.02 lm

·          2204 Persecution and Purges: Expulsion from Native Towns or Villages, 1959-1991, 0.02 lm

·          2205 Persecution and Purges: Moral, Political and Economic Pressure, 1951-1991, 0.02 lm

·          2206 Persecution and Purges: Arrests, 1971-1989, 0.02 lm

·          2301 Police and Security: Confidants and Provocateurs, 1967-1977, 0.02 lm

·          2304 Police and Security: Political Police, 1951-1994, 0.12 lm

·          2305 Police and Security: Spies and Agents, 1984-1992, 0.05 lm

·          2306 Police and Security: Personalities, 1959-1985, 0.02 lm

·          2307 Police and Security: Methods of Investigation, 1983-1993, 0.10 lm

·          2309 Police and Security: Censorship, State Secrets, 1953-1993, 0.02 lm

·          2500 Prisons and Camps: [General], 1992-1994, 0.02 lm

·          2503 Prisons and Camps: Inmates, 1962-1993, 0.05 lm

·          2602 Propaganda: Lies, Disinformation, 1952-1986, 0.02 lm

·          2900 Resistance and Criticism: [General], 1976-1978, 0.02 lm

·          2901 Resistance and Criticism: Cultural, 1974-1992, 0.22 lm

·          2903 Resistance and Criticism: Political, 1956-1990, 0.02 lm

·          2905 Resistance and Criticism: Sabotage, 1985-1992, 0.02 lm

·          2906 Resistance and Criticism: Protests, 1990-1992, 0.05 lm

·          2907 Resistance and Criticism: Underground and Espionage, 1953-1988, 0.02 lm

·          2908 Resistance and Criticism: Military, 1952-1953, 0.02 lm

·          2910 Resistance and Criticism: Resistance in Other Countries, 1974-1976, 0.02 lm

·          4408 State Apparatus: Constitution, 1971-1991, 0.05 lm

·          4408a State Apparatus: Foreign Constitution, 1963-1977, 0.02 lm


HU OSA 300-30 Czechoslovak Unit

HU OSA 300-30-2 Old Code Subject Files I

1951-1961, microfilms


(It is difficult to give the exact quantity of each file within a microfilm roll; the numbers following the date span identify the rolls themselves.)

·          1507a United Nations, 92

·          1800 Justice, 115

·          1801 Legislation, 115

·          1802 Courts, 115

·          1803 Sentences, 116

·          1804 Personalities, 116

·          1805 Lawyers and persecutors, 117

·          1806 Trials [Political], 117

·          1807 Slánský Trial Monitoring, 118

·          1808 Judges, 118

·          2202 Persecution of Foreign Nationals: Resettlement;Expulsion, 146

·          2202 Persecution of Foreign Nationals: Moral Pressure, 146

·          2202 Persecution of Foreign Nationals: Political Pressure, 147

·          2202 Persecution of Foreign Nationals: Economic Pressure, 147

·          2206 Anti-Semitism, 147

·          2207 Transfer, 147

·          2300 Police and Security, 147

·          2300 Police and Security, 148

·          2301 Confidants and Provocateurs, 148-149

·          2302 Security Measures, 149

·          2304 Public Security, 149-150

·          2305 State Security Corps: STB, 150-151

·          2306 Auxiliary Public Safety Corps, 151

·          2307 Peoples’ Militia, 151

·          2312 Arrests, 152

·          2314 Methods of Investigation, 153

·          2317 Censorship, 153

·          2500 Prisons and Camps, 156

·          2500/B Pankrác, 156

·          2500/C Ruzyň, 156

·          2500/D Bory, 156

·          2500/E Jáchymov, 157

·          2500/F Horní Slavkov, 157

·          2500/G Příbram, 157

·          2500/I Ostrava, 158

·          2500/J Brno, 158

·          2500/K Mírov, 158

·          2500/M Bratislava, 158

·          2500/N Leopoldov, 158

·          2500/O Ilava, 158

·          2500/P Handlová, 158

·          2502 Personnel and Guards, 158-159

·          2503 Inmates, 159

·          2504 Female Prisoners, 160

·          2507 Security Measures, 160

·          2508 Conditions, 161

·          2511 Escapes, 161

·          2804 Persecution, 173

·          2900 Resistance and Criticism, 176

·          2901 Cultural, 177

·          2902 Economic, 177

·          2903 Political, 177

·          2905 Sabotages, 177-178

·          2908 Military, 178

·          2909 Agricultural, 178

·          2910 Leaflets, 178-179

·          2911 Demonstrations, 179


HU OSA 300-30-3 Old Code Subject Files II

1962-1966, microfilms


(It is difficult to give the exact quantity of each file within a microfilm roll; the numbers following the date span identify the rolls themselves.)


·          1507a United Nations, 42

·          1800 Justice, 50

·          1801 Legislation, 51

·          1802 Courts, 51

·          1803 Sentences, 51

·          1804 Amnesty, 51

·          1805 Lawyers and Prosecutors, 52

·          1806 Trials, 52

·          1807 Slánský Trial, 52

·          1808 Judges, 52

·          1810 Communist Justice, 52

·          1811 Criminal Offences, 52

·          2205 Racial Discrimination, 58

·          2206 Anti-Semitism, 58

·          2207 Transfer, 58

·          2300 Police and Security, 1962-1966, 58

·          2301 Confidants and Provocateurs, 1962-1966, 58

·          2302 Security Measures, 1962-1966, 58

·          2304 Public Security, 1962-1966, 58

·          2305 State Security Corps, 1962-1966, 58

·          2306 Auxiliary Public Safety Corps, 1962-1966, 58

·          2307 Peoples’ Militia, 1962-1966, 58

·          2312 Arrests, 1962-1966, 58

·          2314 Methods of Investigation, 1962-1966, 58

·          2317 Censorship, 1962-1966, 58

·          2318 Inner Guards, 1962-1966, 58

·          2500 Prisons and Camps, 1962-1966, 59

·          2500/A Institutions: Pankrác; Ruzyň; Bory; Jáchymov; Horni Slavkov, 1962-1966, 60

·          2500/A Institutions: Příbram; Mírov; Leopoldov; Ilava, 1962-1966, 60

·          2500Q Other Institutions: Moravia, 1962-1966, 60

·          2502 Personnel and Guards, 1962-1966, 60

·          2503 Inmates, 1962-1966, 60

·          2507 Security Measures, 1962-1966, 60

·          2508 Conditions, 1962-1966, 60

·          2511 Escapes, 1962-1966, 60

·          2804 Persecution, 1962-1966, 62

·          2900 Resistance and Criticism, 1962-1966, 63

·          2901 Cultural, 1962-1966, 63

·          2902 Economic, 1962-1966, 63

·          2903 Political, 1962-1966, 63

·          2905 Sabotage, 1962-1966, 63

·          2908 Military, 1962-1966, 63

·          2909 Agricultural, 1962-1966, 63

·          2910 Leaflets, 1962-1966, 63

·          2911 Demonstrations, 1962-1966, 63


HU OSA 300-30-4 Old Code Subject Files III

1967-1971, microfilms


(It is difficult to give the exact quantity of each file within a microfilm roll; the numbers following the date span identify the rolls themselves.)


