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.... Records of the Central European University - 2 video(s)

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Exhibitions - 4 video(s), 1 subcategorie(s)

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Events - 21 video(s), 1 subcategorie(s)

.... Blitz Conference on the Republic - 24 video(s)

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János M. Rainer, historian


János M. Rainer, historian
Category: Blitz Conference on the Republic | November 6, 2015 | 3561 views | Duration: 0:11:40

Blitz Conference on the Republic at OSA Archivum, February 10, 2012

On the occasion of the 90th birthday of Árpád Göncz

Árpád Göncz was elected as the first president of the third Hungarian Republic by the first freely elected Parliament after the regime change on August 3, 1990. On February 10, 2012, on the occasion of his 90th birthday OSA organized a one-day conference where philosophers, literary critics, economists, sociologists and historians had been asked to spend ten to fifteen minutes summarizing their reflections on the past twenty years, the causes of the recent fall of the third republic and the prospects for the future.

Keywords: Goncz


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