Research Information Paper 5


Church and Religion


HU OSA 205 Records of the Open Media Research Institute


Bulgarian Subject Files


·          Social Issues: Churches, 1992-1996, 0.17 lm

·          Social Issues: Religion, 1949-1996, 0.17 lm


Polish Subject Files


·          Churches, 1994-1997, 0.12 lm


Romanian Subject Files


·          Politics: Foreign Relations: Vatican, 1991-1993, 0.03 lm

·          Social Issues: Education: Religion, 1990-1991, 0.03 lm

·          Social Issues: Education: Religious Schools, 1990, 0.03 lm

·          Social Issues: Religion, 1967-1996, 0.30 lm


Romanian Subject Card Files


·          Church Life: General, 1950-1992


Former Yugoslav Countries’ Subject Files


Bosnia and Herzegovina


·          Politics: Vatican, 1992-1996, 0.10 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Eastern Orthodox, 1992-1996, 0.20 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Other, 1992-1995, 0.10 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Roman Catholic, 1992-1996, 0.20 lm




·          Politics: Vatican, 1992-1994, 0.10 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Eastern Orthodox, 1992-1996, 0.10 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Other, 1992-1994, 0.10 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Roman Catholic, 1992-1996, 0.40 lm




·          Social Issues: Churches: Eastern Orthodox, 1992-1996, 0.10 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Moslems, 1994-1996, 0.20 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Roman Catholic, 1993-1995, 0.10 lm




·          Social Issues: Churches: Eastern Orthodox, 1992-1996, 0.20 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Moslems, 1992-1994, 0.20 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Roman Catholic, 1996, 0.10 lm




·          Social Issues: Churches: Moslems, 1992-1996, 0.20 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Orthodox, 1992-1997, 0.40 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Roman Catholic, 1992-1996, 0.20 lm




·          Social Issues: Churches: Eastern Orthodox, 1993, 0.10 lm

·          Social Issues: Churches: Roman Catholic, 1992-1996, 0.40 lm


Former Soviet Union Archives: Subject Files


·          Атеизм (Atheism), 1988-1994, 10 pages

·          Миссионеры в России (Missionaries in Russia), 1992-1995, 25 pages

·          Ватикан (Vatican), 1990-1995, 0.01 lm

·          Ватикан: покушение на Папу Римского (Vatican: Attempt Upon the Pope), 1981-1992, 0.03 lm

·          Православная церковь и политика (Orthodox Church and Politics), 1995, 3 pages

·          Исламский фактор (Islamic Factor), 1993-1995, 50 pages

·          Религия: мусульманство (Religion: Islam), 1989-1992, 40 pages

·          Религия: иудаизм (Religion: Judaism), 1978-1993, 0.01 lm

·          Конференция восточно-христианских народов (Conference of Eastern Christian People), 1993-1994, 7 pages

·          Религиозные объединения России (Religious Organizations of Russia), 1993-1995, 0.01 lm

·          Совет по взаимодействию с религиозными организациями при президенте РФ (Council for Cooperation with Religious Organizations under the President of the Russian Federation), 1995, 0.01 lm


HU OSA 300 Records of RFE/RL Research Institute

HU OSA 300-3 German Affairs (AGA)

HU OSA 300-3-1 East German Subject Files


·          2800 Religion, 1956-1973, 0.25 lm

·          2904 Resistance and Criticism of the Regime: Religious, 1957-1965, 0.03 lm

HU OSA 300-20 Bulgarian Unit

HU OSA 300-20-1 Subject Files


·          2801 Religion: Communist Influenced and International Ecumenical Movements, 1981-1989, 0.03 lm

·          2802 Religion: Influence of Communism on Religious Ideologies, 1957-1992, 0.03 lm

·          2803 Religion: Obstacles to Worship, Atheistic Propaganda, Rituals, 1953-1992, 0.03 lm

·          2804 Religion: Persecutions, 1951-1992, 0.03 lm

·          2805 Religion: Protestants, 1971-1991, 0.03 lm

·          2806 Religion: Roman Catholic Church, 1959-1992, 0.05 lm

·          2807 Religion: Jews, 1962-1975, 0.03 lm

·          2808 Religion: Orthodox Church, 1920-1992, 0.17 lm

·          2809 Religion: Resistance, 1989-1989, 0.03 lm

·          2810 Religion: Religious Sects, 1959-1992, 0.03 lm

·          2811 Religion: Priests, 1952-1992, 0.03 lm

·          2812 Religion: Religious Holidays, 1958-1993, 0.03 lm

·          2813 Religion: Yoga, 1977-1983, 0.03 lm


HU OSA 300-30 Czechoslovak Unit


The files include newspaper clippings, Czech and Slovak radio monitoring materials, news agency releases and samples of RFE/RL Situation and Background Reports as well as thematic card files. Materials are primarily in Czech, Slovak, German, and English.


