"Operation Velence" - civil defense exercise in Fejér County



"Operation Velence" - civil defense exercise in Fejér County
The film was shot during a civil defense exercise held in Fejér County. It explains why it makes sense to prepare ourselves for wartime conditions. While the western powers keep talking about the politics of peace, they spend untold sums of money on armaments. The thirty-eight thousand civilians who took part in the exercise were able to learn how to overcome critical situations caused by environmental catastrophes or military strikes, provided that the necessary technological background is available. They found out what to pack into their suitcase in case of an evacuation and how to conduct themselves in such circumstances, and also discovered how the medical services, the food supply system and the decontamination procedures work.
Produced by: Polgári Védelem Országos Parancsnoksága, Sportfilm Stúdió
Director: Schmidt Attila
Contributors: Fóti Pál (screenplay), Szabó Tibor, Timár Sándor (experts), Domokos Attila, Scnöller Geyza (camera), Záriczky Gyula (sound engineer), Plávits Ferenc (producer)
34 minutes
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