The last chance



The last chance
Lending a helping hand to our comrades is an ancient instinct. As we all know, an accident can happen to anybody; therefore, training courses in giving first aid should be made available to everybody. The dangers that people living in a modern society need to face are far more varied than those they previously encountered at any time in history. This is why everyone must be familiar with such standard first aid techniques as resuscitation, checking the pulse rate and breathing, giving heart massage and arranging people in a stable recovery position.
Produced by: Polgári Védelem Országos Parancsnoksága, Mafilm Katonai Stúdió
Director: Glósz Róbert
Contributors: Felkai Tamás (screenplay), Gyüszü Miklós (consultant), Nagy József (dramaturg), G. Tóth János (camera), Nagy Anna (editor), Pölhössy István (sound engineer), Öreg György (producer)
10 minutes
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