Preventive preparations I.



Preventive preparations I.
With professional foresight and careful preparations, a nation can defend itself against the devastating effects of nuclear weapons. We have to start laying the foundations of our defenses already in peacetime. We should be able to recognize the characteristic howl of the air raid siren, and we should also be familiar with the entire evacuation process, down to the smallest details. An attentive father knows how to convert his home into a shelter, or what to pack into the family’s “survival kit.” Farmers are aware of the most effective ways of protecting the livestock in their stables, or the crops in their granaries. Local civil defense commanders are prepared to make quick decisions in critical situations.
Produced by: Kohó- és Gépipari Minisztérium, Polgári Védelem Országos Parancsnoksága, Sportfilm Stúdió
Director: Schmidt Attila
Contributors: Pataky Iván (screenplay), Nyiri Tibor, Pálvölgyi János, Molnár Miklós (experts), Schnöller Geyza (camera), Plávits Ferenc (producer)
20 minutes
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