Civil defense exercise in Békés CountyIn 1984 Békés County staged a comprehensive civil defense exercise, which was attended by delegates from other socialist countries. The objective of the exercise was to prepare the public for armed aggression by a foreign power. The participants studied the most effective ways of conducting the planning and execution of coordinated response at county level. The most important criteria of the exercise were efficiency and wartime application. The culmination of the event was the simulated evacuation of the town of Sarkad. In addition, the participants had a chance to display their skills in decontamination and first aid practices.
Produced by: Polgári Védelem Országos Parancsnoksága, Mafilm Katonai Stúdió
Director: Takács Gábor
Contributors: Hárshegyi György, Kiss Kálmán, Szegedi István (experts), Böjte József, Dudás István, Fazekas Zsuzsa, Harrach László, Németh László, Ormos Tibor, Sánta Andrea, Simon György, Zsoldos Bertalanné
20 minutes