The organization and operation of improvised hospitals I.



The organization and operation of improvised hospitals I.
In a war, the peaceful future of mankind can only be achieved in a desperate struggle for survival. The conditions in an emergency situation present a tremendous challenge to the staff of public administration, which makes the organization of medical services all the more difficult. Under those conditions the importance of improvised hospitals greatly increases. In setting up such a medical station, we must comply with the civil defense regulations.
Produced by: Egészségügyi Minisztérium, Polgári Védelem Országos Parancsnoksága, Mafilm Katonai Stúdió
Director: Lestár János
Contributors: Bóné Júlia, Pálik Gyula, Dózsa Artur, Szűts Jenő (experts), Fazekas Zsuzsa (dramaturg), Pataki Lajos (lights), Pölhőssy István (sound egineer), Dudás István (animation), György Edit (editor), Börcs Sándor (producer), G. Tóth János (camera)
39 minutes
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