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Human Dignity Conference - Part III.


Human Dignity Conference - Part III.
Kategória: Események | March 23, 2011 | 3670 lejátszás | Hossz: 2:15:36

Concluding part of the international conference "On Human Dignity" in honor of outgoing Hungarian President Árpád Göncz held at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. The third part of the recording contains lectures by: Aryeh Neier (President of Open Society Institute), Prof. Thomas Scanlon and Arch-abbot Asztrik Várszegi of Pannonhalma. Last to deliver a speech on human dignity is Cornelio Sommaruga (lawyer, diplomat and former President of the International Committee of the Red Cross). President Árpád Göncz closes the conference.

Program type: Event Recording
Producer: CEU
Country: Hungary
Language: English & Hungarian
Date: June 2000

Kulcsszavak: conference


Értékelés: 2.6 (630 Votes)


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