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Research Room Regulations

OSA Archivum is an open-access facility which is committed to making research materials available free of charge to the public in general, and especially to researchers and students from all over the world working on specific research topics. OSA archivists will help researchers and students to find out about the availability, scope and content of materials related to their field of study and to build their research strategies.


OSA Archivum is located in the Goldberger House in central Budapest: 1051 Bp. Arany Janos u. 32. The OSA Research Room can accommodate up to 20 researchers, providing them with a comfortable working environment and essential equipment including 2 microfilm/microfiche readers with integrated printers, 4 computers with Internet access, and 2 VCR+TV sets, a scanner and a digital camera.

Finding the Reading Room

On arriving at the main entrance to the Archives, the researcher will be asked about the purpose of his her visit. The receptionist will notify the Research Room attendant by phone and direct the new researcher either to the elevator or to the stairs.

Personal Belongings

Personal items such as briefcases, boxes, suitcases or other large containers may not be brought into the Research Room, although small hand-held wallets and coin purses are allowed. A free cloakroom is provided (100 forint coin needed for returnable deposit) in the main lobby of Goldberger House.
Fountain pens are not allowed in the Research Room, but other writing implements are permitted.
Laptop computers, tape recorders and other suitable equipment, without carrying cases, may be brought into the Research Room subject to approval by the OSA Research Room Attendant.

OSA strongly encourages researchers to bring their own laptops, scanners, digital cameras and other equipment (memory sticks, pen drives etc.) needed for research purposes.


Researchers may not smoke or consume food or drink in the research room.

Refreshments will be available in the bistro on the ground floor next to the main entrance of the Archives, or can be consumed outside the Research Room.

The rest rooms are located on the ground floor next to the lockers.

The OSA reserves the right to revoke the research privileges of any person who does not abide by the regulations detailed above.


On-site registration

On reaching the Research Room of the Archives you should fill out the Registration Form provided by OSA Research Room staff and show a valid identity document. You will then be issued with a researcher identification card, with which you can freely enter the lobby of the Archives and use the lockers on the ground floor. For security reasons, you may also be asked to show your researcher's card (or visitor's card issued by the reception) to other OSA staff.

While working in the Research Room you must sign in and out each day you visit. The researchers' register is kept on the research room attendant's desk.

Requesting Materials

Requests for materials from the OSA holdings are usually processed within a short time. Essential reference books are permanently available in the Research Room.
Archival holdings are requested using the printed form available on the desks in the Research Room.

Materials are brought from the stacks to the Research Room between 10:00 and 17:00 (archival materials for the same day can be ordered no later than 16:45). Some OSA holdings, mostly periodicals, are stored off-site, and at least two day's notice is required to obtain them.


OSA Archivum preserves historical materials of permanent value and makes them available for research in OSA's Research Room. The procedures described below are intended to protect the integrity of these important research resources.

a. Archival Records and Library Materials

  • You may only have 5 containers of archival records at a time or 5 microfilms or 20 microfiches on the desk.
  • To ensure the safety and preservation of materials, please preserve the existing order and arrangement of the records by examining only one folder/file at a time and marking its place in the archival box with one of the place cards (white paper strips) available for this purpose.
  • Please preserve the existing order and arrangement of unbound library material (periodicals, magazines etc.).
  • Do not attach paper clips, post-it notes or other items to archival materials. Use the paper strips provided to mark your place in a document.
  • Do not place books or other objects on archival documents.
  • Do not apply pressure to, or make tracings of, archival documents. Do not use a pen or pencil as a pointer and do not make marks of any kind on the documents.
  • When replacing folders in archival boxes, please exercise the greatest care to prevent damage.
  • Return records to their archival box before you leave the Research Room.
  • When you leave at the end of the day please inform the Research Room attendant if you have finished with the records. If you want to use them again within next 5 working days, please inform the Research Room Attendant and he will hold the records for you.
  • Specific materials may be subject to additional rules of use.

b. Microfilm and micro-fiches

  • You may only have up to 5 microfilms or 20 microfiches at a time when using the microfiche/microfilm reader.
  • Upon finishing, please rewind each microfilm to the beginning of the reel.
  • Please remember to switch-off the microfiche/microfilm reader after use.
  • Please inform the Research Room attendant about the number of xerox copies so that a receipt can be issued by the OSA Finance Department.

c. Audio-visual materials

  • You may request up to 10 VHS cassettes, audio tapes and DVDs at a time. The Research Room attendant will show researchers how to use technical equipment if necessary.
  • After using VHS or audio cassettes, please rewind them to the beginning and then switch off the electronic devices.
  • When you have finished with VHS cassettes, audio-tapes or DVDs, please bring them back to the Research Room attendant.