HU OSA 300-30-5: Old Code Subject Files IV


·          2806 Religion: Roman Catholic Church, 1967-1971, 0.12 lm

·          2807 Religion: Jews, 1967-1971, 0.12 lm

·          2808 Religion: Other Religions, 1968-1971, 0.01 lm

·          2809 Religion: Czechoslovak Church, 1967-1971, 0.01 lm

·          2810 Religion: Religious Sects, 1967-1970, 0.01 lm

·          2811 Religion: Red Priests, 1967-1971, 0.08 lm

·          2812 Religion: Holidays, 1967-1968, 0.01 lm

·          2813 Religion: Monasteries, 1967-1971, 0.01 lm

·          2814 Religion: Popularity of Church, 1967-1971, 0.01 lm

·          2815 Religion: Antireligious movements, 1967-1969, 0.07 lm


HU OSA 300-30-6 Old Code Subject Files V


·          2801 Religion: Church and State, 1972-1975, 0.10 lm

·          2804 Religion: Persecution, 1972-1975, 0.10 lm

·          2806 Religion: Roman Catholic Church, 1972-1975, 0.15 lm

·          2807 Religion: Jews, 1972-1975, 0.05 lm

·          2811 Religion: Red Priests, 1972-1975, 0.02 lm

·          2815 Religion: Antireligious Movements, 1973-1975, 0.17 lm


HU OSA 300-30-7 Old Code Subject Files VI


·          2800 Religion: General, 1972-1985, 0,10 lm

·          2801 Religion: Church-State, 1976-1989, 0.40 lm

·          2802 Religion: Resistance, 1981-1989, 0.25 lm

·          2804 Religion: Persecution, 1976-1990, 0.40 lm

·          2806 Religion: Roman Catholic Church, 1976-1989, 0,90 lm

·          2807 Religion: Jews, 1976-1987, 0.12 lm

·          2810 Religion: Ecumenism, 1983-1991, 0.03 lm

·          2811 Religion: Red Priests, 1976-1990, 0.40 lm

·          2812 Religion: Personalities, 1985-1988, 0.12 lm

·          2813 Religion: Monasteries, Convents, Buildings, 1972-1991, 0.07 lm

·          2814 Religion: Popularity, 1972-1990, 0.12 lm

·          2815 Religion: Antireligious Movements, 1976-1989, 0.25 lm


HU OSA 300-30-8 Old Code Subject Card Files


·          2800 Religion: General

·          2801 Religion: Church-State Relation

·          2804 Religion: Persecution

·          2805 Religion: Protestants

·          2806 Religion: Roman Catholic Church

·          2807 Religion: Jews

·          2808 Religion: Other Religions

·          2809 Religion: Czechoslovak Church

·          2810 Religion: Religious Sects

·          2811 Religion: Red Priests

·          2812 Religion: Personalities

·          2813 Religion: Monasteries: Convents: Buildings

·          2814 Religion: Popularity

·          2815 Religion: Antireligious Movements


HU OSA 300-30-9 New Code Subject Files


Social Issues: Religion, 1972-1992, 0.12 lm

Social Issues: Religion: Other, 1985-1991, 0.06 lm


HU OSA 300-40 Hungarian Unit


The materials consist of Hungarian press clippings, wire service dispatches, RFE Situation and Background Reports, information items, and research materials. Files are mainly in Hungarian and English.


