Engineering Unit! Red Alert!



Engineering Unit! Red Alert!
In case of a nuclear strike or a chemical attack, decontamination has paramount importance and should start without delay. To stage an effective defense against such an attack, we should be familiar with both the antichemical protective clothing and the proper manner of organizing and executing the decontamination procedure. In this film we learn how to check the radiation level using radiation measuring equipment, and also find out why it is a good idea to set up decontamination stations in public baths.
Produced by: Polgári Védelem Országos Parancsnoksága, Építésügyi és Városfejlesztési Minisztérium, Sportfilm
Director: Schmidt Attila
Contributors: Balogh Endre, Dr. Padányi József (experts), Fóti Pál (screenplay), Domokos Attila (camera), Záriczky Gyula (sound engineer), Spánn Gábor (producer)
16 minutes
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