2010. November 8. 18:00
OSA Archívum, V. Arany János u. 32.
Magánélet (Mikhail Bogin, USA, 1980, 31 perc)
A világháború előtti Németországot elhagyó befutott zsidó színész késői szerelme. A Szovjetunióból emigrált Mikhail Bogin első amerikai filmje.
A film után beszélgetés Peter Almod producerrel.
A teljes program angol nyelvű.
A vetítés ingyenes.
2010. November 9. 18:00
OSA Archívum, V. Arany János u. 32.
Összeomlás (1990, 100 perc, orosz és ukrán nyelvű, angol felirattal)
Az elbeszélés, a dokumentumfilm, a kamaradráma és a tudományos fantasztikus műfajokat elegyítő film közvetlenül az 1986-os csernobili atomerőmű-robbanás utáni időkről. Házaspárok, barátok és egy vakmerő újságíró a katasztrófa tágabb összefüggéseinek szövevényében.
A film után beszélgetés Peter Almod producerrel.
A teljes program angol nyelvű.
A vetítés ingyenes.
2010. November 10. 17:30
CEU Auditórium V. Nádor u. 9.
13 nap (Roger Donaldson, USA, 2001, 145 perc)
A film az óriási amerikai elnöki hatalommal járó veszélyeket mutatja be a kubai rakéta-válságot övező kapkodáson, feszültségen és bénító zűrzavaron keresztül.
A film után beszélgetés Peter Almod producerrel. A teljes program angol nyelvű.
A vetítés ingyenes.
Moderator: Oksana Sarkisova (OSA Archivum)
November 9, 2010, 6 pm
OSA Archivum, V. Arany Janos u. 32
Raspad (Mikhail Belikov, 1990, 100 min, in Russian with English subtitles)
“Raspad” is Russian for collapse or deterioration. This Ukrainian-US co-production was made with the Soviet Government approval in 1989-90, before the actual breakup of the Soviet Union. The film is a mixture evocative of epics, documentaries, intimate drama, and science fiction centering around a journalist (Shakurov) who has just returned from assignment in Greece to his home in Kiev. On the evening of the disaster, the journalist makes plans for a future visit with a friend who happens to be a worker at Chernobyl -- and will soon have the distinction of being its very first victim -- while a young couple (Serebriakov and Mogilevskaya) unsuccessfully attempt to have the young woman's elderly grandfather permanently institutionalized before their wedding. At once intimate and epic, Raspad possesses tremendous scope and comparable energy and fervor. Shot on actual locations in Kiev, and in and around Chernobyl itself, Raspad raises itself to cinematic brilliance through rich performances and memorable, textured moments that grip the viewer in light of the accident's ramifications: a probable excess of 2,000,000 victims, including 7,000 to 10,000 dead.
Director: Mikhail Belikov / Scriptwriters: Mikhail Belikov, Oleg Pridhodko / Cinematographers: Alexander Shagayev, Vassili Truschkovski / Music: Igor Senchuk / Producers: Mikhail Kostiukovski, Peter O. Almond / cast: Sergei Shakurov, Tatiana Kochemasova, Stanislav Stankevich, Georgi Drozd / 100 min / in Russian and Ukrainian with English subtitles
Free of charge.
After the screening - discussion with Peter Almond, producer.
November 10, 2010, 5.30 pm
CEU Auditorium (www.ceu.hu)
13 Days (Roger Donaldson, USA, 2001, 145 min)
The power and peril of the American presidency is dramatically explored in this historical drama that captures the urgency, suspense and paralyzing chaos of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
In October, 1962, U-2 surveillance photos reveal that the Soviet Union is in the process of placing nuclear weapons in Cuba. These weapons have the capability of wiping out most of the Eastern and Southern United States in minutes if they become operational. President John F. Kennedy and his advisors must come up with a plan of action against the Soviets. Kennedy is determined to show that he is strong enough to stand up to the threat, and the Pentagon advises U.S. military strikes against Cuba--which could lead the way to another U.S. invasion of the island. However, Kennedy is reluctant to follow through, because a U.S. invasion could cause the Soviets to retaliate in Europe. A nuclear showdown appears to be almost inevitable. Can it be prevented?
Director: Roger Donaldson / based on the book by: Ernest R. May, Philip D. Zelikow / scriptwriter: David Self
Music by: Trevor Jones / camera: Andrzej Bartkowiak, Roger Deakins, Christopher Duddy / cast: Shawn Driscoll, Kevin Costner, Drake Cook, Lucinda Jenney, Caitlin Wachs, Jon Foster, Bruce Thomas, Stephanie Romanov, Bruce Greenwood, Karen Ludwig / 145 min / in English
Introduced by John Shattuck, CEU President and Rector
Free of charge. After the screening - discussion with Peter Almond, producer.