HU OSA 300-40-1 Subject Files


·          Egyház [Church], 1984-1989, 0.12 lm

·          Egyház: Állam és egyház [State and Church], 1975-1993, 0.50 lm

·          Egyház: Állami Egyházügyi Hivatal [State Department for Religion], 1973-1978, 0.03 lm

·          Egyház: Békepapok [Red Priests], 1949-1991, 0.25 lm

·          Egyház: Biblia [Bible], 1977-1992, 0.09 lm

·          Egyház: Dialógus: Marxisták és katolikusok párbeszéde [Dialogue Between Marxists and Catholics], 1982-1990, 0.10 lm

·          Egyház: Egyéb vallásfelekezetek [Other Religions], 1957, 0.03 lm

·          Egyház: Evangélikus egyház [Evangelical Church], 1957-1958, 0.03 lm

·          Egyház: Hitoktatás [Religious Instruction], 1950-1993, 0.12 lm

·          Egyház: Izraelita [Israelite], 1957-1959, 0.03 lm

·          Egyház: Katolikus egyház [Catholic Church], 1948-1994, 2.00 lm

·          Egyház: Katolikus egyház: Bázisközösségek [Grass-root Communities], 1980-1987, 0.09 lm

·          Egyház: Katolikus egyház: Nem magyar [Catholic Church: Non-Hungarian], 1984-1987, 0.12 lm

·          Egyház: Katolikus egyház: Püspöki Kar [Episcopacy], 1948-1990, 0.06 lm

·          Egyház: Katolikus egyház: Római Pápai Intézet [Papal Institute in Rome], 1964-1984, 0.03 lm

·          Egyház: Keresztény kisegyházak [Smaller Christian Churches], 1948-1992, 0.09 lm

·          Egyház: Keresztény szabadegyházak, felekezetek, szekták [Free Christian Churches, Denominations, Religious Sects], 1952-1993, 0.09 lm

·          Egyház: Kutatási anyag [Research Material], 1951-1960, 0.10 lm

·          Egyház: Lutheránusok [Lutherans], 1948-1989, 0.25 lm

·          Egyház: Nem keresztény vallások: Buddhisták, Krisna-hívők, muszlimok [Non-Christian Religions: Buddhists, Krishna-Believers, Muslims], 1970-1993, 0.03 lm

·          Egyház: Ökumenikus külkapcsolatok [Ecumenical Foreign Relations], 1951-1993, 0.06 lm

·          Egyház: Reformátusok [Reformed Church], 1948-1989, 0.37 lm

·          Egyház: Rendeletek, hittani beíratás [Decrees, Registration for Religious Instruction], 1957-1960, 0.03 lm

·          Egyház: Vallás [Religion], 1984-1989, 0.12 lm

·          Egyházi iskolák [Religious Schools], 1989-1994, 0.03 lm

·          Egyházi iskolák: Evangélikus [Evangelical Religious Schools], 1988-1993, 0.03 lm

·          Egyházi iskolák: Görögkatolikus [Greek-Catholic Religious Schools], 1991, 0.03 lm

·          Egyházi iskolák: Hittudományi Akadémia [Theological Academy], 1969-1989, 0.03 lm

·          Egyházi iskolák: Katolikus [Catholic Religious Schools], 1951-1994, 0.06 lm

·          Egyházi iskolák: Ökumenikus [Ecumenical Religious Schools], 1990, 0.03 lm

·          Egyházi iskolák: Református [Reformed Religious Schools], 1989-1993, 0.03 lm

·          Egyházi ünnepek [Religious Holidays], 1951-1992, 0.12 lm

·          Külpolitika: Külkapcsolatok: Vatikán [Foreign Affairs: Relations with other Countries: Vatican], 1985-1993, 1.00 lm

·          Zsidóság [Jewry], 1962-1990, 0.50 lm

·          Zsidóság: Eichmann-per [Jewry: The Eichmann Trial], 1960-1962, 0.12 lm

