RFE/RL Collection - Media Coverage

List of Documents - 1956 [68 items]

Herbst 1956 -- Rückblick auf eine dramatische Entwicklung [Fall 1956 -- The review of a dramatic development], Süddeutsche Zeitung, 1956-11-11 [in German] Page 1

A népköztársaság Elnöki Tanácsának törvényereju rendelete a rögtönbíráskodásról [Martial law decree of the Presidential Council of the People's Republic], Népszabadság, 1956-12-11 [in Hungarian] Page 1

A népköztársaság Elnöki Tanácsának törvényereju rendelete a gyári munkásorség fegyverviselésének szabályozásáról [Law decree of the Presidential Council of the People's Republic on the controlling of armed weapons on factory guards], Népszabadság, 1956-12-11 [in Hungarian] Page 1

We will das alles verantworten ? [Who will be responsible for all this?], Unidentified, 1956-11 [in German] Page 1  2 

Die Tragödie Ungarns [The tragedy of Hungary], Postverlagsort München, 1956 [in German] Page 1  2 

In Ungarn starb die Freiheit, Budapest in Flammen [In Hungary the freedom is dying, Budapest in Flames], Abendzeitung, 1956-11-5 [in German] Page 1  2 

Hungarian exiles answer student's questions, Manchester Guardian, 1956-10-31 [in English] Page 1  2 

Insurgents marching in Budapest, The Times, 1956-10-30 [in English] Page 1

An appeal to Americans in Europe for Hungary's Martyrs, New York Herald Tribune, 1956-11-12 [in English] Page 1

Today and Tomorrow, New York Herald Tribune, 1956-12-24, by Walter Lippmann [in English] Page 1

Au secours, au secours, au secours... [Help, Help, Help], L'Express, 1956-11-4 [in French] Page 1  2   3   4 

Occupée par dix-neuf divisions [Occupied by nineteen divisions], Figaro, 1956-11-6 [in French] Page 1  2   3 

Les gangsters russes nous ont trahit [The Russians gangsters betrayed us], Figaro, 1956-11-5 [in French] Page 1  2   3 

Attaque brutales des forces soviétiques contre La Hongrie [Brutal attack of the Soviet Forces against Hungary], Figaro, 1956-11-5 [in French] Page 1  2   3 

Un appel de Nagy a L'ONU [Nagy's call to UNO], Figaro, 1956-11-3, by Dominique Aucleres [in French] Page 1  2   3 

Depuis 28 Octobre plus de 80.000 réfugiés hongois ont franchi la frontiere [From October 28 more than 80,000 Hungarian refugees crossed the border], Figaro, 1956-11-27 [in French] Page 1

Moscou promet l'indépendence totale aux pays satellites [Moscow promises total independence to satellite countries], Figaro, 1956-10-31 [in French] Page 1  2   3   4 

Le film des événements retracés heure par heure par un groupe de journalistes francais [The film of the events recounted hour by hour by a group of French journalists], Figaro, 1956-11-13 [in French] Page 1  2   3 

La plupart des insurgés de Budapest ont déposé les armes [The majority of the insurgents in Budapest put down the arms], Figaro, 1956-11-12 [in French] Page 1  2 

J'ai assisté a l'impitoyable écrasement d'un peuple généreux [I assisted to a merciless crushing of a generous people], Figaro, 1956-11-13 [in French] Page 1  2   3   4 

Pour répondre a l' appel de détresse des écrivains hongrois [To respond to a call of despair of the Hungarian writers], Le Figaro littéraire, 1956-12-10 [in French] Page 1  2   3   4 

La vraie fidélité [The real faithfulness], L'Express, 1956-11-9 [in French] Page 1

Toute résistance organisée parait avoir cessé en Hongie [All the resistance seems to cease in Hungary], Figaro, 1956-11-8 [in French] Page 1  2 

La Honrie ensanglantée [The blood-drenched Hungary], La Croix, 1956-11-8 [in French] Page 1  2   3 

Campagne de slogans a Budapest [Campaign of slogans in Budapest], La Croix, 1956-12-28 [in French] Page 1  2 

Rozhodná opatrení k zabezpecení klidu v zemi [Decisive measures to assure tranquility in the country], Rudé právo, 1956-12-10 [in Czech] Page 1

Madarské události v zrcadle západního tisku [Hungarian events monitored by the western press], Rudé právo, 1956-13-16 [in Czech] Page 1  2   3 

Zpráva o vývoji situace v Madarsku [Report on the situation in Hungary], Svobodné slovo, 1956-10-30 [in Czech] Page 1

Madarské obyvatelstvo pomáha likvidovat skupiny banditov [Hungarian population helps to liquidate groups of bandits], Pravda, 1956-11-10 [in Czech] Page 1

