A full-scale exercise in Hajdú-Bihar County



A full-scale exercise in Hajdú-Bihar County
At the time when this film was made, civil defense exercises involving the participation of tens of thousands of people were held up and down the country. The civilian population has demonstrated that our society has the necessary resources and skills either to  prevent a nationwide catastrophe in a future war or at least to alleviate its consequences. Once they have been provided with the means of defense and have been trained in their proper use, the civilians are ready to support the work of the civil defense forces.
Produced by: Polgári Védelem Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Parancsnoksága, Sportfilm Stúdió
Director: Schmidt Attila
Contributors: Fóti Pál (screenplay), Nyiri Tibor, Hegedüs Gábor (experts), Záriczky Gyula (sound engineer), Schnöller Geyza, Bárány György, Csák István, Dobrovics István, Nagypál Endre, Szitányi László (camera), Plávits Ferenc (producer)
38 minutes
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