OSA / Projects

Culture 2000

In 2004 the Open Society Archives received support from the European Union Culture 2000 program to realize its three year cooperation project, the "History After the Fall - The Interdeterminacy of the Short Twentieth Century". Six recent history research institutions from five countries participate in the project: The Romanian Institute for Recent History (Bucharest) www.irir.ro, The KARTA Center (Warsaw) www.karta.org.pl, The Institute for Contemporary History (Prague) www.usd.cas.cz , the Hannah Arendt Institut fuer Totalitarismusforschung e.V.(Dresden) www.tu-dresden.de/hait, Fundatia Academia Civica (Bucharest) www.memorialsighet.ro and the Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest www.osa.ceu.hu. The EU support was complemented by a grant from the Nemzeti Kulturális Alap (National Cultural Fund) www.nka.hu and the Nemzeti Kulturális Örökségvédelmi Hivatal (National Cultural Heritage Ministry) www.okm.gov.hu.

The complex project, which consists of a series of seminars, workshops and exhibitions concentrates on the intricate issues of historical revisionism. The participants are particularly interested in the way different themes and aspects of the history of the twentieth century became rewritten, reinterpreted and re-presented by a variety of means in different media. They are particularly interested in the new presentation of the two World Wars; the new interpretation of the traditional and radical right of the inter-war years; the anti-Communist resistance movement; the theme of collaboration with inhuman regimes; nationalism and the national questions; foreign occupation; poverty and well-fare measures and present understanding of public health policy and record of over-centralized, authoritarian, totalitarian and anti-democratic regimes.

The first countries from Central and Easter Europe have just joined a common Europe . We believe that at this crucial moment it is imperative for all of us to initiate wide-ranging, professionally, intellectually, and morally informed public debate on the use and abuse of recent history in a European frame.

EU logo

The Project



Final Report (in pdf)


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