Le comite central polonais au peuple hongois: Freres, nous sommes du meme cote que vous, mais assez de combat [The Polish Central Committee to the Hungarian people: We are on the same side as you but enough of battle], Figaro, 1956-10-30 [in French] Page 1

Vor dem ungarischen Institut in Warschau stehen polnische Studenten Ehrenwache [Polish students in front of the Hungarian Institute in Warsaw as guards of honor], Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1956-12-23 [in German] Page 1

“Hungaria no se rinde”, 1956-11-20 [in Spanish] Page 1  2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44 

Újabb orizetesek ügyét vizsgálta felül a Legfelsobb Ügyészség [New case of detainees was revised by the Chief Prosecutor's Office], Népakarat, 1956-12-13 [in Hungarian] Page 1

ENSZ: Magyar kérdés [articles from English, French and German newspapers, UN Department of Information, release], [UN: Hungarian case [articles from English, French and German newspapers, UN Department of Information, release] ], New York Herald Tribune, 1956-12-18 [in English] Page 1

Bereits 27.000 Ungarnflüchtlinge in Österreich [27,000 Refugees from Hungary in Austria], Independent Kleine Zeitung, 1956-11-15 [in German] Page 1

Pártok és egység [Parties and unity], Petofi Párt: Új Magyarország, 2. szám., 1956-11-2, by László Németh [in Hungarian] Page 1  2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

Rebel raiders snatch back their chief, Daily Herald, 1956-11-27, by Alfred Richman [in English] Page 1  2 

Mindszenty sees a better future, New York Times Magazine, 1956-11-1 [in English] Page 1

Cardinal Mindszenty with an armed guard, Manchester Guardian, 1956-11-1 [in English] Page 1

Nagy -- Still a red ? Still alive ?, The Sunday Sun, Baltimore, 1956-12-16 [in English] Page 1  2   3 

Kritika a budapesti sajtóban [Critics in the Budapest press], Evaluation and research section: Hungarian Press Survey, 1956-10-23 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 

Review of Népszabadság issues November 3, 13, 14,17,and 20, Evaluation and research section: Hungarian Press Survey in English, 1956-11-23 [in English] Page 1  2   3   4   5   6 

Budapest 1956: Lekcja polityki [Budapest 1956: Lesson of politics], 1956-12-2, by Krzysztof Wolicki [in Polish] Page 1  2 

Pomoc dla narodu Wengierskego [Help for the Hungarian people], Trybuna Ludu, 1956-11-1 [in Polish] Page 1

Curieux anniversaire, La mort de “Pedra” [Curious anniversary: Death of “Pedra”], Les affaires étrangeres, 1956-11-9 [in French] Page 1

Communic comun, Pravda, 1956-11-23 [in Romanian] Page 1  2 

Bulganin appeal sent Eisenhower, New York Times Magazine, 1956-11-2, by J. William Jorden [in English] Page 1

Megalakult az új nemzeti kormány [The new national government has been formed], Szabad nép, 1956-10-27 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Híven az igazsághoz [Loyal to the truth], Szabad nép, 1956-10-28 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Valóra kell váltani a kormányprogram minden pontját [Every point of the Governments plan has to be attained], Népszava, 1956-10-29 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Kik segítik oket ? [Who helps them?], Budai Hírlap, 1956-11-1 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Mit akarunk ? [What do we want?], A Szív, 1956-11-3 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Lábhoz tett fegyverrel [Arms layed down], Irodalmi újság, 1956-11-2 [in Hungarian] Page 1

A nemzeti felkelés katonai vezetoi a honvédség legfelsobb vezetésében [The military leaders of the national uprising in the highest command of Hungarian Army], Magyar Honvéd, 1956-11-1 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Leleplezo adatok az AVH népellenes munkájáról [Revealing information about the work of the AVH against the people ], Északmagyarország, 1956-11-2 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2   3   4   5   6 

Hungary counters strike and fighting with threat, New York Times Magazine, 1956-12-14 [in English] Page 1

U.S. Asks priority for new U.N. Bid to Kadar regime, New York Times Magazine, 1956-12-1 [in English] Page 1

Hungary admits exiling by Soviet, New York Times Magazine, 1956-12-3 [in English] Page 1

Hungary bars bid by Hamarskjöld to visit on December 6, New York Times Magazine, 1956-12-5 [in English] Page 1  3 

Attaque brutales des forces soviétiques contre La Hongrie [Brutal attack of the Soviet Forces against Hungary], Figaro, 1956-11-5 [in French] Page 1  2   3 

