The early warning of the public and the rules of conduct in emergency



The early warning of the public and the rules of conduct in emergency
Air raid warning constitutes an important part of civil defense. Because of the constant threat from the aggressive imperialist powers, the sirens can go off at any time. This why we need to know more about civil defense. In the course of our preparations for emergency situations, civil defense training founded on the principle of mutual assistance receives special emphasis. Organized defense can only be effective if the whole country is aware of the manner of warning and if the warning signal reaches everyone. This has made Kossuth Radio a crucial factor in the country's civil defense.
Produced by: Polgári Védelem Országos Parancsnoksága
Director: -
Contributors: Katócs János (screnplay), Novák László (consultant), Nagy József (dramaturg), Pölhössy István (sound engineer), G. Tóth János (camera)
11 minutes
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