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Book launch - Ildikó Barna and Andrea Pető: A politikai igazságszolgáltatás a II. világháború utáni Budapesten


Book launch - Ildikó Barna and Andrea Pető: A politikai igazságszolgáltatás a II. világháború utáni Budapesten
Kategória: Események | March 14, 2013 | 5538 lejátszás | Hossz: 0:08:39

Jurisdiction after WWII is a controversial area of Hungarian historical writing and memory. Using a highly disciplined and consistent qualitative methodology, the authors identify who were involved in the people’s tribunal process, how the people’s courts worked – especially from the gender perspective – and how their activities influenced the post-Shoa Jewish identity. The book is an attempt at an unbiased and objective description of the “people’s tribunal process”, as the justice system of the era was called.

Date: 02/04/2013

Kulcsszavak: book launch


Értékelés: 2.7 (873 Votes)


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