Un appel de Nagy a L'ONU [Nagy's call to UNO], Figaro, 1956-11-3, by Dominique Aucleres [in French] Page 1  2   3 

Depuis 28 Octobre plus de 80.000 réfugiés hongois ont franchi la frontiere [From October 28 more than 80,000 Hungarian refugees crossed the border], Figaro, 1956-11-27 [in French] Page 1

Moscou promet l'indépendence totale aux pays satellites [Moscow promises total independence to satellite countries], Figaro, 1956-10-31 [in French] Page 1  2   3   4 

Le film des événements retracés heure par heure par un groupe de journalistes francais [The film of the events recounted hour by hour by a group of French journalists], Figaro, 1956-11-13 [in French] Page 1  2   3 

La plupart des insurgés de Budapest ont déposé les armes [The majority of the insurgents in Budapest put down the arms], Figaro, 1956-11-12 [in French] Page 1  2 

J'ai assisté a l'impitoyable écrasement d'un peuple généreux [I assisted to a merciless crushing of a generous people], Figaro, 1956-11-13 [in French] Page 1  2   3   4 

Pour répondre a l' appel de détresse des écrivains hongrois [To respond to a call of despair of the Hungarian writers], Le Figaro littéraire, 1956-12-10 [in French] Page 1  2   3   4 

La vraie fidélité [The real faithfulness], L'Express, 1956-11-9 [in French] Page 1

List of Documents - 1957 [119 items]

New Hungarian Banishment Decree, London Press Service, 1957-03-22 [in English] Page 1  2 

Ma éjféltol megszunik a kijárási tilalom [The curfew will end at midnight tonight], Népszabadság, 1957-04-13 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Helyzetjelentés az útlevélfrontról [Report on the passport situation], Népszabadság, 1957-01-9 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Disszidált gyerekek tartásdíja, elhagyott vagyontárgyak [Alimony of dissident children, lost assets], Népszabadság, 1957-02-24 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Décret no. 28: le tribunal Doit, dans son jugement CONDAMNER a MORT [Decree no. 28: The Tribunal must bring a capital sentence], L'Aurore, 1957-10-28 [in French] Page 1  2   3 

“Funeral Oration at the Grave of the Fallen Heroes conceived in the manner of Thucydides” by Milan Füst, East Europe, 1957-11 [in English] Page 1  2   3 

Wir haben Ungarn vergessen ! [We have forgotten Hungary!], Bild telegraf, 1957-10-23 [in German] Page 1

Heute vor einen Jahr in den Strasen nov Budapest [Today, one year ago, on the streets of Budapest], Kurier, 1957-10-23 [in German] Page 1

Hungarians tired of waiting, Manchester Guardian , 1957-08-7 [in English] Page 1

Miners given target: 2500 Hungarians by August 1, Manchester Guardian , 1957-07-4 [in English] Page 1

Blunt words about ban on Hungarians, Manchester Guardian , 1957-07-2 [in English] Page 1

220 refuse to work with refugees, Manchester Guardian , 1957-05-28 [in English] Page 1

Refugee mine workers, London Times, 1957-01-10 [in English] Page 1

Segélykiáltás Kanadából, Népakarat, 1957-01-29 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Madarskí utecenci sa vracajú do vlasti, Práca, 1957-01-25 [in Slovak] Page 1

Österreich weist ungarische Vorwürfe zurück, Arbeiterzeitung, 1957-01-27 [in German] Page 1

Un représantant démocrate demande le rapatriement des réfugiés hongrois déja admis aux États Unis, 1957-01-18 [in French] Page 1

Háromszáz magyar hazatér Jugoszláviából [Three hundred Hungarians are returning from Yugoslavia], Népszabadság, 1957-02-15 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Hungarian reply on refugees, London Times, 1957-02-15 [in English] Page 1

Die Flüchtlinge in Österreich [The refugees in Austria], Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1957-02-10 [in German] Page 1

Puteshestvje za poscecinoj, Izvestia, 1957-02-5 [in Russian] Page 1

Alaposan kizsákmányoltak bennünket [We are exploited], Népszabadság, 1957-01-23 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Madarskí utecenci sa vracajú do vlasti [Hungarian refugees return home], Práca, 1957-01-25 [in Slovak] Page 1

La tragédie des enfants séparés de leur famille [Tragedy of the children separated from their families], Le Monde, 1957-09-6 [in French] Page 1

Újra magyar földön [On Hungarian Land again], Magyar Ifjúság, 1957-12-14 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Le rapatriement des réfugiés hongrois [The repatriation of the Hungarian refugees], Le Monde, 1957-03-14 [in French] Page 1

Az utolsó napok [Last days], Népszabadság, 1957-03-31 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2 