Depending on the quantity, and the physical and legal status of the requested records, reproductions can be made either by researchers on their own or using OSA services.

Paper records can be reproduced by taking digital images with scanner and/or digital camera. Audio and visual records can be reproduced on the following media: VHS tapes audiotapes, DVD/CD. Prints out are possible from OSA microfilm/fiche machines.

OSA strongly encourages researchers to make digital copies of paper records: paper copies can only be made in exceptional cases and then only in limited quantities.

The use of copies of records- downloaded from OSA website, scanned in the Reading Room, provided by OSA Reproduction services - is subject to the following conditions. Both analog and digital copies of documents may only be used for:

  • private study or research
  • education purposes; in the course of instruction or examination, or in preparation for instruction or examination (by either the giver or receiver of instruction). Copies may be used, and further copies of those copies may be made for this purpose.

Applications for permission for any other use should be addressed to the Chief Archivist, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Self Service/ on-site

Own technical equipment
Researchers may make electronic images for themselves using their own technical equipment: digital cameras and other hardware with appropriate software (memory sticks/pen drives, laptops, CDs or scanners). Researchers should notify the Research Room Coordinator about the title of the Fond/Series to be digitized, and the quantity involved. In addition, researchers using their own equipment to produce digital images of entire record groups (which could be of interest to the Archives) may be asked to deposit copies with OSA.

Technical Equipment in the Research Room
Self-service is also possible using OSA equipment (flat bed scanner, digital camera, PC, DVD/CD etc.). See related procedure on the use of technical devices.

Flat Bed Scanner
Researchers may use the flat bed scanner located in the Research Room, using "Silver Fast" software. For guidance please consult the "How to scan" instructions.

Digital Camera
See related procedure on the use of technical devices.

Microfilm/fiche Machines
Researchers themselves can also obtain printouts from two microfilm/fiche machines: charges are detailed in the OSA Price list.

Storage/Prints of Digital Images:
Digital images produced using OSA devices are to be stored in the computer-based system in the Research Room. The same digital output can be transferred either by the researcher alone, or with the assistance of the Research Room Coordinator to a memory stick/pen drive (USB) or laptop, or copied onto DVD/CDs. The same digital output can be made downloadable from the OSA domain, or sent by FTP or email to the researcher upon request. All digital images will be preserved for up to 14 days and then destroyed. Researchers are responsible for the quality of their digital images.
For OSA-delivered digital services, please consult the Price list.

Reproduction by OSA

All requests (regardless of the way they are communicated, by fax, phone, or e-mail), are processed in the order in which they arrive. While OSA does its best to provide prompt service, larger orders may take a longer time to complete. Please note that on-line orders can be accepted for a maximum of 200 digital images.

OSA will provide services listed below:

  • Scanning of paper records: OSA staff will scan not more then 200 images per person at one time. We do not provide high-quality images, only small-sized digital images for reference purposes. Digital Images for commercial use need to be negotiated with the Research Room Coordinator and commercial charges will apply.
  • OSA uses a digital camera for library materials, rare collections and photographic records. No more than 100 images per person can be ordered at one time. The requested digital/scanned images can be ordered in different formats: copied to DVD or CD, sent via email or placed on the OSA website for downloading.
    Please note that images from hard-bound and over-sized periodicals will be exclusively taken by digital camera.
  • Audio and visual materials can be reproduced on VHS and audio cassettes, and on DVD/CD.
  • Hard copies of records will be made only in exceptional cases and it will be charged for at commercial rates.


All payments for OSA services can be made in the Finance Office on the first floor, according to the Price List. The office is open 11.00-12.00 a.m. and between 14.00-15.00 p.m..

On-line and email Requests/Delivery/Payment
Once a request arrives, it will be handled by OSA staff. The requester will receive confirmation of the order by email, including the calculated charge. Upon payment of this charge on the CEU/OSA Bank account, OSA staff will execute the requested service. The OSA Finance Office will issue a receipt and mail the DVD/CD. In a case of requests for a few pages only, an email with attached images will be sent and to the bill sent to a valid address by post.

Charges and Conditions
ADDRESS: 1051 BUDAPEST, ARANY J. U. 32. PHONE: (36 1) 327-3250 FAX: (36 1) 327-3260 EMAIL: INFO@OSAARCHIVUM.ORG ©1995-2024
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