


In addition to the awesome destruction that comes in the wake of a nuclear strike, factory works must be prepared to face several other environmental cataclysms. This is the reason why young people are invited to participate in civil defense exercises. The extremely graphic depiction of destruction in the film draws attention not so much to the importance of civil defense, as to the determination of the western powers to wipe out the achievements of the young socialist countries.
Produced by: MTV KISZ Kísérleti Filmstúdió
Director: Varga Rudolf
Contributors: Plávits Ferenc (expert), Bánóczi Zoltán, Bóna Zoltán, Boczkó Tamás, Boczkó Judit, Dayka Margit, Hevesi Attila, John Gábor, Kalmár Katalin, Kaposi József, Laurenszky Anna, Mikola Károly, Nagy Péter, Payer Robert, Pászti Rita, Püspöki István, Tilesch Marietta, Timár Éva, Völgyák Katalin (actors), Bólai László, Éless Béla, Wonke Rezső, Martinidesz László (staff),  paints by Kárpáti Tamás (Háborús békeidők), Wahl Ildikó (editor), Varga Tibor, Fülöp Miklós, Kalász István (camera), Szécsy Attila (producer)
19 minutes
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