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Blitz Conference on the Republic pt. 2


Blitz Conference on the Republic pt. 2
Category: Events | February 22, 2012 | 4591 views | Duration: 3:25:04
Conference held on the occasion of the 90th birthday of Árpád Göncz, the first President of the third Hungarian Republic. Philosophers, literary critics, economists, sociologists and historians reflected on the past twenty years and the prospects for the future.

Speakers in this video:

  1. János Térey, poet and writer
  2. Sándor Radnóti, philosopher
  3. Balázs Váradi, economist
  4. Zoltán Miklósi, philosopher
  5. Gábor Attila Tóth, constitutional lawyer
  6. Péter Rauschenberger, philosopher
  7. János M. Rainer, historian
  8. Zsuzsa Ferge, sociologist
  9. István Rév, historian
  10. János Kis, philosopher

Producer: OSA Archivum
Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian
Date: February 10, 2012

Keywords: blitz, Göncz


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