·          Zsidóság: Magyar Zsidó [Jewry: The Hungarian Jew], 1987, 0.03 lm


HU OSA 300-40-2 Subject Files in English


·          Religion: General, 1965-1989, 0.12 lm

·          Religion: Arrests, 1966-1977, 0.03 lm

·          Religion: Mindszenty [Cardinal], 1971-1989, 0.06 lm

·          Religion: Poland, 1982, 0.03 lm

·          Religion: Protestants, Jews, 1966-1989, 0.06 lm

·          Religion: Vatican, 1966-1989, 0.12 lm


HU OSA 300-40-6 Biographical Files


·          Lékai László, 0.06 lm

·          Mindszenty József, 0.37 lm

·          Paskai László, 0.03 lm


HU OSA 300-50 Polish Unit

HU OSA 300-50-1 Subject Files


·          114.45 Communist Party and Religion, 1954-1959, 20 pages

·          114.451 Influence on religion, 1954-1958, 100 pages

·          118 K Church: Exile, 1979-1992, 700 pages

·          122 WAT Vatican and John Paul II, 0.05 lm

·          125.3 Cardinal Wyszynski in Rome, 1957, 100 pages

·          832.01 Contacts with Church in Education, 1953-1961, 300 pages

·          840 Religion, 1951-1991, 0.18 lm

·          840 X Religion: Exile, 1952-1961, 100 pages

·          840.01 Church and State, 1952-1961, 0.25 lm

·          841.2 Roman Catholic Church, 1951-1992, 1.37 lm

·          841.2 Other Churches, 1952-1992, 0.18 lm

·          841.9 Religious Sects, 1955-1961, 50 pages

·          842 Religious Activity, 1951-1961, 50 pages

·          842.3 Seminary, 1953-1961, 50 pages

·          843 Theology, 1954-1992, 1.00 lm

·          844 Church and State, 1952-1992, 1.37 lm

·          844 GL Jozef Glemp, 1981-1992, 0.87 lm

·          844 W Stefan Wyszynski, 1951-1991, 0.87 lm

·          844 WOJT Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II), 1964-1992, 0.12 lm

·          844.01 Anticlericalism: Propaganda, 1950-1992, 0.75 lm

·          844.1 KIK Club of Catholic Intellectuals, 1956-1992, 0.12 lm

·          845 Priests, Nuns, Monks, 1955-1992, 0.69 lm

·          845 KS Jerzy Popieluszko, 1984-1992, 0.69 lm

·          845.01 Patriotic Priests: PAX, 1952-1992, 0.62 lm

·          846 Churches: Infrastructure, 1952-1992, 0.37 lm

·          846.1 Miracles: Canonization, 1969-1992, 0.50 lm

·          847 Religious Literature and Fine Arts, 1951-1992, 0.18 lm

·          847 P Religious Press, 1953-1961, 0.06 lm


HU OSA 300-50-3 Biographical Card Files

0.75 lm


·          Priests

·          Patriotic priests

·          Churches in Poland

·          Polish church abroad

·          Catholic orders

·          PAX


HU OSA 300-50-10 Old Code Subject Files

1.25 lm


·          Church: Exile

·          Stefan Wyszynski

·          Church and State

·          Catholic Youth

·          Bishops’ Conferences

·          Episcopate


HU OSA 300-50-12 Press Releases of the Press Bureau of the Polish Episcopate

3.5 lm


·          Pismo Okólne [Church Monitor], 1980-1992, 3.50 lm


HU OSA 300-55 Polish Underground Publications Unit

HU OSA 300-55-3 Subject Files


·          Church, 1985-1990, 400 pages

·          Jerzy Popieluszko, 1984-1989, 500 pages


Polish Biographical Files


·          John Paul II, 1968-1994, 0.25 lm

·          Stefan Wyszynski, 1957-1990, 200 pages

·          Jerzy Popieluszko, 1983-1987, 200 pages

·          Maksymilian Kolbe, 1968-1985, 100 pages

·          Jozef Glemp, 1981-1993, 100 pages


HU OSA 300-60 Romanian Unit

HU OSA 300-60-1 Subject Files


·          101 Administration: National Committees: Church Approval, 1989, 0.03 lm

·          1014 Education: Problems with Church, 1960, 0.03 lm

·          1505 Foreign Relations: Relations with other Countries: [Vatican], 1990-1991, 0.03 lm

·          2800 Religion: General, 1948-989, 0.37 lm

·          2800 Religion: Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue, 1982-1982, 0.03 lm

·          2800 Religion: [Party and Religion], 1967-1975, 0.05 lm

·          2800 Religion: Religious Cults, 1983-1983, 0.03 lm

·          2801 Religion: Communist Countries, 1977-1979, 0.03 lm

·          2801 Religion: Communist Influenced Religious Movements, 1951-1968, 0.03 lm

·          2802 Religion: Influence of Communist Ideology, 1948-1987, 0.03 lm

·          2803 Religion: Obstacles to Worship God, 1951-1987, 0.06 lm

·          2804 Religion: Persecution, 1951-1988, 0.12 lm

·          2804 Religion: Persecution: Father Calciu, 1979-1990, 0.06 lm

·          2805 Religion: Anglican Church, 1965-1984, 0.03 lm

·          2805 Religion: Baptists, 1966-1989, 0.09 lm

·          2805 Religion: Lutherans, 1956-1988, 0.03 lm

·          2805 Religion: Unitarian Church, 1968-1986, 0.03 lm

·          2806 Religion: Roman Catholic Church, 1948-1989, 0.40 lm

·          2806 Religion: Romanian Catholics, 1966-1989, 0.06 lm

·          2806 Religion: Vatican, 1981-1986, 0.03 lm

·          2806 Religion: Vatican: Ostpolitik [East Politics], 1966-1984, 0.06 lm

