The construction of shelters



The construction of shelters
The greatest immediate dangers in any nuclear strike are the shock wave, the intense radiation of heat and radioactive radiation. Therefore, a modern shelter should be designed so as to offer effective protection against these perils. The film suggests ways of setting up ideal shelters inside people’s homes; it also outlines the technology used to construct protective trenches. It provides detailed instructions about excavating the earth, erecting the structural beams, and insulating and fitting the shelter with the necessary equipment.
Produced by: Építésügyi és Városfejlesztési Minisztérium, Polgári Védelem Országos Parancsnoksága, Sportfilm Stúdió
Director: Schmidt Attila
Contributors: Fóti Pál (screenplay), Martosi Zoltán, Oroszky György (experts), Záriczky Gyula (sound engineer), Schnöller Geyza (camera), Plávits Ferenc (producer)
19 minutes
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