Welcome to America, fighters for freedom !, International Free Trade Union News, 1957-02, by George Meany [in English] Page 1  2 

Hungarian girl, 18, is first refugee to come to Louisville as a student, The Courie-Journal Louisville, 1957-01-30 [in English] Page 1

Refugees confront U.S. with basic decisions, The New York Times, 1957-02-3 [in English] Page 1

Dans trois mois 25 000 Hongrois auront trouvé asile au Canada [In three months 25,000 Hungarians will find haven in Canada], Le Monde, 1957-03-15 [in French] Page 1

Austria to take more Hungarian refugees, New York Times Magazine, 1957-05-1 [in English] Page 1

Die ungarischen Flüchtlinge in Jugoslawien [The Hungarian refugees in Yugoslavia], Neue Züricher Zeitung, 1957-04-13 [in German] Page 1

Kreuzzug der Herzen [?], Neuer Kurier Bild, 1957-09-21 [in German] Page 1  2 

More refugees get a U.S. Haven, New York Times Magazine, 1957-07-23 [in English] Page 1

“Der Abschaum der ungarischen Bevölkerung” [The remnants of the Hungarian population], Communist Warheit, 1957-07-27 [in German] Page 1

Hazaküldik Ausztriából a beteg és munkaképtelen disszidenseket [The dissidents unable to work or are sick are sent home from Austria], Népszabadság, 1957-12-31 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Plight of Hungarian refugees, Manchester Guardian, 1957-01-26 [in English] Page 1

Refugee hopes and fears, The Economist, 1957-06-29 [in English] Page 1  2 

Combating camp sickness, London Times, 1957-06-26 [in English] Page 1  2 

Plight of the refugees in Yugoslavia, Manchester Guardian, 1957-07-3 [in English] Page 1

Trouble outside hostel, Manchester Guardian, 1957-06-27 [in English] Page 1

Die Muter wartet in Kapstadt, Eva in Wien [Mother waits in Kapstadt, Eva in Vienna], Arbeiter-Zeitung, 1957-05-26 [in German] Page 1  2 

Hungarian exodus, The Economist, 1957-05-4 [in English] Page 1  2 

Hungary refugees leaving Austria, New York Herald Tribune, 1957-05-14 [in English] Page 1

Abermals 2548 Flüchtlinge abtransportiert [2548 refugees transported again], Neues Üsterreich, 1957-04-16 [in German] Page 1

Tragedii ciag dalszy [The tragedy continues], Trybuna Ludu, 1957-03-1 [in Polish] Page 1

UNO drängt auf Hilfe für Ungarn Flüchtlinge [UN urges for help for the Hungarian refugees], Süddeutsche Zeitung, 1957-03-14 [in German] Page 1

Fllüchtlingselend ohne Schlagzeilen [Refugees without headlines], “Die Zeit”, 1957-02-7 [in German] Page 1  2 

U.S. Aids Hungarian exit, N.Y. Times, 1957-03-22 [in English] Page 1

Beszédes számok [Affable numbers], Új Magyar Élet, 1957-03-22 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Red cross speeds Hungary aid, assists revised national group, New York Times Magazine, 1957-01-2 [in English] Page 1

Misverhältnis der Hilfsbereitschaft [Disproportion of cooperativeness], Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, 1957-01-19 [in German] Page 1  2 

Die ungarischen Flüchtlinge in Skandinavien [Hungarian refugees in Scandinavia], Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1957-01-19 [in German] Page 1

Das Rote Kreuz übernimmt sieben weitere Ungarnlager [The Red Cross takes over another 7 Hungarian camps], 1957-01-25 [in German] Page 1

Francois-Poncet: Ungarnhilfe der Welt läst nach ! [Francois-Poncet: the world is not helping Hungary], Die Presse, 1957-01-25 [in German] Page 1

A Nyugati életforma és a Magyarok [The western lifestyle and the Hungarians], Magyarország, 1957-09-25 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Hungarian relief office is closed as money used up, The Montreal Star, 1957-08-31 [in English] Page 1

Separation from her piano lamented by Hungarian artist, The Montreal Star, 1957-08-27 [in English] Page 1

Personal contact need of refugees, The Montreal Star, 1957-08-13, by Jean Shae [in English] Page 1  2 

Hungarians are quickly turning into good Canadians, The Globe and Mail, 1957-04-13, by Robert Duffy [in English] Page 1  2 

Sudden freedom mental hazard, The Toronto Globe, 1957-03-4, by Kay Kritzweiser [in English] Page 1

Fascists, anti-semites among Hungarian refugees in Canada, The N.Y. Daily Worker, 1957-11-1, by Joshua Gershman [in English] Page 1