·          2807 Religion: Jews, 1951-1967, 0.03 lm

·          2808 Religion: Atheism, 1986-1986, 0.03 lm

·          2808 Religion: Foreign Relations, 1976-1977, 0.03 lm

·          2808 Religion: Orthodox Church, 1964-1988, 0.25 lm

·          2808 Religion: Orthodox Ecumenical Synod, 1976-1976, 0.03 lm

·          2808 Religion: Other Religions, 1948-1966, 0.09 lm

·          2808 Religion: Trifa-Case, 1979-1988, 0.03 lm

·          2809 Religion: Resistance, 1952-1986, 0.03 lm

·          2810 Religion: Adventists, 1978-1986, 0.03 lm

·          2810 Religion: Pentecostals, 1968-1989, 0.03 lm

·          2810 Religion: Reformed Church: Tőkés László, 1989-1991, 0.05 lm

·          2810 Religion: Religious Sects, 1953-1988, 0.03 lm

·          2811 Religion: Red Priests, 1952-1988, 0.03 lm

·          2812 Religion: Religious Holidays, 1955-1979, 0.03 lm

·          2904 Resistance and Criticism of the Regime: Religious, 1952-1969, 0.03 lm

·          4404 State Apparatus: Education: Problems with Church, 1978-1988, 0.03 lm


HU OSA 300-60-3 Records Relating to the Romanian Opposition and Protest Movement


·          Dissidents: Tőkés László, 1989-1991, 0.03 lm

·          Human rights: Psychiatry. Religion, 1988-1989, 0.03 lm


HU OSA 300-70 Yugoslav Section

HU OSA 300-70-1 Subject Files

1960-1989, 0.50 lm


The materials consist of foreign and Yugoslav press clippings, wire service dispatches, RFE/RL Background Reports, research materials, and some printed matters on religious organizations and groups in Yugoslavia. Files are primarily in Serbo-Croatian and English.


·          Catholic Church

·          Croatia: Opposition

·          Dissidents

·          Exiles

·          Ideology

·          Moslems

·          Religion

·          Serbian Church

·          Vatican


HU OSA 300-80 Soviet “Red” Archives


The records consist of RFE/RL research reports, clippings from Russian and Western newspapers, national radio monitoring materials and wire service dispatches as well as some legislative material.


HU OSA 300-80-1 Old Code Subject Files


·          Религия: Общее [Religion: General], 1957-1993, 0.32 lm

·          Религия: Адвентисты [Adventists], 1975-1993, 0.04 lm

·          Религия: Армянская церковь [Armenian Gregorian Church], 1963-1992, 0.01 lm

·          Религия: Баптисты [Baptists], 1973-1985, 0.14 lm

·          Религия: Буддизм [Buddhism], 1960-1992, 0.02 lm

·          Религия: Воспитание в религиозном духе [Religious Education], 1961-1992, 0.02 lm

·          Религия: Духовная академия и семинарии [Academy of Theology and Theological Seminaries], 1960-1992, 0.01 lm

·          Религия: Иконы и религиозное искусство [Icons and Religious Art], 1979-1992, 0.02 lm

·          Религия: Иудаизм [Judaism], 1956-1993, 0.03 lm

·          Религия: Католицизм [Catholicism], 1963-1992, 0.13 lm

·          Религия: Магометанство [Mohammedanism], 1953-1987, 0.30 lm

·          Религия: Международные связи [International Relations], 1983-1992, 0.03 lm

·          Религия: Московская партиархия [Moscow Patriarchate], 1960-1993, 0.09 lm

