New Research on the Soviet Union and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
Public seminar by Daniel Kowalsky, Queen's University, Belfast.
March 19 (Wednesday), 2008 at 5pm
Daniel Kowalsky (Oregon, USA, 1966) read history and classics at the University of Oregon before taking advanced degrees at the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A specialist in 20th-century Spain and interwar diplomatic history, Kowalsky’s thesis focused on Soviet involvement in the Spanish Civil War, and was awarded the American Historical Association’s Gutenberg-e Prize in 2001. The revised manuscript was published on both sides of the Atlantic: with Columbia University Press and Editorial Crítica. He has also published an anthology of new research on the Spanish Civil War for St. James Press and has written on fringe cinema during the democratic transition in Spain. His next book, which will be published by Manchester University Press, treats the legacy of the Spanish Civil War across Europe. In addition to his teaching and publication schedule, Kowalsky is a regular participant in research seminars in Dublin, Paris, London and Madrid. He has held teaching posts in the history departments at Washington University in St Louis, the American University in Cairo and the University of Bristol. As a guest speaker, he has appeared at campuses throughout Europe, North America, Africa and Oceania. He is currently lecturer in European Studies at Queen’s University-Belfast.