The construction of improvised shelters in cellars and underground places



The construction of improvised shelters in cellars and underground places
Peace-loving people all over the five inhabited continents have realized that the existence of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons constitutes a colossal threat to our civilization. Although a growing number of people have raised their voices against the unleashing of such destructive forces, we cannot delude ourselves about living in a secure world. Therefore, all sensible citizens should feel obliged to construct a shelter inside their homes, as well as to take part in the civil defense training held at their workplace. The film tells us about the various factors that should be considered in building a shelter, such as its height from the ground and the best way to design the escape routes to guarantee a safe exit from the building.
Produced by: Építésügyi és Városfejlesztési Minisztérium Általános Szervezési Önálló Osztálya, Sportfilm Stúdió
Director: Lestár János
Contributors: Szénás László, Dombóvári János (expert), Lestár János (screenplay), Jeles György, Oroszki György (staff), Záriczky Gyula (sound engineer), Schnöller Geyza (camera)
25 minutes
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