·          Религия: Православие [Orthodox Church], 1957-1993, 0.34 lm

·          Религия: Преследования [Persecution], 1983-1993, 0.09 lm

·          Религия: Протестанство [Protestantism], 1957-1993, 0.11 lm

·          Религия: Пятидесятники [Pentecostals], 1961-1991, 0.03 lm

·          Религия: Секты [Sects], 1971-1989, 0.04 lm

·          Религия: Сектантство [Sectarianism], 1990-1993, 0.02 lm

·          Религия: Старообрядцы [Old Believers], 1978-1992, 0.01 lm

·          Религия: Статистика [Statistics], 1967-1992, 0.01 lm

·          Религия: Судебные процессы [Trials], 1961-1987, 0.05 lm

·          Религия: Церкви, храмы, монастыри [Churches, Temples, Cloisters], 1960-1993, 0.12 lm

·          Религия: Церковь и государство [Church and State], 1958-1990, 0.15 lm

·          Религия: Эйкуменизм [Ecumenism], 1970-1992, 0.01 lm

·          Религия: Антирелигиозная пропаганда [Anti-Religious Propaganda], 1968-1992, 0.21 lm


HU OSA 300-80-12 USSR Biographical Files


·          Алексий, патриарх [Ридигер, Алексей Михайлович], 1954-1994, 0.02 lm

·          Дудко, Дмитрий, отец, 1974-1993, 0.03 lm

·          Желудков, Сергей Алексеевич [отец Сергей Желудков], 1968-1991, 0.02 lm

·          Крахмальникова, Зоя Александровна, 1982-1993, 0.01 lm

·          Mень, Александр, отец, 1990-1993, 0.01 lm

·          Огурцов, Игорь Александрович, 1974-1992, 0.02 lm

·          Пимен, метрополит, патриарх [Извеков, Сергей Михайлович], 1967-1990, 0.04 lm

·          Светов, Феликс Григорьевич, 1979-1991, 0.01 lm

·          Филарет, митрополит, 1978-1993, 0.03 lm

·          Якунин, Глеб Павлович, 1966-1993, 0.06 lm


HU OSA 300-85 Samizdat Archives

HU OSA 300-85-9/10/11 Published Samizdat


About one thousand Samizdat documents from the Radio Liberty collection is related to religious issues. Six of thirty volumes of the Collection of Samizdat Documents are about religious persecution in the USSR in 1972-1978:


·          Т. 11, Документы православной церкви [Documents on the Orthodox Church], часть 1

·          Т. 14, Документы баптистов ЕХБ в СССР [Documents on members of the Baptist Church, ECB], часть 1

·          Т. 15, Документы баптистов ЕХБ в СССР [Documents on members of the Baptist Church, ECB], часть 2

·          Т. 19, Документы баптистов ЕХБ в СССР [Documents on members of the Baptist Church, ECB], часть 3

·          Т. 26, Документы православной церкви [Documents on the Orthodox Church], часть 2

·          Т. 27, Документы о религиозном вопросе в СССР [Documents on Religion in the USSR]


HU OSA 300-85-12 Subject Files


·          Религия: Общие вопросы [Religion: General], 1974-1990, 0.50 lm

·          Религия: Атеизм [Atheism], 1975-1992, 0.03 lm

·          Религия: Библия, Коран и другие священные книги [The Bible, the Koran, and Other Scriptures], 1974-1990, 0.05 lm

·          Религия: Государство и религия [Religion and State], 1988-1992, 0.02 lm

·          Религия: Законодательство [Legislation], 1988-1992, 40 pages

·          Религия: Религиозные группы [Religious Groups], 1990-199, 5 pages

·          Религия: Конференции [Conferences], 1989, 1 page

·          Религия: Адвентисты [Adventists], 1977-1991, 0.06 lm

·          Религия: Баптисты [Baptists], 1962-1989, 0.18 lm

·          Религия: Буддисты [Buddhists], 1972-1991, 0.03 lm

·          Религия: Иеговисты [Jehovah's Witnesses], 1973-1991, 0.02 lm

·          Религия: Иудаисты [Judaists], 1990-1991, 12 pages

·          Религия: Католики [Catholics], 1981-1991, 0.01 lm

·          Религия: Католики-униаты [Catholic Uniate Church], 1980-1990, 0.08 lm

·          Религия: Кришнаиты [Krishnaits], 1986-1988, 0.05 lm

·          Религия: Лютеране [Lutherans], 1978-1991, 0.03 lm

·          Религия: Мормоны [Mormons], 1990-1992, 2 pages

·          Религия: Мусульмане, Ислам [Muslims, Islam], 1980-1991, 0.06 lm

·          Религия: Православные [Orthodox Believers], 1974-1990, 0.41 lm

·          Религия: Пятидесятники [Pentecostals], 1979-1991, 0.12 lm

·          Религия: Секты [Sects], 1983-1991, 0.02 lm

·          Религия: Образование и религия [Education and Religion], 1990-1992, 20 pages