·          1507a United Nations, 80-81

·          2102 Persecution, 101

·          2103 Inner Life, 101

·          2200 Persecution and Purges, 101

·          2202 Persecution of Foreign Nationals, 101

·          2205 Racial Discrimination, 101

·          2206 Anti-Semitism, 102

·          2300 Police and Security, 102

·          2301 Confidants and Provocateurs (Now Informers), 102

·          2302 Security Measures, 102

·          2304 Public Security, 102

·          2305 State Security Corps, 102

·          2306 Auxiliary Public Safety Corps, 102

·          2307 Peoples’ Militia, 102


HU OSA 300-30-5 Old Code Subject Files IV


·          2612 Propaganda: Rallies, 1967-1971, 0.08 lm

·          2900 Resistance: Agricultural, 1968, 0.03 lm

·          2901 Resistance: Cultural, 1967-1971, 0.08 lm

·          2902 Resistance: Economic, 1967, 0.03 lm

·          2903 Resistance: Political, 1967-1971, 0.22 lm

·          2908 Resistance: Military, 1968, 0.03 lm

·          2910 Resistance: Leaflets, 1968-1971, 0.08 lm

·          2911 Resistance: Demonstrations, 1967-1971, 0.15 lm


HU OSA 300-30-6 Old Code Subject Files V


·          1013 Ethnic Minorities: Expelled Minorities, 1972-1975, 0.10 lm

·          1204 Exile: Refugees and Emigrants, 1972-1975, 0.20 lm

·          1507a Foreign Relations: United Nations, 1972-1975, 0.20 lm

·          1803 Justice: Trials; Sentences, 1972-1975, 0.25 lm

·          1804 Justice: Amnesty, 1972-1975, 0.10 lm

·          1807 Justice: Slánský Trial, 1963-1973, 0.22 lm

·          1811 Justice: Criminal Offences, 1972-1975, 0.15 lm

·          2310 Police and Security: Spies, 1972-1975, 0.10 lm

·          2312 Police and Security: Arrests, 1972-1975, 0.13 lm

·          2901 Resistance and Criticism: Cultural, 1973-1975, 0.08 lm

·          2903 Resistance and Criticism: Political, 1968-1973, 0.10 lm

·          2909 Resistance and Criticism: Soviet, 1972-1975, 0.10 lm


HU OSA 300-30-7 Old Code Subject Files VI


·          1507a Foreign Relations: United Nations 1976-1988, 6.50 lm

·          1507c Foreign Relations: Human Rights 1976-1991, 7.00 lm

·          1800 Justice: Criminal Law, 1981, 0.05 lm

·          1800 Justice: Proposal for the Legal Change, 1968-1969, 0.03 lm

·          1801 Justice: Federal Legislation, 1974-1981, 0.13 lm

·          1801 Justice: Legislation, 1982-1989, 0.20 lm

·          1803 Justice: Trials: Sentences, 1977-1991, 0.73 lm

·          1804 Justice: Amnesty, 1976-1991, 0.13 lm

·          1807 Justice: Slánský Trial, 1952-1990, 0.08 lm

·          1809 Justice: Terror, 1985-1989, 0.10 lm

·          1810 Justice: Deformation, 1972-1990, 0.10 lm

·          2202 Persecution: Purges: Political Resistance, 1972-1988, 0.50 lm

·          2202 Persecution: Purges: Persecution of Foreign Nationals, 1972-1988, 0.30 lm

·          2205 Persecution: Purges: Racial Discrimination, 1972-1990, 0.03 lm

·          2301 Police: Security: State Security Service: Informers, 1972-1990, 0.03 lm

·          2302 Police: Security: State Security Service: Security Measures, 1972-1991, 0.10 lm

·          2304 Police: Security: STB [State Security Service]: Public Security, 1972-1985, 0.10 lm

·          2305 Police: Security: STB [State Security Service]: State Security Corps, 1972-1991, 0.15 lm

·          2306 Police: Security: Agents: Auxiliary Public Safety Corps, 1972-1990, 0.05 lm

·          2307 Police: Security: Agents: Peoples’ Militia, 1972-1991, 0.13 lm

·          2311 Police: Security: Agents, 1972-1988, 0.10 lm

·          2312 Police: Security: Arrests, 1976-1990, 0.45 lm

·          2314 Police: Security: Methods of Investigation, 1972-1991, 0.05 lm

·          2317 Police: Security: Censorship, 1972-1990, 0.10 lm

·          2503 Health: Prisons: Camps: Inmates, 1972-1991, 0.33 lm

·          2612 Propaganda: Rallies, 1972-1988, 0.10 lm

·          2901 Resistance: Criticism: Cultural, 1976-1990, 0.20 lm

·          2903 Resistance: Criticism: Political, 1975-1984, 1.83 lm


HU OSA 300-30-8 Old Code Subject Card Files

1951-1993, approx. 9000 cards


·          1200 Exile: General

·          1201 Exile: Relief Organizations

·          1202 Exile: Organizations Abroad

·          1203 Exile: Personalities

·          1205 Exile: Possibilities of Emigration

·          1204 Exile: Refugees and Emigrants

·          1207 Exile: Literature and Newspapers

·          1208 Exile: VETO [Anticommunist propaganda]

·          1208 Exile: Radio Free Europe and Western Stations

·          1209 Exile: Jamming Stations

·          1300 Exile: Fellow Travelers

·          1507a Foreign Relations: United Nations

·          1507c Foreign Relations: Human Rights

·          1800 Justice: General

·          1801 Justice: Federal Legislation

·          1801 Justice: Czech Legislation

·          1801 Justice: Slovak Legislation

·          1802 Justice: Ústavný súd [Constitutional Court]

·          1802 Justice: Najvyšší súd [Supreme Court]

·          1802 Justice: General Prosecutor

·          1802 Justice: Courts

·          1808 Justice: Investigations

·          1803 Justice: Trials and Sentences

·          1803 Justice: Sentences

·          1804 Justice: Amnesty

·          1805 Justice: Lawyers and Prosecutors

·          1805 Justice: Judges

·          1806 Justice: Rehabilitation

·          1807 Justice: Slánský Trial

·          1803 Justice: Trials of Honor

·          1809 Justice: International Terrorism

·          1810 Justice: Deformation

·          1811 Justice: Criminal Offences

·          2002/b Morale: Anticommunist Feelings

·          2002/b Morale: Rumors, Demonstrations and Protests

·          2100 Non-Communist Parties and Associations: Non-Communist Parties and Persecution

·          2101 Non-Communist Parties and Associations: Personalities

·          2200 Persecution and Purges: General

·          2202 Persecution and Purges: Persecution of Foreign Nationals

·          2203 Persecution and Purges: Economic Pressure

·          2206 Persecution and Purges: Anti-Semitism

·          2301 Police and Security: STB: Informers

·          2302 Police and Security: STB: Security Measures

·          2304 Police and Security: Public Security

·          2306 Police and Security: STB: State Security Corps

·          2306 Police and Security: STB: State Security Corps

·          2306 Police and Security: Agents: Auxiliary Public Safety Corps

·          2311 Police and Security: Agents: Agents

·          2307 Police and Security: Agents: Peoples’ Militia

·          2310 Police and Security: Spies

·          2312 Police and Security: Arrests

·          2314 Police and Security: Agents: Methods of Investigation

·          2317 Police and Security: Agents: Censorship

·          2500 Prisons: Prisons: A-Z

·          2502 Prisons: Personnel and Guards

·          2506 Prisons: Conditions

·          2900 Resistance, Criticism: General

·          2901 Resistance, Criticism: Cultural

·          2903 Resistance, Criticism: Political

·          2907 Resistance, Criticism: Dissent

·          2907 Resistance, Criticism: Dissident Periodicals

·          2907 Resistance, Criticism: Free Agency Press

·          2907 Resistance, Criticism: Dissident Organizations

·          2907 Resistance, Criticism: VONS

·          2909 Resistance, Criticism: Soviet (Union)

