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The first orientation workshop of the Contemporary Central European Theatre

Document/ary vs Postmemory international research project is to take place on 19-20 October at the OSA building at 32 Arany János utca, Budapest, 1051. The aim of the project is to reveal and examine differences between the conceptions of history based on the interpretation of documents (historical narratives) and the ideas of post-memory focused on emotional experience. The project is intended to provide a single platform for interested scholars and theatre experts to engage in a dialogue and explore such a complex problem as the theatrical representations of the past in contemporary theatre.

The event  brings together actors, critics and scholars from the Visegrad countries, presenting their ideas and discussing further project developments.

The project is organized by International Alternative Culture Center in cooperation with OSA Archivum, Polish Cultural Institute, and other project partners.

The project is financed by the International Visegrad Fund.
More details and workshop program at

ADDRESS: 1051 BUDAPEST, ARANY J. U. 32. PHONE: (36 1) 327-3250 FAX: (36 1) 327-3260 EMAIL: INFO@OSAARCHIVUM.ORG ©1995-2024
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