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24/09/2012 | Duration: 0:35:00

Jiří Musil on Sir Karl Popper


Jiří Musil on Sir Karl Popper
Category: Records of the Central European University | September 26, 2012 | 4299 views | Duration: 0:10:59

Jiří Musil, former Sociology Professor at the Central European University, passed away on September 16, 2012. OSA Archivum remembers him with this video montage.

Professor Jiří Musil elaborates on Sir Karl Popper’s philosophical and political ideas at the Official Opening of the 1994-1995 Academic Year of CEU at the Budapest City Hall September 30, 1994.

Producer: OSA Archivum
Editor: OSA Archivum, Zoltán Krizbai
Country: Hungary
Language: English
Year: 1994

Keywords: musil


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