·          2907 Resistance, Criticism: Underground

·          2920 Resistance, Criticism: Leaflets

·          2911 Resistance, Criticism: Demonstrations


HU OSA 300-30-9 New Code Subject Files


·          Politics: Associations: Charter 77, 1990-1992, 0.50 lm

·          Politics: Constitution 1972-1992, 0.30 lm

·          Politics: Human Rights, 1988-1992, 0.09 lm

·          Politics: Trials, 1976-1992, 0.13 lm

·          Politics: Political Ethics: Lustration, 1991-1992, 0.13 lm

·          Security: Police, 1972-1992, 0.18 lm

·          Security: Police: STB [State Security Service] 1990-1991, 0.08 lm

·          Security: Police: STB [State Security Service]: Rudá krávo, 1992-1992, 0.03 lm


HU OSA 300-30-15 Collection of Documents relating to the Czechoslovak Opposition

3.40 lm


·          Resistance: Dissidents: General, 1988-1990

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Foreign relations, 1988-1991

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Jednorázové akcie: Symposium on Czechoslovakia, 1988-1989

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Organizations: General, 1987-1990

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Organizations: Mirovy klub Johna Lenona, 1989

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Organizations: Pokoj na zemi, 1988

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Organizations: Sdružení T.G. Masaryka, 1988-1989

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Organizations: Iniciativa sociální obrany, 1988-1989

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Organizations: Jazz Section; Underground, 1988-1989

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Organizations: Klub právní podpory, 1989

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Organizations: Společnost za veselejší současnost, 1989

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Czech: General, 1971-1990

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Czech: Narodní noviny, 1972-1974

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Czech: Samizdatova periodika, 1977-1988

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Czech: Čin, 1989

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Czech: Dialog, 1988-1989

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Czech: Demokratická iniciativa, 1988

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Czech: Křěsťanské obzory, 1988

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Czech: Sport, 1989

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Czech: Lidové Noviny, 1988-1990

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Czech: Magazin společenství přátel USA, 1988

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Czech: Informační agentura Vokno, 1988

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Czech: Voknoviny, 1985-1989

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Slovak: General, 1988

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Slovak: Hlas Slovenska, 1988

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Slovak: K, 1987

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Slovak: Náboženstvo a súčasnosť, 1988

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Slovak: Katolícky mesačník, 1988

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Slovak: Rodinné spoločenstvo, 1988

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Periodicals: Slovak: Bratislavské Listy, 1988-1989

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Personalities: Developments in Bohemia Before the Revolution, 1987-1990

·          Resistance: Dissidents: Personalities: Developments in Slovakia Before the Revolution, 1989

·          Resistance: Human Rights: Czechoslovak Human Rights Committee: Helsinki Watch, 1988-1989

·          Resistance: Justice: Investigation: Police: STB: Terror, 1989-1991

·          Resistance: Politics: Associations: Charter 77, 1978-1989

·          Resistance: Politics: Demonstrations, 1988-1992

·          Resistance: Politics: Demonstrations: November 1989, 1989-1990

·          Resistance: Prisoners, 1987-1991 

·          Resistance: Propaganda: Rallies, 1988-1991

·          Resistance: Information about the Church, 1983-1988

·          Resistance: Information about Charter 77, 1981-1989

·          Resistance: Resistance: Criticism: Cultural, 1978-1989

·          Resistance: Resistance: Criticism: Political, 1980-1990

·          Resistance: Resistance: Political: Cultural: Texts by Dissidents, 1978-1987

·          Resistance: Resistance: Demonstrations, 1972-1988

·          Resistance: Resistance: Leaflets: Texts, 1972-1989

·          Resistance: Letenská Pláň, 1989

·          Resistance: Free Press Agency, 1989-1990

·          Resistance: Internationale Gesellschaft Für Menschenrechte, 1989

·          Resistance: Palach Press, 1989-1990

·          Resistance: Východoevropská Informacní agentura, 1989-1990


HU OSA 300-40 Hungarian Unit

HU OSA 300-40-1 Subject Files


·          Alkotmány [Constitution], 1949-1989, 0.25 lm

·          Amnesty International, 1988-1991, 0.02 lm

·          Belpolitika: Országgyűlési Bizottságok: Emberi Jogi [Internal Affairs: Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights], 1990-1992, 0.02 lm

·          Belpolitika: Országgyűlési Bizottságok: Alkotmányügyi [Internal Affairs: Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Issues], 1990-1992, 0.02 lm

·          Cenzúra [Censorship], 1951-1993, 0.12 lm

·          Disszidálás [Defection], 1956-1988, 0.37 lm

·          ENSZ [UNO], 1952-1986, 0,20 lm

·          ENSZ: Magyar kérdés [UNO: Hungarian Question], 1956-1970, 0,10 lm

·          Ellenzék: Charta 77 [Opposition: Chareter 77], 1979-1987, 0.12 lm

·          Ellenzék: Demokratikus [Opposition: Democratic], 1982-1992, 0.50 lm

·          Ellenzék: Demokratikus: SR [Opposition: Democratic: Situation Report], 1983-1989, 0.05 lm

·          Ellenzék: Demokratikus: Szabad Kezdeményezések Hálózata [Opposition: Network of Free Initiatives]], 1988, 0.02 lm

·          Ellenzék: Disszidens nemzetközi kapcsolatok [Opposition: Dissidents’ International Relations], 1977-1988, 0.02 lm

·          Ellenzék: Emberi jogok [Opposition: Human Rights], 1960-1988, 0.25 lm

·          Ellenzék: Emberi jogok: SR [Opposition: Human Rights: Situation Report], 1985, 0.02 lm

·          Ellenzék: Emberi jogok: Rendszerkritikusok [Opposition: Human Rights: Critics of the System], 1977-1982, 0.05 lm

·          Ellenzék: Kisúgó [Opposition: “Kisúgó” Samizdat Periodical], 1983, 0.02 lm

·          Ellenzék: Lakitelek [Opposition: Lakitelek], 1987, 0.02 lm

·          Ellenzék: Magyar Figyelő [Opposition: “Hungarian Observer”], 1981, 0.02 lm

·          Ellenzék: Szamizdat [Opposition: Samizdat], 1978-1989, 0.12 lm

·          Ellenzék: Szamizdat lapok [Opposition: Samizdat Periodicals], 1983, 0.02 lm

·          Ellenzék: Szárszói Front [Opposition: The Szárszó Front], 1983-1993, 0.05 lm

·          Emigráció: Tiltott határátlépések [Emigration: Illegal Border Crossing], 1970-1975, 0.07 lm

·          Európai Biztonsági Konferencia: Bern [CSCE], 1986, 0.70 lm

·          Európai Biztonsági Konferencia: Bécs [CSCE: Vienna], 1959-1989, 0. 37 lm

·          Európai Biztonsági Konferencia: Genf [CSCE: Geneva], 1986, 0.02 lm

·          Európai Biztonsági Konferencia: Helsinki [CSCE], 1976-1987, 0. 25 lm

·          Európai Biztonsági Konferencia: Helsinki, Genf [CSCE: Geneva], 1955-1975, 0.25 lm

·          Európai Biztonsági Konferencia: Helsinki, Madrid [CSCE], 1981-1982, 0.02 lm

·          Európai Biztonsági Konferencia: Madrid, Stockholm [CSCE], 1983-1983, 0.02 lm

·          Európai Biztonsági Konferencia: Madridi záródokumentum [CSCE: Madrid Closing Document], 1983, 0.02 lm

·          Európai Biztonsági Konferencia: Memorandum [CSCE], 1977, 0.02 lm

·          Európai Biztonsági Konferencia: Stockholm [CSCE], 1974-1986, 0.15 lm

·          Európai Biztonsági Konferencia: Záróokmány [CSCE: Closing Document], 1975, 0.02 lm