·          Религия: Организации [Organizations], 1988-1991, 0.03 lm

·          Религия: Публикации [Publications], 1989-1991, 0.03 lm

·          Религия: Храмы, костелы, мечети, монастыри [Temples, Churches, Mosques, Cloisters], 1988-1992, 0.03 lm


HU OSA 300-85-13 Biographical Files


This series includes a significant number of files on participants of the religious movements and their supporters in the Soviet Union.


HU OSA 300-85-18 Regional Press

HU OSA 300-85-19 Informal Press


The above two series contain a number of publications on religious life during the Perestroika period, such as:


·          Религия в СССР [Religion in the USSR]

·          Христианское слово [Christian Word]

·          Исламские новости [Дагестан] [Islamic News]

·          Путь ислама [Дагестана] [Dagestani Islamic Way]

·          Вятский епархиальный вестник [Bulletin Viatka Eparchy]

·          Православный Петербург [Orthodox Church in Petersburg]

·          Вестник Никольской церкви [Москва] [Herald of the Church of St. Nikolai]

·          Московский церковный вестник [Moscow Church Bulletin]

·          Мусульманский вестник [Саратов] [Muslim Bulletin]

·          Православный вестник Ставрополья [Orthodox Church Herald]


HU OSA 300-506 Records of Analyst Vladimir Socor: Subject Files


·          Disappearances, Suspicious Deaths: Pálfi Géza, 1984-1987, 0.03 lm

·          Hungarian Solidarity: Religious, 1987-1989, 0.03 lm

·          Magyars: Church, 1990-1991, 0.03 lm

·          Magyars: VIP: Tőkés László, 1989-1990, 0.06 lm

·          Opposition and Dissent: Religion. Human Rights Issues, 1986, 0.03 lm

·          Transnational Links of Opposition: Religion, 1988, 0.03 lm


HU OSA 301 Records of the Index on Censorship


This fonds contains 28 files (approximately 0.50 lm) on the issues of church history and religion covering the years 1965-1992. The files are organized by continents and thereunder by countries. They consist of press clippings, reports of non-governmental organizations, wire service dispatches and a substantial quantity of printed materials on issues of freedom of worship and religion.


HU OSA 304 Records of the International Human Rights Law Institute [IHRLI] Relating to the Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia


The church and religion related materials of this fonds can be divided into two main groups:

1. Books and publications (15 volumes) on the history of churches and religions involved in the Balkan wars (generally used as reference literature by IHRLI staff or received from the governments of the warring factions).

2. Reports on destruction of churches and mosques and forced conversion (approximately 600 pages).


·          Report on the Destruction of Cultural Heritage, Property and Buildings as a Result of War in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina 1992-1994, Chicago 1994 (prepared by IHRLI staff)

·          Rapport d'information sur la destruction par la guerre du patrimonie culturel de la Bosnie-Herzegovine [Information Report on the Destruction of Cultural Heritage as a Result of War in Bosnia-Herzegovina], I-IV, Bruxelles, 1993-1994 (prepared by the Commission of the Council of Europe)

·          Final Report of the United Nations Commission of Experts Established Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 780 (1992), Annex XI (Destruction of Cultural Property Report) - Draft, May 27, 1994


In addition to these general reports prepared by international and non-governmental organizations, the records of IHRLI contain approximately 400 pages of other reports related to the religious aspects of the war in the former Yugoslavia submitted by local authorities, governmental organizations and churches from the war- stricken regions. These materials are also supported by a limited number of books and propaganda pamphlets from the same sources:


·          Sacral Institutions on Target in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatian Information Center, Zagreb, 1992

·          War Damaged Orthodox Churches in Serbian Areas of Croatia in 1991, Serbian Orthodox Church publication, Beograd, 1992

·          Erovic, Mujko: Why Are One Thousand and One Hundred Bosnian Mosques Destroyed, Palm Bay, 1996


Library materials


The OSA Library holds both books and periodicals related to church history and religious issues. Most numerous among the former are the reference books (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, directories, handbooks and guides) on religion published between the 1950-1990 in English and Russian. The latter include approximately 50 theological and church-related periodicals in seven languages.

