The training and running of self defense organizations at the workplacesA network of civil defense units has been organized throughout the county. It is important that the individuals in charge of the various special branches should know the organizational structure of the entire civil defense force. The film explains to us what specific tasks the warning, the blackout or the evacuation special services have. We also learn what equipment is being used in the training of these specialist teams.
Produced by: Polgári Védelem Országos Parancsnoksága, Mafilm Katonai Stúdió
Director: Takács Gábor
Contributors: Pintér János, Pálvölgyi János (experts), Tóth Lajos (consultant), Molnár László (dramaturg), György Edit (editor), Simon György (camera), Kassai Tamás (sound engineer), Sárközy Endre (animation), Öreg György (producer), Börcs Sándor, Pataki Lajos, Öreg Jenő (staff), Csepel Vas- és Fémművek Polgári Védelmi Szervezete
21 minutes