·          Európai Kulturális Fórum [European Cultural Forum], 1985-1987, 0.25 lm

·          Európai Kulturális Fórum: SR [European Cultural Forum: Situation Report], 1985-1986, 0.02 lm

·          Kitelepítés: Deportálás [Resettlement: Deportation], 1950-1991, 0.02 lm

·          Kitelepítés: Magyar Közlöny [Resettlement: Hungarian Bulletin], 1951-1990, 0.02 lm

·          Menekültügy [Refugees], 1982-1990, 0.12 lm


HU OSA 300-40-2 Subject Files in English


·          Constitution, 1972-1989, 0,02 lm

·          Culture: Censorship, 1967-1989, 0.02 lm

·          Culture: Samizdat, 1977-1988, 0.05 lm

·          Exile: Escape, 1966-1989, 0.12 lm

·          Justice: Political Crimes, 1966-1989, 0.05 lm

·          Justice: Prisons and Camps, 1966-1978, 0.02 lm

·          Opposition, Unrest and Criticism: General, 1966-1989, 0.12 lm

·          Unofficial Organizations, 1985-1989, 0,02 lm


HU OSA 300-40-4 Information Items


·          122.5 Foreign Relations: United Nations, 1955-1957, 0,50 lm


HU OSA 300-50 Polish Unit

HU OSA 300-50-1 Subject Files


·          105.26 Prawo cywilne [Civil Rights], 1951-1992, 0.30 lm

·          106.1 Sądy: Trybunały [Courts: Tribunals], 1960-1992, 0.60 lm

·          106.1 Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich [Commissioner of Human Rights], 1986-1992, 0.20 lm

·          107 Prawa obywatelskie: Konstytucja [Human Rights: Constitution], 1952-1992, 1.00 lm

·          107.2 Wolnośćsłowa [Freedom of Speech], 1959-1992, 1.60 lm

·          107.2 Opozycja [Opposition], 1951-1990, 0.10 lm

·          107.2 KSS. KOR [Workers Defense Committee], 1977-1990, 1.00 lm

·          107.2 Komitety Obywatelskie [Civic Committees], 1988-1992, 0.20 lm

·          107.2 Listy. Apele [Letters and Appeals], 1975-1989, 0.70 lm

·          107.4 Wolnośćreligii [Freedom of Religion], 1955-1957, 0.02 lm

·          111.6 Powstanie poznańskie [Uprising in Poznan], 1956-1957, 0.70 lm

·          111.6 Strajki [Strikes], 1956-1992, 3.50 lm

·          111.6 Rozruchy studenckie [Student Disturbances], 1961-1968, 0.80 lm

·          111.6 Wypadki grudniowe [December Events], 1970, 1970-1971, 1.00 lm

·          111.6 Rozruchy [Disturbances], 1971-1979, 0.60 lm

·          122.2 ONZ [United Nations], 1954-1992, 1.70 lm

·          135.03 Polityczna dyskryminacja [Political Discrimination], 1988-1992, 0.20 lm

·          135.2 Procesy polityczne [Political Trials], 1951-1993, 1.50 lm

·          812.6 Ucieczki z kraju [Escapes from Poland], 1951-1992, 1.00 lm

·          814.1 Paszporty, wizy [Passports and Visas], 1953-1992, 0.60 lm


HU OSA 300-50-3 Subject Card Files


·          Procesy rehabilitacyjne [Rehabilitation Trials], 30 cards

·          Represje [Repression], 30 cards

·          Procesy polityczne [Political Trials], 250 cards

·          Obozy karne [Prisons and Camps], 350 cards

·          Więzienia [Prisons], 450 cards


HU OSA 300-50-23 Reports of the Workers’ Defence Committee

1979-1981, 0.30 lm


HU OSA 300-55 Polish Underground Publications Unit

HU OSA 300-55-3 Polish Underground Subject Files, 1979-1989


·          Akcje protestacyjne [Protests], 0.10 lm

·          Apele [Appeals], 0.10 lm

·          Komitet Helsiński [Helsinki Committee], 0.30 lm

·          Niezależne stowarzyszenia [Independent Organizations], 0.10 lm

·          Procesy polityczne [Political Trials], 0.10 lm

·          Bio Dysydentów [Biographical Files of Dissidents], 0.50 lm


HU OSA 300-55-7 Documents on the Democratic Opposition

1977-1983, 2.30 lm


HU OSA 300-60 Romanian Unit

HU OSA 300-60-1 Subject Files


·          102 Administration: Constitution, 1952-1991, 0.30 lm

·          102 Administration: Justice: Borders, 1948-1973, 0.02 lm

·          102 Administration: Justice: Death Penalty, 1968-1990, 0.02 lm

·          102 Administration: Justice: Death Penalty in Other Countries, 1983-1985, 0.02 lm

·          102 Administration: Justice: Psychiatric Confinement, 1973-1980, 0.02 lm

·          504 Communications: Post: Censorship, 1963-1963, 0.02 lm

·          800 Culture: Helsinki Humanism, 1976-1978, 0.05 lm

·          802 Culture: Editing: Committee for Editing and Press, 1975-1977, 0.02 lm

·          808 Culture: Censorship: General, 1981-1989, 0.10 lm

·          808 Culture: Censorship: Free Press, 1990-1991, 0.02 lm

·          808 Culture: Censorship: System of Censorship, 1977-1979, 0.02 lm

·          808 Culture: Dissidents: General, 1979-1987, 0.02 lm

·          808 Culture: Dissidents: Botez, M., 1985-1987, 0.02 lm

·          808 Culture: Dissidents: Emigration, 1977-1981, 0.02 lm

·          808 Culture: Dissidents: Filipescu, R., 1985-1986, 0.02 lm

·          808 Culture: Dissidents: Goma, P., 1977-1986, 0.10 lm

·          808 Culture: Dissidents: Human Rights, 1978-1987, 0.07 lm

·          808 Culture: Dissidents: Intellectuals; Writers, 1975-1987, 0.05 lm

·          808 Culture: Dissidents: Nationality Protest, 1978-1979, 0.02 lm

·          808 Culture: Dissidents: Official Reaction, 1977-1979, 0.02 lm

·          808 Culture: Dissidents: Tănase, V., 1977-1986, 0.10 lm

·          1100 [Ethnic minorities]: [General]: CSCE Human Rights Conference Report on Romania, 1989, 0.02 lm

·          1100 Ethnic minorities: Jews: Emigration, 1959-1983

·          1204 Exile: Refugees and Emigrants, 1951-1989, 0.62 lm

·          1204 Exile: Refugees and Emigrants: Law, 1968-1976, 0.02 lm

·          1204 Exile: Refugees and Emigrants: Romania, 1985, 0.02 lm

·          1204 Exile: Refugees and Emigrants: Tănase, V., 1982, 0.02 lm

·          1204 Exile: Refugees and Emigrants: UN Refugee Committee, 1989-1989, 0.02 lm

·          1205 Exile: Possibilities of Emigration, 1951-1989, 0.30 lm

·          1205 Exile: Possibilities of Emigration: [Ceauşescu on Emigration], 1974-1981, 0.02 lm

·          1205 Exile: Possibilities of Emigration: Hunger Strikes, 1986-1989, 0.02 lm

·          1205 Exile: Possibilities of Emigration: Illegal Emigration, 1986-1989, 0.02 lm

·          1205 Exile: Possibilities of Emigration: [Punishments], 1953-1970, 0.20 lm

·          1501 Foreign Relations: CSCE, 1988-1989, 0.02 lm

·          1505 Foreign relations: Relations with other countries: UNO: Human Rights, 1960-1986, 0.27 lm

