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Subjective Budapest Maps

The jury has reviewed the submissions and selected the finalists.

13 of the 40 submissions were shortlisted. These works will be on display in Galeria Centralis, OSA Archives from October 20, 2010.
The professional jury consists of:

Imre Dózsa, communications executive, Nav N Go
Gábor Gyáni, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, academic counselor at the Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Szilvia Seres, media artist, aesthetician, curator of the exhibition
Zoltán Szegedy-Maszák, media artist, deputy rector of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts
András Török, cultural historian, Summa-Artium

Finalist projects:

Zoltán Berei - Gergő Barcsai: Boulder Metro
Dániel Feles - Krisztián Gergely - Attila Bujdosó: SUBmap
Tamás Liszka: Budapest Sound Map
Dóra Matyus: Budapest Blood Map Network
Kristóf Nagy: Street Names
Judit Navratil: Chicago and Associates
Róza Schmal: Street Finder
Dodelin Sophie: Places that Do Not Exist Any Longer
Júlia Székely - Balázs Keszegh: The Political Map of the Past Twenty Years
Éva Fisli - Júlia Róbert - Piroska Varga: Hidden Networks as They Exist in the Minds of the Blind
István Lévai: Network of Contacts in Budapest at the Millennium
Szigethy Anna: Subjective Budapest
Tillmann Hanna: City of Brothers

The second round will take place in mid-September, 2010.


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