Search Keyword: Total 4 result(s) found.
Keyword(s): civil defense command Ordering:
Civil defense exercises for industrial sites
(Paranoia - Recycling/Digital Archive)
Civil defense exercises for industrial sites Since factory sites constitute an important area of civil defense training, it is important that this be done with the greatest possible precision, from t...
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Security operations for troop movement
(Paranoia - Recycling/Digital Archive)
Security operations for troop movement In a war, whenever there is a serious risk of a nuclear strike, the civil defense forces take up their appointed positions and stand by for mobilization. Under ...
Thursday, 29 January 2009
The cooperation between the civil defense special units and the self defense teams I. Preparations against nuclear, biological and chemical warfare have paramount importance in civil defense work. Su...
Thursday, 29 January 2009
The training and running of self defense organizations at the workplaces A network of civil defense units has been organized throughout the county. It is important that the individuals in charge of t...
Thursday, 29 January 2009
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