·          2300 Police and security: Opposition in Romania, 1981-1989, 0.02 lm

·          2300 Police and security: Political Crimes, 1982-1983, 0.02 lm

·          2303 Police and security: Political Police, 1949-1964, 0.02 lm

·          2307 Police and security: Methods of Investigation, 1951-1971, 0.02 lm

·          2310 Police and security: Atrocities, 1951-1976, 0.05 lm

·          2309 Police and security: Censorship, 1951-1978, 0.02 lm

·          2604 Propaganda: Budapest Cultural Forum, 1985, 0.05 lm

·          2604 Propaganda: Helsinki, 1969-1987, 0.27 lm

·          2604 Propaganda: Helsinki: Notification, 1976, 0.02 lm

·          2604 Propaganda: Helsinki: Quotations, 1976, 0.02 lm

·          2900 Resistance and Criticism of the Regime: General, 1951-1969, 0.02 lm

·          2903 Resistance and Criticism of the Regime: Political, 1951-1971, 0.05 lm

·          4402 State apparatus: Parliament: Constitution, 1986-1987, 0.02 lm

·          4402 State apparatus: Parliament: Constitutionalists, 1971-1973, 0.02 lm

·          4404 State apparatus: Ministries: Foreign Affairs: CSCE, 1990, 0.02 lm

·          4404 State Apparatus: Ministries: Foreign Affairs: UNO: Special, 1985-1989, 0.02 lm

·          4404 State Apparatus: Ministries: Foreign Affairs: UNO: VIP, 1988-1991, 0.02 lm


HU OSA 300-60-3: Records relating to the Romanian Opposition and Protest Movement

1977-1991, 2.62 lm


·          Braşov, November 15, 1987: Events, 1987-1988

·          Braşov, November 15, 1987: Reactions; Interpretations, 1988-1989

·          Ceauşescu's Trial: Reactions; Central European Processes, 1989-1990

·          Civil Rights Defenders, 1977-1986

·          Democracy, 1985-1989

·          Demonstrations: April 12, 1991

·          Demonstrations: Alba Iulia, 1990

·          Demonstrations: Anti-FSN [Frontul Salvării Naţionale: National Salvation Front], 1990-1991

·          Demonstrations: Braşov; Timişoara, 1989

·          Demonstrations: Bucureşti, 1990

·          Demonstrations: Laws and Decrees, 1990-1991

·          Demonstrations: Piata Universităţii [University Square], 1990

·          Demonstrations: Proclamatia de la Timişoara [The Timişoara Proclamation], 1990

·          Demonstrations: Pro-FSN [Frontul Salvării Naţionale: National Salvation Front], 1990

·          Demonstrations: Reports on the Demonstrations, 1991

·          Demonstrations: Timişoara, 1990

·          Demonstrations: Various, 1985-1991

·          Dissent: General, 1984-1991

·          Dissent: The Open Letter of FEN [Frontul de Eliberare Naţională: National Liberation Front], 1989

·          Dissent: ARD [Acţiunea Română Democrată: Romanian Democratic Action], 1989

·          Dissidents: A-V, 1979-1991

·          Human rights: General, 1985-1991

·          Human rights: Death Cases; Prisons; Violation of Human Rights, 1987-1991

·          Human rights: Emigration; Exile, 1988-1991

·          Human rights: Information, 1989

·          Human rights: Labor: ILO [International Labor Organization], 1987-1990

·          Human rights: Minorities, 1988-1991

·          Human rights: Romanian Position; Conferences, 1988-1990

·          Human rights: Psychiatry; Religion, 1988

·          Human rights: Special Reports: CSCE, 1989-1991

·          Human rights: Travel; Family Reunification, 1988

·          Journalists (banned): General, 1989-1990

·          Journalists (banned): Foreign Journalists, 1989-1990

·          Journalists (banned): Romanian Journalists, 1989-1990

·          Letters and Appeals from Romania, 1982-1991

·          Open Letters: The Group of Seven, 1989

·          Open Letters: The Group of Six, 1989

·          Opposition, 1987-1989

·          Re-emigration: General, 1990-1991

·          Re-emigration: Raţiu, I., 1990-1991

·          Revolts: General, 1977-1989

·          Revolution: December 1989, 1990-1991

·          Romanian Samizdat, 1982-1988

·          Timişoara, 1989


HU OSA 300-80 Soviet “Red” Archives

HU OSA 300-80-1 Old Code Subject Files


·          Амнистия [Amnesty], 1955-1992, 0.05 lm

·          Антисемитизм: общее [Anti-Semitism: General], 1953-1993, 0.50 lm

·          Антисемитизм: евреи [Anti-Semitism: Jews], 1956-1993, 0.50 lm

·          Антисемитизм: еврейские писатели [Anti-Semitism: Jewish Writers], 1956-1992, 0.02 lm

·          Антисемитизм: литература [Anti-Semitism: Literature], 1956-1992, 0.05 lm

·          Антисемитизм: Ленинградский процесс [Anti-Semitism: The Leningrad Case], 1970-1981, 0.02 lm

·          Антисемитизм: Кишиневский процесс [Anti-Semitism: The Kishinev Case], 1971, 0.02 lm

·          Антисемитизм: Рижский процесс [Anti-Semitism: The Riga Case], 1971, 0.02 lm

·          Антисемитизм: постановления и законы [Anti-Semitism: Resolutions and Laws], 1918-1962, 0.02 lm

·          Антисемитизм: Хрущев и евреи [Anti-Semitism: Khruschev and the Jews], 1963-1967, 0.02 lm

·          Антисемитизм: сионизм [Anti-Semitism: Zionism], 1970-1993, 0.12 lm

·          Антисоветские выступления [Anti-Soviet Speeches], 1963-1992, 0.17 lm

·          Бдительность [Watchfulness], 1956-1992, 0.05 lm

·          Больницы и поликлиники: больницы и поликлиники психиатрические. [Hospitals and Health Centers, Mental Hospitals], 1967-1993, 0.15 lm

·          Браки с иностранцами [Marriages with Foreigners], 1982-1993, 0.05 lm

·          Голодовки [Hunger Strikes], 1983-1993, 0.02 lm

·          Гражданство [Citizenship], 1966-1988, 0.05 lm

·          Движение демократических реформ [Democratic Reform Movement], 1991-1993, 0.05 lm

·          Дезинформация [Misinformation], 1979-1992, 0.10 lm

·          Демократия [Democracy], 1961-1993, 0.25 lm

·          Десталинизация [De-Stalinization], 1954-1986, 0.17 lm

·          Европейский суд [European Court of Justice], 1977-1991, 0.02 lm

·          Жалобы населения [Population’s Complaints], 1966-1990, 0.07 lm

·          Злоупотребление служебным положением [Abuse of Authority], 1982-1993, 0.10 lm

·          Идеологическая борьба [Ideological War], 1976-1992, 0.10 lm

·          Инакомыслящие: общее [Nonconformism: General], 1968-1993, 0.32 lm

·          Инакомыслящие: преследования [Nonconformism: Persecution], 1986-1991, 0.02 lm

·          Иностранные подданные в СССР [Foreign Citizens in the USSR], 1962-1984, 0.20 lm

·          Катынь [Katyn’], 1976-1993, 0.05 lm

·          КГБ [KGB = State Security Committee], 1947-1993, 0.50 lm

·          Конституция [Constitution], 1936-1993, 0.12 lm

·          КПСС: чистки, КПСС: Московские процессы [CPSU: Purges; CPSU: Moscow Trials], 1956-1990, 0.07 lm

·          Литература: биографии и автобиографии: бунт писателей [Literature: Biographies and Autobiographies: Writers’ Revolt], 1957-1971, 0.02 lm

