News Archive - 2008

Chahipe Diák

chachipeyouthA Chachipe nemzetközi online fotópályázatot a Romák Évtizedének (2005-2015) égisze alatt a Nyílt Társadalom Intézet Roma Kezdeményezések Irodája és az OSA Archivum szervezi. A verseny célkitűzése, hogy a társrendezvények segítségével -- kiállítás a Centrális Galériában, díjátadó ünnepség, a győztesek látogatása a Velencei Biennálé Roma Pavilonjába, utazó kiállítás – fellépjen a romákkal kapcsolatos vizuális sztereotípiák ellen, és hozzájáruljon a roma emberek és a roma kultúra érzékletes és művészi bemutatásához. 25 országból csaknem 270 pályázó jelentkezett közel 1000 fotóval. 2008-ban az utazó kiállítás Európa több nagyvárosában megfordult Brüsszeltől Bukarestig, Magyarországon pedig a Települési Önkormányzatok Szövetsége (TÖOSZ) segítségével a kiállítás eljutott számos kisebb településre is.

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Copy of OHR Archive to Be Transferred

The Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR), an ad hoc international institution responsible for overseeing the implementation of civilian aspects of the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement whose mandate expires on June 30, 2008, is going to transfer a digital copy of their archive covering its activities to OSA Archivum. Once processed, the archive will be fully accessible online.




Documentary Film Series, April-May 2008. The OSA Archivum presents 7 outstanding documentaries in its spring film series. These feature length creative documentary films address a wide range of contemporary social issues: exile, democracy and dictatorship, living under surveillance, prostitution, generation next, old age.

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The Archive of Memory

warburgIn conjunction with the exhibition Aby Warburg - The Mnemosyne Atlas, OSA Archivum will present Eric Breibart’s documentary The Archive of Memory, a symbolic interpretation of the provocative ideas of cultural historian Aby Warburg. The screening is on Thursday, April 17, 6pm.

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Inter-media-creative Analysis

From autopsy to engram or what Aby Warburg has to do with mobile phones?
Public class by Miklós Peternák at Galeria Centralis (OSA Archivum)
16 April, 2008 at 10am


Document Freedom Day

odfaJoining the global movement to promote and support open standards, the Hungarian Chapter of the Open Document Format Alliance (ODFA Hungary) is organizing a press conference to announce its establishment and to discuss its future plans. The press conference will be hosted by the OSA Archivum, one of ODFA Hungary's founding members, and will be held on March 26, 2008 at 10am.
Venue: 1051 Budapest, Arany János u. 32. You can read more on the Hungarian page.


Stalin goes to Spain

New Research on the Soviet Union and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
Public seminar by Daniel Kowalsky, Queen's University, Belfast.
March 19 (Wednesday), 2008 at 5pm

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From Samizdat to Blogging: Globalization and New Forms of Political Expression

International Workshop organized by the International Samizdat [Research] Association in cooperation with OSA Archivum, CEU Department of Political Science, CEU Curriculum Research Center and the HESP-ReSET Alternative Culture Beyond Borders Project, to be held in Budapest, Hungary 20-21 February 2008.

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Archives of the Living and the Dead

linnaeus_filmscrDocumentary film series presented in conjunction with the exhibition in Galeria Centralis.
Every Thursday from February 14 through March 13, 2008.

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Archives of the Living and the Dead – honoring Carolus Linnaeus

linnaeus_exhOSA Archivum opens on January 31, 2008, the first exhibition from its series Taxonomies, on the relationship between classification/taxonomy and the archives.

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CÍM: 1051 BUDAPEST, ARANY J. U. 32. TELEFON: (36 1) 327-3250 FAX: (36 1) 327-3260 EMAIL: INFO@OSAARCHIVUM.ORG ©1995-2024
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