Nuclear weapons and their effects



Nuclear weapons and their effects
The harnessing of nuclear energy is one of the major inventions of our age. It is extensively used in medical sciences and the energy sector. Although nuclear research originally began for military purposes, by now there is ample evidence of the peaceful application and great social benefits of nuclear science. Its great advantages include efficiency and safety. However, this new invention also has the potential to unleash terrible destruction. The film explains the operational principles, and also lists the different varieties, of nuclear bombs.
Produced by: Polgári Védelem Országos Parancsnoksága, Sportfilm Stúdió
Director: Schmidt Attila
Contributors: Schmidt Attila (screenplay), Dombóvári János (expert), Záriczky Gyula (sound engineer), Schnöller Geyza (camera), Tátrai (tricks), Balajthy András (producer)
26 minutes
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