Notice on the audio recordings
None of the tapes of the New York witness hearings have been preserved. (The English transcripts of these testimonies are available here.) With a few exceptions, the recordings of the European testimonies survived in full length, of which we are publishing three-minute excerpts on our website. Those family members or researchers, who wish to access complete audio recordings of particular witnesses, can do it in person in OSA's Research Room, or by sending a letter of request to:
After a preliminary screening based on the best available information, members of the UN Special Committee on the Problem of Hungary arranged for the first round of hearings, which were conducted in the New York headquarters of the United Nations and involved thirty-five witnesses. After this the Committee traveled to Europe, where between March 11 and April 16, 1957 they heard the testimonies of a further 76 witnesses.
Finding and interviewing witnesses was by no means a simple task for the members of the Committee. The first witnesses who were heard in public sessions in New York (Anna Kéthly, Béla Király and József Kővágó), themselves recommended names of people for further hearings. In addition, the governments of several Western countries (Italy, France, Denmark, Great Britain and Belgium), along with individual interviewees in Europe, made still more recommendations. And besides all these, over two hundred refugees replied in writing to the Committee’s invitation, volunteering to give evidence, and some of these, too, were given the chance to appear before the Committee. [+]
UN Headquarters
(January 28-March 5, 1957)
Fónagy, Dezső (February 13)
member of a workers' council
Horváth, János (February 19)
economist, member of the Independent Smallholders' Party
Ipoly, Zoltán (February 14)
member of a workers' council and the Worker's Parliament of Budapest
Jaszlics, Iván (February 23)
Kéthly, Anna (January 28 and February 1)
President of the Social Democratic Party, Ambassador to the UN, Minister of State
Király, Béla (January 29, February 2 and 5)
Major General, commander of the National Guard
Kiss, Sándor (February 15 and March 5)
professor of philosophy, an organizer of the Independent Smallholders' Party and leader of the Peasant Alliance
Kővágó, József (January 29 and February 5)
former mayor of Budapest
László, János (March 5)
former German Army officer and prisoner of Siberian and Hungarian labor camps
Marer, [Márer?] Pál (March 1)
Pongrátz, Ödön (February 8)
one of the leaders of the Corvin Alley group
Szentadorjány, Gyula (February 22)
member of the Independent Smallholders’ Party and the Revolutionary Council of Hungary
Szörényi, Éva (February 14)
actress, member of the Revolutionary Committee of the Hungarian National Theater
Török, István (February 26)
member of the Revolutionary Council of Transdanubia
Witness A (February 11)
Social Democrat
Witness B (February 11)
self-educated writer and factory worker from a village on the Czechoslovak side of the border
Witness C (February 13)
electrical technician and student, member of the Postal Trade Union
Witness D (February 19)
Witness E (February 20)
Witness F (February 22)
deported to the Soviet Union during the revolution
Witness G (February 23)
Witness H (February 23)
medical doctor
Witness I (February 25)
degree in law and animal husbandry, employee of the Ministry of Agriculture
Witness J (February 25)
Witness K (February 25)
Major in the regular Hungarian Army
Witness L (February 26)
electrician and freedom fighter
Witness M (February 26)
Red Cross volunteer
Witness N (February 27)
mechanical engineer
Witness O (February 27)
mechanical engineer
Witness P (February 28 and March 2)
ormer heavyweight boxer, a Social Democrat, a confidant and secretary to Prime Minister Imre Nagy
Witness Q (March 1)
member of the Dunapentele Revolutionary Council
Witness R (March 1)
film director, newspaper correspondent and photographer
Witness S (March 4)
university student
Witness T (March 4)
Witness U (March 4)
mechanical engineer and secondary school teacher
Witness V (March 5)
Palais des Nations
(March 11-15, 1957)
Benjámin, Olivér dr. (March 11)
member of the Social Democratic Party and Secretary General of the Hungarian Revolutionary Council
Shawcross, Hartley William (March 13)
representative of the the International Commission of Jurists
Szarka, Gábor (March 15)
political scientist, politician and member of the Hungarian National Peasant Party
Witness W (March 11)
medical doctor and member of the Corvin Alley group