New life for Hungarians, Daily Telegraph, 1957-01-5, by Winifred Carr [in English] Page 1

Lázadás a brazíliai magyar lágerekben [Riots in Hungarians' camps in Brazil], Esti Hírlap, 1957-04-11 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Milyen a magyar menekültek helyzete Franciaországban [How are the Hungarian emigrants doing in France ], Népakarat, 1957-02-14, by Achille Blondeau [in Hungarian] Page 1  2 

Demain, 1957-01-31 [in French] Page 1  2   3   4 

Contre un déni à propos des Hongrois de France [Against a denial regarding Hungarians in France], Figaro, 1957-02-25, by Gabriel Marcel [in French] Page 1

A menekült probléma Franciaországban [The refugee problem in France], Népszabadság, 1957-12-25 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Hungarian Jews in Britain, The Jewish Chronicle, 1957-06-21, by C. Aronsfeld [in English] Page 1  2 

Ezer magyar disszidens tér vissza Angliából [Thousands of Hungarian dissidents are returning from England], Népakarat, 1957-05-25 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Twenty thousand men marched in London to a war prayer, Catholic Herald, 1957-04-12 [in English] Page 1  2   3   4 

Hungarians find Britain hard to understand, London Times, 1957-04-10 [in English] Page 1  2 

Are they heroes or scoundrels ?, Observer, 1957-03-10 [in English] Page 1  2 

The Lord Mayor of London's National Hungarian and Central European relief fund: eleventh list of donations, London Times, 1957-03-8 [in English] Page 1

Hungarian refugees write to tell premier they were misled, Manchester Guardian, 1957-02-5 [in English] Page 1

More refugees coming here, Manchester Guardian, 1957-01-2 [in English] Page 1

Ungarn am Strand von Norderney [Hungary at the beach of Norderney], Westfälische Runschau, 1957-07-28 [in German] Page 1  2 

In Bocholt beginnt alles mit “bitte” [In Bocholt everthing starts with “please”], Westfalenpost, 1957-01-23 [in German] Page 1

Hungarian Refugees in English Class at the Catholic Charitable Bureau, Boston, Boston Herald, 1957-03-3 [in English] Page 1  2   3 

Where are Hungary's Freedom Fighters Today ?, The Stars and Stripes, 1957-11-4 [in English] Page 1

Emergency Refugee Plan for Hungarians is ending, New York Times Magazine, 1957-04-6 [in English] Page 1

Hungarian Refugees blend easily into U.S. Way of life, New York Times Magazine, 1957-03-24 [in English] Page 1  2   3 

Ein kleines Volk mit einer grosen Geschichte [Small nation with a great history], Das Parlament, 1957-10-16 [in German] Page 1

Now darkness falls over Hungary, New York Times Magazine, 1957-03-3, by John MacCormac [in English] Page 1  2   3   4   5   6   7   8 

Hivatalos statisztika a disszidáltakról [Official statistics about the dissidents], Esti Hírlap, 1957-05-14 [in Hungarian] Page 1

A Legfelsobb Bíróság felbontotta egy disszidált assszony házasságát [The Supreme Court dissolved the marriage of a dissident women], Esti Hírlap, 1957-04-7 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Aláírták a magyar-szovjet egyezményt a Magyarországon tartózkodó szovjet csapatok jogi helyzetérol [The agreement about the legal status of the soviet army in Hungary has been signed], Népszabadság (II. 124), 1957-05-28 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2   3   4   5   6 

Janos Kadar klaviert fur den Kreml [Janos Kadar plays on the piano for Kremlin], Süddeutsche Zeitung, 1957-04-6 [in German] Page 1

Nehéz esztendo [Difficult year], Népszabadág Újévi képesmelléklete, 1957 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Budapest januártól márciusig [Budapest from January to March], 1957 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2 

Hungary Inquiry voted by U.N. 5 nation unit to hear refugees, New York Times Magazine, 1957-01-17 [in English] Page 1  2 

Kádárék nem képviselik a magyar nemzetet [Kadar and his group don't represent the Hungarian Nation], Új Hungária, 1957-06-28 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Hungary exiles lose citizenship, New York Times Magazine, 1957-06-6 [in English] Page 1

Kadar is purging peasant leaders, New York Times Magazine, 1957-06-3 [in English] Page 1

US says Hungary resumes terror of Stalin's type, New York Times Magazine, 1957-04-3 [in English] Page 1

Budapest blocks student meeting, New York Times Magazine, 1957-01-12 [in English] Page 1

Szabadság harcosaink [Our fighters of freedom], Képes magyar magazin, 1957-03 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2 

Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration, Central News Room, 1957 [in English] pdf