·          Литература: «Метрополь» [Literature: “Metropol’”], 1979-1992, 0.02 lm

·          Литература подпольная [Underground Literature], 1962-1992, 0.12 lm

·          Литература: процессы над писателями [Literature: Writers’ Trials], 1964-1972, 0.20 lm

·          Международная амнистия [Amnesty International], 1966-1992, 0.12 lm

·          Наказания: общее, принудительный труд [Punishment: General: Forced Labor], 1956-1992, 0.10 lm

·          Национализм: реабилитация народов [Nationalism: People’s Rehabilitation], 1956-1967, 0.02 lm

·          Неформальные объединения [Non-Formal Associations], 1987-1991, 0.07 lm

·          Общество «Родина» [“Rodina” Association], 1963-1991, 0.02 lm

·          Обыски [Searches], 1976-1987, 0.02 lm

·          Перебежчики [Deserters], 1985-1991, 0.02 lm

·          Побеги из СССР [Flights from the USSR], 1988-1991, 0.02 lm

·          Подделка документов [Forgery of Documents], 1974-1993, 0.02 lm

·          Права человека: общее [Human Rights: General], 1954-1993, 0.55 lm

·          Права человека: Декларация прав человека [Human Rights: Declaration of Human Rights], 1988-1990, 0.02 lm

·          Право: гражданское [Law: Civil], 1961-1993, 0.05 lm

·          Право: социалистическая законность [Law: Socialist Lawfulness], 1957-1992, 0.10 lm

·          Преступления политические [Political Crimes], 1961-1993, 0.02 lm

·          Рабочие-диссиденты [Dissident Workers], 1976-1988, 0.10 lm

·          Реабилитация репрессированных [Rehabilitation of Repressed People], 1957-1993, 0.05 lm

·          Религия: судебные процессы [Religion: Trials], 1961-1988, 0.07 lm

·          Самиздат: общее [Samizdat: General], 1971-1992, 0.25 lm

·          Самиздат: разное [Samizdat: Various], 1971-1983, 1.17 lm

·          Самиздат: «Варианты», «Левый поворот» [Samizdat: “Variants”, “Left Turn”], 1981-1983, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Вече» [Samizdat: “Veche”], 1971-1988, 0.09 lm

·          Самиздат: «Группа-73» [Samizdat: “Group 73”], 1973-1983, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Группа Хельсинки-86» [Samizdat: “Helsinki Group 86”], 1977-1987, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Двадцатое столетие» [Samizdat: “20th Century”], 1978, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Демократическое движение» [Samizdat: “Democratic Movement”], 1983, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Женщина и Россия» [Samizdat: “Women and Russia”], 1979-1983, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Земля» [Samizdat: “Land”], 1974-1975, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: Инициативная группа по защите прав человека [Samizdat: Action Committee on Defending Human Rights], 1969-1980, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Комитет прав человека» (Сахаров) [Samizdat: “Human Rights Committee” (Sakharov)], 1971-1982, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Листы информации» [Samizdat: “Information Pages”], 1980, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: Московская ОГС [общественная группа содействия выполнению Хельсинкских соглашений] [Samizdat: Moscow Social Group for Helping the Implementation of the Helsinki Final Act], 1976-1989, 0.15 lm

·          Самиздат: «Община» [Samizdat: “Community”], 1978-1979, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Опричнина» [Samizdat: “Oprichnina”], 1978-1981, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Память» [Samizdat: “Pamiat’”], 1978-1979, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Поиски» [Samizdat: “Searches”], 1978-1983, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Политический дневник» [Samizdat: “Political Diary”], 1971-1975, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: “Последние слова” [Samizdat: “Last Words”], 1970-1972, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Сеятель» [Samizdat: “Sower”], 1972, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Социалист 82» [Samizdat: “The Socialist 82”], 1983, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: Украинская ОГС [общественная группа содействия выполнению Хельсинкских соглашений] [Samizdat: “Ukrainian Social Group for Helping the Implementation of the Helsinki Final Act”], 1977-1985, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Фонд помощи п/з [политзаключенным] СССР» [Samizdat: “Fund for Helping Political Prisoners in the USSR”], 1977-1992, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Христианский семинар по проблемам религиозного возрождения» [Samizdat: “Christian Seminar on the Problems of Religious Revival”], 1980, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Христианский комитет защиты прав верующих в СССР» [Samizdat: “Christian Committee for Defending the Rights of Believers in the USSR”], 1979-1983, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: «Хроника текущих событий» [Samizdat: “Chronicle of Current Events”], 1979-1983, 0.30 lm

·          Cамиздат: «Экспресс-информация. Бюллетень В» [Samizdat: “Express Information. Bulletin B”], 1983-1986, 0.02 lm

·          Самиздат: хроники Украины и Литвы [Samizdat: “Chronicle of Ukraine and Lithuania”], 1976-1985, 0.05 lm

·          Самиздат: “Хроника защиты прав человека” [Samizdat: “Chronicle of Defending Human Rights”], 1970-1978, 0.02 lm

·          Сталин и сталинизм: общее [Stalin and Stalinism: General], 1951-1993, 0.57 lm

·          Сталин и сталинизм: ГУЛАГ [Stalin and Stalinism: GULAG], 1990-1991, 0.02 lm

·          Сталин и сталинизм: жертвы сталинизма [Stalin and Stalinism: Victims of Stalinism], 1988-1989, 0.17 lm

·          Суды СССР: специальные [Courts in the USSR: Special], 1979, 0.02 lm

·          Труд: безработица [Work: Unemployment], 1960-1993, 0.12 lm

·          Труд: забастовки и конфликты [Work: Strikes and Conflicts], 1956-1993, 0.17 lm

·          Труд: трудоустройство, труд детей и подростков [Work: Placing in a Job, Children’s and Juveniles’ Work], 1967-1993, 0.10 lm

·          Тюрьмы и заключенные [Prisons and Prisoners], 1961-1993, 0.20 lm

·          Украинский самиздат [Ukrainian Samizdat], 1966-1983, 0.02 lm

·          Хельсинки: Заключительный Акт [Helsinki: Final Act], 1975-1993, 0.60 lm

·          Цензура [Censorship], 1955-1993, 0.15 lm

·          Эмиграция: общее [Emigration: General], 1959-1993, 0.27 lm

·          Эмиграция: беженцы [Emigration: Refugees], 1948-1993, 0.17 lm

·          Эмиграция: возвращенцы [Emigration: Returnees], 1956-1991, 0.12 lm

·          Эмиграция: деятельность [Emigration: Activity], 1960-1993, 0.12 lm

·          Эмиграция: евреи [Emigration: Jews], 1970-1993, 0.40 lm

·          Эмиграция: литература [Emigration: Literature], 1962-1993, 0.07 lm


HU OSA 300-81 Monitoring Unit

HU OSA 300-81-2 Subject Files related to Ukraine


·          [Неформальна преса України: «Віче – Тарасова Україна»] [Unofficial Press of Ukraine: “Viche –Tarasova Ukraina”], 1989-1990, 0.25 lm

·          Неформальні молодіжні об"єднання [Non-Formal Youth Associations], 1988-1990, 0.07 lm

·          Неформальні організації та об"єднання [Non-Formal Organizations and Associations], 1989-1990, 0.17 lm

·          Страйки [Strikes], 1989-1990, 0.07 lm


HU OSA 300-85 Soviet Samizdat Archives

1968-1991, 177.9 lm


In the former Soviet Union, starting with the 1960s, samizdat meant underground issues (belles-lettres, political essays, public appeals, letters to the Soviet leadership), which could not be officially published because of censorship, thus were spread secretly, from person to person, very often at a great risk. For almost 30 years, RFE/RL were collecting samizdat materials relating to attempts of Soviet public to influence the state policy and mostly dealing with human rights issues. Samizdat and RFE/RL, as the most operative of its propagandists, happened to play a very significant role in the development of the Soviet society and the history of the human rights movement.