Witness X [Heltai, György] (March 12, 14 and 15)
Witness Y (March 15)
Palazzo dei Congressi
(March 18-21, 1957)
Buri, István (March 20)
Commander of the National Guard in Csepel
Értékes, József (March 19-20)
Deputy Commander of the National Guard in Csepel
Forgács, István (March 20-21)
political secretary to Minister Zoltán Tildy
Gosztonyi, Pál (March 18)
mechanical engineer
Gyimesi, Ferenc (March 21)
commander at the Dunapentele Barracks
Legáth, Tibor (March 20)
liaison officer to Béla Király
Szalay, Dénes (March 19)
architect, President of the Revolutionary Council in the 14th district in Budapest
Várfalvi, Lajos (March 18-19, and April 4 in Geneva)
president of the Revolutionary Council in South Budapest
Witness Z (March 20)
member of the Independent Smallholders' Party
Witness AA (March 20)
university student and first-aid nurse
Witness BB (March 20)
medical doctor
[Palais Palffy], 1 Wallnerstrasse 6A
(March 25-27, 1957)
Sebestyén, György (March 27)
literary editor
Witness CC [Lengyel, Antal] (March 25)
member of Presidency of the Social Democrat Party, editor of Szabolcs Szatmár Népe, imprisoned shortly by the Soviets
Witness DD (March 25)
freedom fighter
Witness FF (March 25)
freedom fighter deported to a Soviet prison
Witness HH (March 25)
lawyer and member of the Revolutionary Council in Veszprém
Witness II (March 25-26)
member of the Revolutionary Council in a Transdanubian village
Witness JJ (March 26)
student at the Technical University in Budapest
Witness KK (March 26)
chauffeur and truck driver, secretary and deputy chairman of the hotel and restaurant workers' revolutionary committee
Witness LL (March 26)
temporary worker at a hospital
Witness MM (March 26)
freedom fighter deported to a Soviet prison
Witness NN (March 26)
stenographer at the Free Radio of Gyõr
Witness OO (March 26)
member of the revolutionary committee of painters and artists
Witness PP (March 26)
high school student in Budapest
Witness QQ (March 27)
captured and interrogated by the ÁVH, then deported to the Soviet Union
Witness RR (March 27)
Witness SS (March 27)
Witness TT (March 27)
volunteer first-aid worker and nurse
Witness UU (March 27)
Witness VV (March 27)
Witness XX [Kassa, Péter] (March 27)
Witness YY (March 27)
Witness ZZ (March 27)
Witness AAA (March 27)
typist and stenographer for the ÁVH
Witness BBB (March 27)
composer and music critic
Witness CCC (March 27)
deputy-commander of the freedom fighters of Buda
Witness DDD (March 27)
prosecutor in the office of the Chief Prosecutor
Witness EEE (March 27)
retired major
Witness FFF (March 27)
secretary of the revolutionary workers' council in Csepel
Witness GGG (March 27)
[British Academy], 10, Carlton House Terrace
(March 29-April 1, 1957)
Hadik, János [pen name] (March 30)
engineer in a uranium mine
Hódi, Sándor (March 30)
newspaperman, editor of Igazság
Pálóczi-Horváth, György (March 30 and April 1)
writer and historian
Witness HHH [Ignotus, Pál] (March 29)
writer and journalist
Witness III [Zádor, Pál] (March 29)
student of mathematics at the University of Debrecen
Witness JJJ [Zádor, István] (March 29)
economist from Győr
Witness KKK (March 30)
member of the revolutionary workers' council in Gyõr
Witness LLL (March 30)
a woman living on Bródy Sándor Street
Witness MMM (April 1)
lawyer and member of the Independent Smallholders' Party
Palais des Nations
(April 3-15, 1957)
Havas, Gábor (April 5)
prominent Social Democrat
Horváth, Géza (April 3)
medical doctor, commander of a fighting group in the Mecsek
Oltványi, [László] (April 5)
chemical engineer
Pásztory, Tibor (April 5 and 6)
economic advisor to Zoltán Tildy, Minister of State
Várfalvi, Lajos (April 4, third hearing) -> see also Rome, March 18-19
Witness NNN (April 3)
leading member of the Revolutionary Council in Gyõr
Witness OOO (April 3)
professor of law, commander of the university National Guard and member of the Independent Smallholders' Party
Witness PPP (April 6 and 8)
engineer and professor at the Budapest Technical University
Witness QQQ (April 6)
chauffeur from Miskolc
Witness RRR (April 8 and 10)
illegal communist since 1938, freedom fighter from Zugló
Witness SSS (April 10)
former politician of the Independent Smallholders' Party
Witness TTT (April 10)
Witness UUU (April 10)
assistant film director with Jean Renoir
Witness VVV (April 11)
MP and and member of the Independent Smallholders' Party
Witness WWW (April 11)
member in exile of the Greater Budapest Central Workers' Council
Witness XXX [Magos, Gábor] (April 15)
agrarian engineer and college professor, head of the Soroksár State Farm