“A solution of the whole Hungarian refugee problem is now almost in sight”; U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees; 1957 [in English] pdf

Desillusioned Hungarian refugees return to Austria; Rotterdam “Parcol”; 1957 [in English] pdf

90 percent of the refugees found new homes; Associated Press; 1957 [in English] pdf

Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) Summary of Activities; Central News Room ; 1957 [in English] pdf

Refugee students problems; USIS; 1957 [in English] pdf

Refugees in Austria and Norway; Central News Room ; 1957 [in English] pdf

Refugee hopes and fears; Central News Room based on The Economist; 1957 [in English] pdf

Statistic data on Hungarian refugees in Austria and Yugoslavia; U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees; 1957 [in English] pdf

The Red cross Funds for Hungary and for Hungarian Refugees; Red Cross; 1957 [in English] pdf

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions: Gift packages; ICFTU [International Confederation of Free Trade Unions]; 1957 [in English] pdf

Ungarn in der nordischen Diaspora; 1957 [in German] pdf

Hungarian refugee developments; 1957 [in English] pdf

Hungarian relief activities; 1957 [in English] pdf

Hungarian refugees in Italy get newspaper in Hungarian; News from the Congress for Cultural Freedom; 1957 [in English] pdf

Information Bulletin; ICFTU [International Confederation of Free Trade Unions]; 1957 [in English] pdf

On Red propaganda among Hungarian refugees; ICFTU [International Confederation of Free Trade Unions]; 1957 [in English] pdf

The drama of 100 000 Hungarians; USIS; 1957 [in English] pdf

Letter to the UNO High Commissioner for refugees; reports on the support for Hungarian refugees; ICFTU [International Confederation of Free Trade Unions]; 1957 [in English] pdf

U. S. Escapees Program; Hungarian refugee total; 1957 [in English] pdf

Midwife in the air: a 22 year old Hungarian refugee girl gave birth to a son in the Shanon [Ireland] airport hospital; Reuter; 1957 [in English] pdf

List of Documents - 1958 [62 items]

Yugoslav cartoon: “In memory of Rajk”, East Europe: quoted from Oslobodjenje [Sarajevo], 1958-08-20 [in English] Page 1

Egy óra Hegyeshalmon [An hour at Hegyeshalom], Esti Hírlap, 1958-12-2 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2 

Nem tudok kéregetni. Hazautazom ! [I can't beg anymore. I will travel home!], Szabad Föld, 1958-09-7 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Hungarians still seek asylum in Britain, Daily Express, 1958-09-7 [in English] Page 1

Die “Nationalkrankheit “ der Magyaren [The National “sickness” of the Hungarians], Welt, 1958-05-10 [in German] Page 1

Junge Ungarnin neue Heim [Young Hungarians in the New Homeland], Franffurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 1958-01-22 [in German] Page 1

Tragiczne warunki uchodzcow wengierskich [The tragic situation of the Hungarian refugees], Tribuna Ludu, 1958-01-16 [in Polish] Page 1

14 579 Hungarian refugees stay, London Times, 1958-02-16 [in English] Page 1

Refugees dwindle, New York Times Magazine, 1958-02-15 [in English] Page 1

Remény van a hazatérni kívánó disszidensek ügyének gyorsabb elintézésére [There's hope to fasten the administration of the dissident willing to come home], Hétfoi hírek, 1958-01-27 [in Hungarian] Page 1

A hónap elejéig 28 ezer szökött magyar tért vissza [28 thousand refugee return home before the start of the month], Esti Hírlap, 1958-01-17 [in Hungarian] Page 1

500 Ungarn musten zurückbleiben [500 Hungarians were held back], Neues Deutschland, 1958-01-12 [in German] Page 1

Zurück aus dem Land der Freiheit und des Versprechens [Returning from the Country of Freedom and Promises], Wahrheit, 1958-01-4 [in German] Page 1

Válasz Canadából V. Ferenc levelére [Response to Ferenc V's letter from Canada ], Magyar Ifjúság, 1958-11-1 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Magyar disszidensek szolgálnak a francia idegenlégióban [Hungarian dissidents are in the Foreign Legion], Népszabadság, 1958-01-11 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Az Amazonas oserdeiben akarnak elpusztítani bennünket. [They are going to slay us in the Amazon forest], Magyar Ifjúság, 1958-11-1 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Dominicans invite 20 000 Hungarians, New York Times Magazine, 1958-01-20 [in English] Page 1

Österreich-Haiti und zurück [Austria-Haiti and return back], Volksstimme, 1958-01-15 [in German] Page 1

