- • Cultic sites
- • Neopagans
- • Conspiracy
Curators: Gábor Klaniczay – Péter Tóth G. Special thanks to: Katalin Dobó The exhibition was supported by: Pro Cultura Urbis, Budapest City Council, Cultural Committee, Central European University, Department of Medieval Studies Design and installations: Judit Beck The following institutions and organizations and people were involved in the realization of the event: Dóra Bubory, Viktor Cziráki, Sarolta Eörsi, Péter Erdősi, Ottó Gecser, Elma Hasimbegovič, Csaba Hidán, Mihály Hoppál, Tsvetelina Hristova, János Kiss, Iván Konkoly, József Laszlovszky, Márta Mihályfi, Csaba Károly Nyers, Orsolya Réthelyi, Vera Sallay Tóth, Krisztina Sedlmayr, Ruxanda Stoica, András Takács, Csaba Tóth, Tamás Tóth, Trpimir Vedriš, Gábor Virágos, András Zsuppán | Hungarian National Museum, Directorate of the Veszprém County Museums, Petőfi Theatre, Veszprém, Veszprém City Cultural Center, PMMI Árpád Museum, Zikkurat Production, Budapest With special thanks to the staff of the OSA Archivum as well as to the students of the CEU Medieval Department who participated in the collection of the materials