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Women Only

Contemporary Art Exhibition and Charity Auction Organized by the Lifeline Foundation for the Homeless


This year Lifeline Foundation organizes its traditional annual exhibition and charity auction for the 15th time. This December, however, the event will be different in both profile and theme. As the title ‘Women Only’ suggests, only female artists will participate in the exhibition and the auction, for which works have been selected by art historians. Information on the pieces (previous exhibitions, reproductions, prizes) can be found both in the catalogue and on our website.

With this year’s event, we would like to start a new tradition: in addition to inviting only high quality art (several of the works have won the Strabag and Essl Prizes), we place special emphasis on communicating with our public. Besides a printed catalogue, the material of the exhibition and the auction can be seen on a separate homepage (

The exhibition focuses on the many types of artwork that women do. The purpose of the exhibition is to make the visitor wonder if there is such a thing as “typically female art” and if it is possible to tell whether the creator of an artwork is a woman or a man. Is our appreciation of art influenced by the sex of the creator?

The exhibition will show that women are present on all the scenes of contemporary art, be it figurative or abstract, photographic or sculptural, and brings together different generations of contemporary Hungarian female artists, and a range of genres, from geometric abstract work (Judith Nemes) to video installation (Diána Keller).

Some of the pieces address political or social problems (Lilla Boros-Lőrinc), while others represent expressionist art or female sensitivity, or are geometrical abstract works lacking any kind of subjectivity.  The exhibition presents the whole palette of genres and execution of works. Colors and shapes are not always transferred to canvas in the traditional manner either: Márta Kucsora pours diluted paint on the surface to imitate nature.

Several of the exhibitors, such as Daniela Bikácsi, Éva Köves and Erzsébet Vojnich are renowned artists.  Others, like Anikó Basa and Rita Bolla Rita have just begun their careers while Zsófi Barabás, Judit Rabóczky, Zsuzsa Moizer and Nóra Soós are young but already established artists.

Women Only will be opened on December 8, 2010, at 6 pm in Galeria Centralis.


 Opening speeches will be delivered by István Vásárhelyi, President of the Board of the Lifeline Foundation for the Homeless, and István Rév, Director of OSA Archivum.

Special guest for the evening will be Zsuzsa Koncz.

After the opening the Curators will lead a guided tour.

Curators: Rita Somosi, Zsuzsanna Szentandrási-Sós

The exhibition runs from December 8 to 18 2010.

Opening hours of Galeria Centralis (1051 Budapest, V. Arany János u. 32): 10 am to 6 pm, Tuesday to Sunday, closed on Monday.
Free entry.

The auction will take place on December 18, 2010, Saturday, at 11am. Auctioneer: Diana Marsó, expert of ARTE Galéria.

While the exhibition is on, guided tours can be booked at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

For further information and the online catalogue see the webpage:

Exhibiting artists:

Anikó Basa, Csilla Bondor, Eszter Balás, Zsófi Barabás, Borbála Blahó, Rita Bolla, Daniela Bikácsi, Lilla Borsos-Lőrinc, Eszter Csurka, Szilvia Cseh, Mária Chilf, Anett Lilla Hegedűs, Viktória Hitka, Ágnes Kontra, Márta Kanics, Diána Keller, Márta Kucsora, Éva Köves, Eszter Korcsmár, Emőke Kerekes, Lola Kovács, Melinda László, Zsuzsa Moizer, Judit Nemes, Melitta Németh, Gabriella Nagy, Noémi Páhi-Fekete, Rita Judit Rabóczky, Anikó Robitz, Ágnes Szépfalvi, Klára Petra Szabó, Eszter Ágnes Szabó, Dorottya Szabó, Eszter Sipos, Nóra Soós, Andrea Sztojánovits, Claudia Tamási, Bíbor Tímkó, Erzsébet Vojnich

ADDRESS: 1051 BUDAPEST, ARANY J. U. 32. PHONE: (36 1) 327-3250 FAX: (36 1) 327-3260 EMAIL: INFO@OSAARCHIVUM.ORG ©1995-2024
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