Sie suchten Freiheit und fanden ein Gefängnis [They have searched for Freedom and have found Imprisonment], Süddeutsche Zeitung, 1958-01-14, by Raymund Hörhager [in German] Page 1  2 

Kétszázharminckét osztrák és számtalan Ausztriába disszidált magyar fiatalembert hurcoltak el a francia idegenlégióba [232 Austrian and countless young Hungarian dissidents were taken to the Foreign Legion ], Magyar Nemzet, 1958-05-7 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Mentsétek meg a társainkat az idegenlégió poklából [Save our friends from the hell of the Foreign Legion!], Magyar Ifjúság, 1958-02-1 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2 

276 réfugiés hongrois suivent les cours des facultés, des Sciences Po et des Beaux-Arts [276 Hungarian refugees take courses on Political Science and Fine Arts], Paris-Presse-L'Intransigeant, 1958-02-15 [in French] Page 1

Le problème des réfugiés en France [The problem of refugees in France], Populaire de Paris, 1958-03-4 [in French] Page 1

Le reclassement des réfugiés hongrois [The reclassification of the Hungarian refugees], Le Monde, 1958-02-2 [in French] Page 1  2 

Hungary: Sorry victims of Soviet brutality, The Stars and Stripes, 1958-10-21 [in English] Page 1  2 

The murder of Imre Nagy, New York Herald Tribune, 1958-07-5 [in English] Page 1

Meggyilkolt és börtönbe vetett magyarok névsora (656) november 1956 és június 1958 között [The list of Hungarians killed or put in prison (656) between November 1956 and June 1958], Idoszeru politikai dokumentumok II., 1958 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2   3   4 

Gyászjelentés [Obituary], Rendületlenül (Magyar szabadságharcosok lapja) (II. 3), 1958-06 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Emigráns magyar politikusok Európában [Hungarian emigrant politicians in Europe], Rendületlenül (Magyar szabadságharcosok lapja) (II. 4), 1958-07 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Tito sends protest on Nagy Death, N.Y. Times, 1958-06-23 [in English] Page 1

Revulsion in Italy, N.Y. Times, 1958-06-28 [in English] Page 1

Stalemate with poison, N.Y. Times, 1958-08-19, by Walter Lipmann [in English] Page 1

Japanese indignant, New York Times Magazine, 1958-06-28 [in English] Page 1

A magyar bizottság sajtótájékoztatójából [From the Hungarian committee press conference], Képes magyar magazin (II/ 5), 1958-06 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Death circular, Hungarian Freedom Fighter, 1958-06 [in English] Page 1

Sie suchten Freiheit und fanden ein Gefängnis [They have searched for Freedom and have found Imprisonment], Süddeutsche Zeitung, 1958-01-14, by Raymund Hörhager [in German] Page 1  2 

Kétszázharminckét osztrák és számtalan Ausztriába disszidált magyar fiatalembert hurcoltak el a francia idegenlégióba [232 Austrian and countless young Hungarian dissidents were taken to the Foreign Legion ], Magyar Nemzet, 1958-05-7 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Mentsétek meg a társainkat az idegenlégió poklából [Save our friends from the hell of the Foreign Legion!], Magyar Ifjúság, 1958-02-1 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2 

276 réfugiés hongrois suivent les cours des facultés, des Sciences Po et des Beaux-Arts [276 Hungarian refugees take courses on Political Science and Fine Arts], Paris-Presse-L'Intransigeant, 1958-02-15 [in French] Page 1

Le problème des réfugiés en France [The problem of refugees in France], Populaire de Paris, 1958-03-4 [in French] Page 1

Le reclassement des réfugiés hongrois [The reclassification of the Hungarian refugees], Le Monde, 1958-02-2 [in French] Page 1  2 

Hungary: Sorry victims of Soviet brutality, The Stars and Stripes, 1958-10-21 [in English] Page 1  2 

The murder of Imre Nagy, New York Herald Tribune, 1958-07-5 [in English] Page 1

Meggyilkolt és börtönbe vetett magyarok névsora (656) november 1956 és június 1958 között [The list of Hungarians killed or put in prison (656) between November 1956 and June 1958], Idoszeru politikai dokumentumok II., 1958 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2   3   4 

Gyászjelentés [Obituary], Rendületlenül (Magyar szabadságharcosok lapja) (II. 3), 1958-06 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Emigráns magyar politikusok Európában [Hungarian emigrant politicians in Europe], Rendületlenül (Magyar szabadságharcosok lapja) (II. 4), 1958-07 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Tito sends protest on Nagy Death, N.Y. Times, 1958-06-23 [in English] Page 1

Revulsion in Italy, N.Y. Times, 1958-06-28 [in English] Page 1

Stalemate with poison, N.Y. Times, 1958-08-19, by Walter Lipmann [in English] Page 1