The Soviet Samizdat Archives contains materials of the following types: copies of samizdat documents created in the former Soviet Union and then smuggled to the West (and alos their reproductions); indexes to the Samizdat materials (some of them are available in electronic format, too); records relating to samizdat, which were collected by the Samizdat Unit staff for reference purposes (clippings, transcripts of Radio Liberty broadcast, abstracts of media reports); collection of unofficial publications from the former Soviet Union during the Perestroika period. Audio-visual materials are also included in the Samizdat Archives.


HU OSA 301 Records of the Index on Censorship

1970-1998, 37.5 lm (unprocessed)


Consists of background materials primarily relating to suppressions of free expression and violations of freedom of speech, press collected by the staff members of Index on Censorship and materials from other independent (Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch) or anonymous sources. The records also cover other human rights violations and issues such as migration, dissent, harassment of dissidents, political prisoners and homosexuality.


HU OSA 302 Samizdat Publications of Gábor Demszky


HU OSA 302-0-6: A magyarországi ellenzéki mozgalmak dokumentumai a 80-as években [Documents of the Hungarian Opposition Movements in the 1980s]

1980-1989, 0.12 lm


HU OSA 304 Records of the International Human Rights Law Institute relating to the Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia

1973, 1987, 1990-1994 (predominant 1991-1994)

10.00 lm, 252 videotapes (VHS), 36 audio-tapes and 68 books


HU OSA 304-0-1 Final Report of the United Nations Commission of Experts Established Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 780 (1992), 27 May 1994

HU OSA 304-0-2 Interim and Supplementary Reports of the Special Rapporteur

HU OSA 304-0-3 Numbered Commission Document Files ("Bates File")

HU OSA 304-0-4 United Nations, International Red Cross Committee, International Court of Justice Documents

HU OSA 304-0-5 Official Submissions of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

HU OSA 304-0-6 Materials on Ethnic Cleansing

HU OSA 304-0-7 Press Reports on Sarajevo

HU OSA 304-0-8 Files on the Military Structure of the Warring Factions

HU OSA 304-0-9 Articles Relating to Military Strategies and Tactics of the Warring Factions

HU OSA 304-0-10 Reports on the Destruction of Cultural Property

HU OSA 304-0-11 Foreign Broadcasting Information Service on Dubrovnik

HU OSA 304-0-12 Press Reports on War in Bosnia

HU OSA 304-0-13 Publications and Manuscripts

HU OSA 304-0-14 Index to the Video Recordings on War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia, February 1994

HU OSA 304-0-15 Transcripts and Summary of the Video Recordings on War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia, 1990-1995

HU OSA 304-0-16 Video Recordings relating to the Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia

HU OSA 304-0-17 Sound Recordings relating to the Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia


HU OSA 307 ‘VIN’ Programs Broadcast at Studio B Television, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

1995-1997, 83 videotapes, 80 hours


Video materials of the independent TV station Studio B on the democratic opposition movements in Yugoslavia.


HU OSA 315 Collection of Dragoljub Ackovic relating to Roma Issues

1994-1997, 0.04 lm


Consists of books and periodicals.


HU OSA 316 Records of the European Roma Rights Center

1996-1999, 0.12 lm


Includes annual and biannual reports, newsletters and country reports relating to the life and persecutions of Roma in East Central Europe.


HU OSA 317 Collection of Miklós Kun relating to the 20th Century History

1922-1994, 19 videotapes, 20 hours


Consists of videos on various topics, including human rights movements in Russia, the holocaust and prison camps in the Soviet Union.


HU OSA 318 Records of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights

1983-2000, 22.3 lm (under processing)


Consists of country and administrative files relating to and reports summarizing the activity of IHF and its national committees, and also CSCE/OSCE documents and publications.


HU OSA 319 Video Recordings of the Proceedings of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia


Hearings of the Tadič and Blaśkič Trial, 1996

283 videotapes, 300 hours


HU OSA 322 Collective Fonds: Materials relating to the Balkans

1994-1995, 215 electronic files


HU OSA 323 Records of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee

1989-1999, 1.12 lm (unprocessed)


Includes activity reports, minutes, individual case files, clippings and press releases.


HU OSA 324 Records of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia-Herzegovina

1995-1997, less than 0.12 lm


Includes newsletters and other publications.


HU OSA 325 Records of the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights

1997-1998, less than 0.12 lm


Includes press releases and publications.


HU OSA 326 Records of the Kosova Helsinki Committee

1992-1998, less than 0.12 lm


Includes newsletters and other publications.


HU OSA 327 Records of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia

1996-2001, 0.31 lm


Includes newsletters and other publications.


HU OSA 328 Records of the Albanian Helsinki Committee

1998, less than 0.12 lm


Consists of newsletters.


HU OSA 329 Records of the Canadian Supreme Court Relating to the Case of Her Majesty The Queen (Appellant) v. Imre Finta (Respondent) and the Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association (Intervener)

1993, 0.10 lm


Consists of legal documents: motions, appeals, facta, etc.


HU OSA 332 Records of the Slovak Helsinki Committee

1998, less than 0.12 lm


Consists of newsletters.


HU OSA 334 Records of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee

1996-1997, less than 0.12 lm


Includes thematic publications.


HU OSA 340 Photographs and Personal Papers of Edward Serotta Relating to Jewish Life in Wartime Bosnia and Prewar Yugoslavia



HU OSA 341 Publications of the Human Rights Watch

1982-2000, 5.62 lm


Consists of copies of Human Rights Watch publications: world, country and thematic reports.


Library materials


Information and communications rights, 18 titles


1. Computers, surveillance, and privacy / David Lyon and Elia Zureik, editors. Minneapolis, MN; London: University of Minnesota Press. 1996. 285 p. ISBN 0-8166-2653-7 [With name and subject indexes.]

2. Data protection and freedom of information: workshop on data protection and freedom of information; Budapest, May 22-25, 1997/Editors: Judit Fridli, Gábor Attila Tóth, Veronika Ujvári. Budapest: Hungarian Civil Liberties Union. 1997. 197 p.

3. Ethnic monitoring and data protection: the European context; ed.: Andrea Krizsan, Budapest: CEU Press/INDOK, 2001. 289 p.

4. Legislating privacy: technology, social values, and public policy / Priscilla M. Regan. Chapell Hill; London: The University of North Carolina Press. 1995. 310 p. ISBN 0-8078-2226-4 [Includes bibliographical references and index.]

5. Lying: moral choice in public and private life/Sissela Bok. Second edition. New York, N.Y.: Vintage Books. 1999. 326 p. ISBN 0-375-70528-7

6. Az odaátra nyiló ajtó [The Door Onto the Other Side]; ed.: Laszlo Majtenyi; Budapest: Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Data Protection, 2001. 341 p.

7. Orwell in Athens: a perspective of informatization and democracy / Edited by W.B.H.J. van de Donk, I. Th. M. Snellen and P. W. Tops. Amsterdam: IOS Press. 1995. 289 p. (Informatization developments and the public sector, 3) ISBN 90-5199-219-X [Includes bibliographical references.]

8. Philosophical dimensions of privacy: an anthology / Edited by Ferdinand David Schoeman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1984. 426 p. ISBN 0-521-27554-7 [Includes bibliographical references and index.]

9. Privacy and freedom / Alan F. Westin. Foreword by Oscar M. Ruebhausen. New York, NY: Atheneum. 1967. 487 p. [Includes bibliographical references and index.]

