Civil defense exercises for industrial sites



Civil defense exercises for industrial sites
Since factory sites constitute an important area of civil defense training, it is important that this be done with the greatest possible precision, from the preparatory phase right up to the conduct of the exercise. It must be made clear to the various civil defense units what special tasks they are expected to carry out in critical situations, so as to ensure that production continues as smoothly as possible. It is also important that people regularly brush up on their already acquired knowledge and skills in order to improve coordination. We also discover whose competence it is to invoke the various stages of the civil defense regime.
Produced by: Polgári Védelem Országos Parancsnoksága, Mafilm Katonai Stúdió
Director: Simon György
Contributors: Hárshegyi György, Lippay T. Pál, Szegedi István, Knapik László (expert), Simon György (screenplay), Böjte József (dramaturg), Pataky Iván (consultant), Dudás István (sound engineer), Szigeti Ferenc (music), Harrach László, Ormos Tibor, Sántha Andrea, ifj. Bozó Károly (staff), Fazkas Zsuzsa (editor), Placsintár András (camera), Németh László (producer)
18 minutes
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