Hungarian minors in Austria; RFE Special New York; 1958 [in English] pdf

Hungarian refugee problem in Yugoslavia.; New York Post; 1958 [in English] pdf

Success of escaped Hungarian artist in the United States; Vienna News Bureau; 1958 [in English] pdf

Arrival of refugees to New York; Specil to New York Times; 1958 [in English] pdf

Hungarian scientists' flight to freedom ; CNR based on Paris Herald Tribune; 1958 [in English] pdf

U.S. Refugee admission; Flag based on New York Times; 1958 [in English] pdf

Camp Kilmer (New York) reception Center; RFE New York; 1958 [in English] pdf

Senator Clifford P. Case on Hungarian refugee program; RFE New York; 1958 [in English] pdf

The United States airlift of Hungarian refugees; CNR; 1958 [in English] pdf

Hungarian refugees in the United States; U,S, Escapee Program; RFE New York; 1958 [in English] pdf

Congress favorably amended the immigration law; RFE New York; 1958 [in English] pdf

Integration of Hungarian refugees into American life; RFE New York; 1958 [in English] pdf

This country [USA] is getting a good deal of the cream of Hungarian brains; RFE New York; 1958 [in English] pdf

List of Documents - 1959 [5 items]

After three years, Hungarian Freedom Fighter (II. 10), 1959-10 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Scheme of Khrushchev's peaceful coexistence, Hungarian Freedom Fighter, 1959-09 [in English] Page 1

Élo forradalom [Living Revolution], Rendületlenül, 1959-10, by Béla Király [in Hungarian] Page 1

A magyar szabadságharcos szövetség kiáltványa [Manifesto of the Alliance of the Hungarian Revolution], Rendületlenül, 1959-02 [in Hungarian] Page 1

Hungarian Freedom Fighters; RFE New York; 1959 [in English] pdf

List of Documents - 1960 [2 items]

The shadow of the Revolution, Hungarian Freedom Fighter, 1960-01, by Anna Kéthly [in English] Page 1

Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) refugees arrive; RFE New York; 1960 [in English] pdf

List of Documents - 1961 [5 items]

More “Liberal” Rule” Noticed in Budapest, New York Herald Tribune, 1961-04-29 [in English] Page 1

Budapest calm on fateful date, New York Times Magazine, 1961-10-24 [in English] Page 1  2 

Die ungarische gegenrevolution [The Hungarian Counter Revolution], Die Weltwoche, 1961-09-15 [in German] Page 1

Hungarian refugee wins scholastic honors at West Point; Radio Free Europe Central News Room ; 1961 [in English] pdf

Refugees from Soviet repression in Hungary received University of Michigan degrees; RFE New York; 1961 [in English] pdf

List of Documents - 1962 [2 items]

Az EBSZ-közgyulés szavazása kellemetlen meglepetést okozott az Egyesült Államokban [The voting of the General Assembly of the UN made a unpleasant surprise in the USA], Népszava, 1962-09-26 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2   3 

A vörös- és nyilas- ellenes , demokratikus törekvéseket képviselo Király Béla tábornok nyilatkozik [General Béla Király, representing anti-bolshevik and anti-Arrow Cross democratic endeavours, makes a statement], Az Ember, 1962-06-30 [in Hungarian] Page 1

List of Documents - 1963 [2 items]

Crowd on vigil outside Budapest prison, New York Herald Tribune, 1963-03-29 [in English] Page 1

Utólagos felszólalás egy jelöltrol [Ulterior remarks about a candidate], Népszabadság, 1963-02-3 [in Hungarian] Page 1  2 

List of Documents - 1966 [2 items]

Der Aufstand der Ungarn [The Upraising of Hungary], Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (no. 252), 1966-10-29 [in German] Page 1  2 

La Menzogna e la paura invisibile , Oggi Illustrato, 1966 [in Italian] Page 1

List of Documents - 1967 [1 item]

The Road back to Budapest, New York Times Magazine, 1967-11-20 [in English] Page 1  2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 
Media Coverage of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution focusing on the refugee issue

The selection of newspaper clippings and news agency releases, among them several RFE/RL press releases in various languages, represents mainly the international reception of the Revolution and the Western reaction to the problem of Hungarian refugees. Hungarian newspaper articles are only included in the selection if they deal with the same subject, and they also provide interesting insights into the question of Hungarians leaving the country behind. The present selection consists of 210 articles from 1956 to1962, but OSA Archivum plans to extend the date range towards the most recent publications. Additional newspaper clippings can be found under the Zwack collection. Individual items can be retrieved by following the chronology, journal title and articles.