OSA Archivum organizes a public hearing to discuss the selection and appointment of the new Chief Director of the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security Services and on the issue of open access to files.
Time: February 23, 2010, 4 pm
Venue: OSA Archivum, Bp., 5th district Arany János u. 32.The hearing will provide a forum for historians, advocates of free public access to files and the one-time victims of the security services to raise and discuss issues concerning the Historical Archives and the files.
Moderator: József Gulyás MP
The Speaker of the Parliament advertised the post of
Chief Director of the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security. Three candidates applied for the post:
György Gyarmati, the current chief director, László Varga, the one-time chief director of the Budapest City Archives and
colonel György Markó, president of the predecessor of the Historical Archives. The Speaker convened a committee hearing (the State Security Committee and the Cultural and Media Committee are the competent committees specified by law) only for György Gyarmati; László Varga and György Markó were rejected without being heard.