10. Privacy and social freedom / Ferdinand David Schoeman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1992. 225 p. (Cambridge studies in philosophy and public policy) ISBN 0-521-41564-0 [Includes bibliographical references and index.]

11. Privacy on the line: the politics of wiretapping and encryption / Whitfield Diffie, Susan Landau. Cambridge, MA; London: The MIT Press. 1999. 346 p. ISBN 0-262-04167-7 [Includes bibliographical references and index.]

12. Protecting privacy in surveillance societies: the Federal Republic of Germany, Sweden, France, Canada, and the United States / David H. Flaherty. Chapel Hill; London: The University of North Carolina Press. 1989. 483 p. ISBN 0-8078-4352-0 [Includes bibliographical references and notes.]

13. Technology and privacy: the new landscape / edited by Philip E. Agre and Marc Rotenberg. Cambridge, MA; London: The MIT Press. 1998. 325 p. ISBN 0-262-01162-X [Includes bibliographical references and index.]

14. The archival image: collected essays / by Eric Ketelaar. Editor: Yvonne Bos-Rops. Hilversum: Verloren. 1997. 125 p. ill. ISBN 90-6550-565-2

15. The electronic eye: the rise of surveillance society / David Lyon. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 1994. 270 p. ISBN 0-8166-2515-8 [Includes bibliographical references and index. First published in 1994 by Polity Press in association with Blackwell Publishers.]

16. The politics of privacy / by James Rule, Douglas McAdam, Linda Stearns and David Uglow. New York, NY; London; Scarborough, Ont.: New American Library. 1980. 212 p. (A Mentor book) [Includes appendix, bibliographical references and index.]

17. The torment of secrecy: the background and consequences of American security policies / Edward A. Shils; with an introduction by Daniel P. Moynihan. Chicago, Ill.: Ivan R. Dee, Inc. 1996. 238 p. (Elephant paperbacks) ISBN 1-56663-105-X [Originally published: Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1956.]

18. Visions of privacy: policy choices for the digital age / edited by Colin J. Bennett and Rebecca Grant. Toronto; Buffalo; London: University of Toronto Press. 1999. 288 p. ISBN 0-8020-8050-2 [Includes bibliographical references and index.]


International Human Rights Law Institute Collection


International law and politics, 7 titles


1. Between "alliance" and "localization": nationalism and the new oscillationism / Nathaniel Berman. New York, N. Y.: New York University. 1994. pp. 449-491 [Reprinted from New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol. 26. (Spring 1994), No. 3.]

2. Former Yugoslavia: investigating violations of international humanitarian law and establishing an International Criminal Tribunal / M. Cherif Bassiouni. p. 1191-1211. [Reprinted from Fordham International Law Journal, Vol. 18 (April 1995), No. 4. A version of this article appeared in Security Dialogue, 1994.]

3. Former Yugoslavia: investigating violations of international humanitarian law and establishing an International Criminal Tribunal / M. Cherif Bassiouni. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. 1994. pp. 409-423 [Reprinted from Security Dialogue (ISSN 0967-0106), Vol. 25, No. 4.]

4. Nationalism legal and linguistics: the teachings of European jurisprudence / Nathaniel Berman. New York, N. Y.: New York University. 1993. pp. 1515-1578 [Reprinted from New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol. 24. (Summer 1992), No. 4.]

5. Recognizing forced impregnation as a war crime under international law: a special report of the international program / prepared by Anne Tierney Goldstein; edited by Rachael N. Pine. New York, N. Y.: The Center for Reproductive Law & Policy. 1993. 28 p.

6. Reining in impunity for international crimes and serious violations of fundamental human rights: proceedings of the Siracusa conference 17-21 September 1998 / Christopher C. Joyner, special editor, M. Cherif Bassiouni, general editor. Ramonville St-Agne: Éres. 1998. (Nouvelles Études Pénales)

7. The United Nations Commission of Experts established pursuant to Security Council resolution 780 (1992) / M. Cherif Bassiouni. pp. 784-805. [Reprinted from The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 88 (October 1994), No. 4.]


Yugoslav War, 1991-, 14 titles


1. American policy in Bosnia: hearing before the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations, US Senate, one hundred third Congress, first session, February 18, 1993 / Washington DC: US Government Printing Office. 1993. 97 p. ISBN 0-16-040737-0

2. Croatia between war and independence / authors Dušan Bilandžić et al.; editor Bože Čović. Zagreb: The University of Zagreb; OKC Zagreb. 1991. 91 p.

3. Croatia: hospitals on target: deliberate military destruction of the hospitals in Croatia / Ivan Soldo, Božica Ercegovac Jambrović, Jadranka Radloff. Zagreb: Croatian Information Center. 1992. 73 p. ill. ISBN 0-919817-23-8

4. Illiberal tolerance: an essay on the fall of Yugoslavia and the rise of multiculturalism in the United States / Kenneth Anderson. p. 385-431. [Reprinted from Virginia Journal of International Law, Vol. 33 (Winter 1993), No. 2.]

5. Le journal de Zlata / Zlata Filipović; traduit du serbo-croate par Alain Cappon. Paris: Robert Laffont. 1993. 213 p. ISBN 2-221-07767-9

6. Le Tribunal Penal International pour l'ex-Yougoslavie / par Karine Lescure. Paris: Editions Monchrestien. 1994. 203 p. (Etudes internationales, 6) ISBN 2-706-0588-3

7. Les Bosniaques: hommes, villes, barbelés / Velibor Čolić; récits traduits du serbo-croate par Mireille Robin. Paris: Galilée. 1993. 131 p. ISBN 2-7186-0427-1

8. Love thy neighbor: a story of war / Peter Maass. New York, N. Y.: Alfred A. Knopf. 1996. 305 p. ISBN 0-679-44433-5 [Includes indexes.]

9. Mass killing and genocide in Croatia 1991/92: a book of evidence (based upon the evidence of the Division of Information, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia) / editors: Ivica Kostović and Miloš Judaš. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada. 1992. (Croatia in the war: civilian casualties in the war against Croatia 1991/92, 1) [Includes bibliographical references.]

10. Meeting the health needs of women survivors of the Balkan conflict: adoption, abortion and citizenship: legal issues and public health responses in Croatia; plans, needs and recommendations of Croatian organizations / Rachael N. Pine, Julie A. Mertus. New York, N. Y.: The Center for Reproductive Law & Policy. 1993. 58 p. [Includes appendix.]

11. NATO aggression against Yugoslavia: testimony of Dr. Ramsey Clark, U. S. Attorney General in the governments of J. F. Kennedy and L. B. Johnson / prepared by Miloš Aleksić. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Center for Strategic Studies. 1999. 96 p. ill.

12. Pregled istorije genocida nad muslimanima u Jugoslovenskim zemljama: a survey of the history of genocide against the Muslims in the Yugoslav lands / Mustafa Imamović. 1991. 77 p. [Offprint from "The Herald" of the Supreme Islamic Authorities. 1991, No. 6.]

13. Une justice internationale pour l'ex-Yougoslavie: mode d'emploi du tribunal pénal international de La Haye / Karine Lescure, Florence Trintignac. Pris: L'Harmattan. 1994. 127, 64 p. ISBN 2-7384-3048-1 [Includes appendix.]

14. Why are one thousand and one hundred Bosnian mosques destroyed? By: Mujko Erovic. Palm Bay, FL: Bosnia Justice. 1996. 37 p. ill. [Includes bibliographical notes.]




The OSA Library holds a significant number of human rights periodicals, including such titles as Index on Censorship, Helsinska povelja, Chronicle of Current Events, Karta, and International Children’s Rights Bulletin.

